Title: An Overview of the PMI
1- An Overview of the PMI
- Pharmaceutical SIG
- (Specific Interest Group)
2PMI at a glance
- Started in 1969
- Almost 154,000 members
- 30 Chartered SIGs - 48,673 members
- 2 Chartered Colleges - 2,962 members
- 240 Chartered Chapters - 117,397 members
- PMBOK an ANS and ANSI standard
- Training and Development courses
- PMI Today, PM Network, PM Journal
- PMP certification - 105,008 PMPs entire program
- PMP certification - 31,329 PMPs in 2004
- - 2,961 in Jan
Source PMI Today March 2005 through Jan 2005
3Pharmaceutical SIG at a Glance
- Organized in 1981, Officially chartered in 1995
- 1,753 members, 544 PMPs (Feb 2005)
- Cost - 20
- Focus on projects unique to pharmaceutical,
biotech, medical device and diagnostics
industries - A Charter Member as a Registered Education
4Leading to a Healthier World
- The Pharmaceutical SIG provides a unique
opportunity for project management professionals
in the pharmaceutical, bio-tech, contract
research, medical device and diagnostics
industries to network with and learn from one
- Recognized as THE resource by and for the
pharmaceutical/biotech industry for project
management professionals education, networking
and thought leadership. - To provide a forum for networking and the
exchange of ideas and information with fellow
professionals. - To advance state-of-the-art techniques in project
management. - To enhance the skills and knowledge of the
project management professional in the health
care industry.
6Board of Directors
- Chair Patricia Hopkinson, Quo Vadis
- First Vice Chair Randy Dunson, Duke Clinical
Research Inst. - Vice Chair, Finance Ellis Wilson, AstraZeneca
Pharmaceuticals - Vice Chair, Marketing Jann Nielsen, Wyeth
Pharmaceuticals - Vice Chair, Newsletter Dailey Doss, SAP America
- Vice Chair, Programs Stephen Kuprel, FDA
- Vice Chair, Web Site Eric Morfin, Chiron
- Immediate Past Chair Luis Cabassa-Latoni,
7Appointed Officers
- William Allbee
- Brian Barnes
- Anita Chan
- Boyan Doganov
- Kimm Galbraith
- Michael Jacobson
- Art Liem
- Jean Lieverman
- James McDonough
- Mike Mencer
- John Minogue
- Bob Sturm
- Andrew Tam
- Mark Taras
- Steve Vinson
- Ming-Yu Wong
- Julie Zimmerman
8Official SIG Meetings
- Monthly board meetings by teleconference
- Annual general meeting of the SIG at annual SIG
conference - Additional meetings at other SIG-sponsored
meetings and PMI Congress
9PMI Pharmaceutical SIG2004 Strategic Plan
Initiatives2004 Accomplishments2005 Goals
- Randy Dunson, MBA, PMP
- First Vice Chair
- April 2005
102004 Strategic Plan Initiatives
- Industry benchmarking and salary survey
- Web site upgrade
- Increase focus on EU
- Local Interest Groups partnering
- Pursue alliances between SIG and other groups
(DIA, etc.) - Pharmaceutical Project Management text
- Recognition of SIG volunteer stars
112004 Initiatives Accomplishments
- Increase focus on EU
- Searching for an EU-based resource to serve as
conduit for EU efforts - Investigating opportunities for
collaborating/conducting EU conference(s) in
122004 Initiatives Accomplishments
- Local Interest Groups
- Establish partnering guidelines
- Questionnaire development
- Potential partnerships
- San Francisco
- UK
- Toronto
132004 Initiatives Accomplishments
- Pursue alliances between SIG and other groups
- First alliance DIA
- First joint DIA/PMI SIG meeting in Feb 2005
- Possible future activities
- Surveys
- Publications
- Comprehensive training programs
142004 Initiatives Accomplishments
- Pharmaceutical Project Management Text
- Outline for text completed
- Four potential chapter authors identified
searching for additional authors - Writing to start this year
- Will hire technical writer to ensure consistency
within chapters
152004 Initiatives Accomplishments
- Recognition of SIG volunteer stars
- Ongoing effort
16Volunteer Special Recognition
- Bill Allbee
- SIG Webmaster 2001-2004
- Initial web site development in 2001
- Website redesign in 2004
- Bob Sturm
- SIG Appointed Officer
- New member welcome packets since 2002
- Networking Directory since 2002
172004 Strategic Plan Initiatives
- Other Initiatives Identified
- Work with PMI to gain access to more PM content
for educational purposes - Identify 1-2 key opinion leaders and get them
linked to the SIG - Align with Senior Management stakeholders
- Build partnership with regulatory agencies
- Reestablish round table discussions
18 PMI Pharmaceutical SIGMarketing2004
Accomplishments2005 Goals
- Jann Nielsen, Ph.D.
