Title: Positive Behavior Support PBS
1Positive Behavior Support (PBS)
2PBS Mission
- The Positive Behavior Support team will
empower teachers and other adults with the skills
needed to improve overall classroom and school
climate to achieve higher academic performance
for all students.
3Guiding Principles
- All students are valuable and deserve respect.
- All students can be taught to demonstrate
appropriate behavior.
- Punishment does not work to change behavior.
- School climate is a shared responsibility among
administrators, teachers, staff,
students and families.
4Guiding Principles
- School personnel must be willing to examine their
own behavior as students are taught to change
- Cultural differences exist and need to be
- Positive relationships between students and
adults are key to student success.
5Supporting Social Competence ( Academic
Supporting Decision Making
Supporting Staff Behavior
Positive Behavior Support
Supporting Student Behavior
6Tertiary Prevention Specialized Individual Syst
ems for Students with High-Risk Behavior
Secondary Prevention Specialized Group Systems
for Students with At-Risk Behavior
Primary Prevention School-/Classroom- Wide Syst
ems for
All Students, Staff, Settings
80 of Students
7Foundations of PBS
- Focused on building sustainable change (3 to 5
year process)
- Tailored to the unique needs of each individual
- Data-based decision making
8Features of PBS
- Clearly defined expectations
- Teaching component for behavior
- Reinforcing appropriate behavior
- Correcting problem behavior
- Interventions for challenging behaviors
9Traditional Discipline vs. PBS
- Traditional Discipline
- Focuses on the students problem behavior
- Goal is to stop undesirable behavior, through the
use of punishment
- Primarily reactive
- Positive Behavior Support
- Replaces undesired behavior with a new behavior
or skill
- PBS alters environments, teaches appropriate
skills, and rewards appropriate behavior.
- Primarily proactive
- Each school is assigned a PBS Coach
- Seven days of module training throughout the
school year
- Universals
- Creating and teaching expectations
- Routines and procedures
- Reinforcement/effective consequences
- Strategies for students with at-risk behaviors
- Individualized support
- Ongoing staff development at schools
11(No Transcript)
12Initial Outcomes
13Fuller Elementary School (cohort 1) Office
14Hours Gained
- Assuming a minimum of 20 minutes of administrator
time per referral, this school has gained 76
hours of administrator time
- Assuming 30 minutes out of class per student for
each referral, this school has gained 114 hours
of instruction
15Cohort 1 Reedy Creek Elementary Office Referrals
16Cohort 2Ligon Middle School Office Referral Data
17Cohort 1 Total Elementary Office Referral Data
18Hours Gained
- Assuming a minimum of 20 minutes of administrator
time per referral, cohort 1 elementary schools
gained 158 hours of administrator time
- Assuming 30 minutes out of class per student for
each referral, these schools have also gained 238
hours of instruction
19Elementary Suspension Data
20Instructional Hours Gained
- Assuming a minimum of one day per
- suspension, PBS schools
- have saved a total of 924
- instructional hours!
21Cohort 1 Middle Schools Short Term Suspensions
22Cohort Two Middle School Short Term Suspensions
23Tardy Data Fuquay-Varina High School
- Key points
- Rigorous 3 to 5 year process
- Requires active administrative involvement
- One of the top three priorities for the school
- Ongoing faculty commitment
- Open to new ideas and embrace change
25A Final Thought
- If a student doesnt know how to read, we teach.
- If a student doesnt know how to swim, we teach.
- If a student doesnt know how to multiply, we
- If a student doesnt know how to drive, we
- If a student doesnt know how to behave, we
John Ringo, Coordinator Eric Chaplin Patrice Har
dy Mitzi Safrit Laura Winter Laura Phipps Javi
er Martinez