- Vice Chair
- April 2005
192004 Accomplishments
- Values survey analyzed
- Suggest ways that SIG can increase value to
members - 142 responses
- Major findings
- Conduct Webinars
- Conduct more local events
- Add Network Directory to Web site
- OK for newsletter to be distributed on Web site
- Results in feature article in newsletter
202004 Accomplishments
- Increase membership 25
- Membership increase
- 1996 242
- 2002 1226 (23 increase)
- 2003 1572 (28 increase)
- 2004 1718 (9 increase)
- Send out welcome packets to all new SIG members
- Ongoing (Bob Sturm)
212004 Accomplishments
- Network Directory on Web site
- Done (Bob Sturm)
- Develop new promotional item
- New promotional item not needed (will be needed
in 2005) - Start new marketing initiative (dependent on
volunteer) - Volunteer Julie Zimmerman to work on next
benchmarking survey
222005 Goals
- Benchmarking survey
- Julie to manage
- Conduct values survey
- Develop promotional item
- Continue welcome packets
- Increase membership gt 10
23 PMI Pharmaceutical SIGPrograms2004
Accomplishments2005 Goals
- Steve Kuprel, PMP
- Vice Chair
- April 2005
242004 Accomplishments
- Promoted training and learning opportunities
- Established annual SIG meeting outside of PMI
Congress (with IIR, Patti Hopkinson) - Sponsored Project Management in Drug Development
training courses (with PTi) (Board/AO) - Discovery and Preclinical Course offered Q3 04
- 2nd course offering targeted for Q4 05
- Provided speakers for SIG-sponsored events (Board
members) - Provided job and educational opportunities to
members via Web site
252004 Accomplishments
- Increased focus on partnerships
- Established cooperative events
- Survey with Terrance Cooke-Davies
- Established DIA-Pharmaceutical SIG dialog and
co-sponsored annual Project Mgmt., Finance and
Outsourcing Conference (Randy Dunson)
262004 Accomplishments
- Other
- Established criteria for sponsorship of
pharmaceutical and project management events - Provided administrative support to all SIG-
sponsored events - Established REP program for SIG (Eric Morfin)
- Reviewed IIR and DIA seminar materials for PDU
assignment - Completed SIG flyers for PMI Congresses
272005 Goals
- Expand outreach into local/regional chapters
- Toronto (in conjunction with PMI NA Congress)
- NJ Chapter Symposium May 2
- RTP Chapter Meeting Sep
- Broaden Webinar sources
- Co-sponsor two meetings for members
- Continue Advisory Board for PTi PM training
course development - Provide PDUs at all joint SIG events
- Review Alliance Strategy
28 PMI Pharmaceutical SIGNewsletter2004
Accomplishments2005 Goals
- Dailey Doss, PMP
- Vice Chair
- April 2005
292004 Accomplishments
- Successful transition of newsletter to electronic
format - Maintained newsletter sponsorship with PTi/IIR
- Generated newsletter advertising revenues of
302005 Goals
- Improve upon successful transition of newsletter
to electronic format - Color
- Graphics
- Links
- Ensure continued sponsorship of Newsletter to
minimize costs - Renew interest and readership of newsletter
- Determine baseline for improvement opportunities
312005 Goals
- Improve article submissions by actively pursuing
submissions with PDU credits and other positive
influences - Work with Membership Coordinator and Web Master
to identify and announce membership initiatives - Best practices
- Identify for newsletter development
- Identify opportunities for incorporation into
newsletter publication - Implement those approved by Board
32 PMI Pharmaceutical SIGWeb Site2004
Accomplishments2005 Goals
- Eric Morfin, PMP
- Vice Chair
- April 2005
332004 Accomplishments
- Web site upgrade completed according to members
needs - Draft acceptance criteria for Web site materials
completed - Letter to membership
- Web site upgrade and move to virtual organization
completed - Volunteers
- Six positions created and advertised
- Eight volunteers recruited
342004 Accomplishments
- Webinar vendor analysis performed and vendor
selected - First three live Webinars conducted
- First audio-conference recorded and posted
352005 Goals
- Continue to deliver one live Webinar per month
- Expand live Webinar concept
- Pre-recorded
- Audio conferences
- Video recordings
- Explore partnership opportunities
- Recordings with outside organizations
- Explore developing for fee offerings and
section on Web site for members and non-members
362005 Goals
- Develop resources/recordings strategy
- Free access for members
- Potential Fee access for members
- Populate resources section with information of
value to members - Develop Webinar on SIG value proposition for
broadcast to general public - Investigate Web site improvements
- Payment processing capability
- Minimize email failure rate
- Increase reliability
37 PMI Pharmaceutical SIGFinance2004 Actual
Financials2005 Projected Financials
- Ellis Wilson
- Vice Chair
- April 2005
382004 Financials
- Beginning Balance 34,687
- Expenses 19,658
- Income 35,360
- Closing Balance 50,389
392005 Financials
- Beginning Balance 50,389
- Projected Expenses 59,650
- Projected Income 40,500
- Projected Closing Balance 31,239
40- What Can You Do?
- Patti Hopkinson
- Chair
41Volunteer Recruitment
- We need volunteers to accomplish our goals!!
- Contacts
- Jann Nielsen at 484-865-5700 or
nielsej_at_wyeth.com - Patti Hopkinson at 518-523-0335 or
- We need feedback to
- design products
- produce programs
- streamline processes
- recruit more people into the Pharmaceutical SIG
- implement ideas that allow participation across
geographical lines
43How to Join?
- Go to the PMI Web site at http//www.pmi.org
- Join online
- Download membership application
- Cost is 119 USD annually plus 10 new member
application fee to join PMI - Pharmaceutical SIG membership cost is 20 USD
annually in addition to PMI dues - Local chapter dues are extra
44Questions and Comments