Title: More on Raytracing
1More on Raytracing
2Holidays Lectures, Labs, etc
- Easter break next week.
- I will be away from Friday 7th to Sunday 23rd
April (inclusive). - No lectures or tutorial during the first week
after the break. - There WILL be a lab during that week.
3Laboratory exercises
- This week parametric equations and
intersections. Read up lectures and attend
tutorial today. - Next (logical) week Colour and Lighting. Read
relevant chapters.
4Ray Casting recapitulation
? pixels in screen do Shoot ray p from the
eye through the pixel. Find closest
ray-object intersection. Get colour at
5Ray Casting recapitulation
? pixels in screen do Shoot ray p from the
eye through the pixel. Find closest
ray-object intersection. Get colour at
6Ray Casting recapitulation
? pixels in screen do Shoot ray p from the
eye through the pixel. Find closest
ray-object intersection. Get colour at
intersection ? Illumination model
7Types of rays
- Primary rays light directly to a pixel.
- Shadow rays aka light-seeking rays.
- Reflection rays bring light reflected from
another surface. - Transmission rays bring light through an object.
8Ambient light
- Ambient light comes from all directions and is
reflected in all directions. - The intensity and colour depend only the
properties of the surface colour and
9Ambient light
- I Iaka
- where
- Ia is the intensity of the ambient light,
- and
- ka is the ambient constant of the surface (0-1).
10Perfect reflection
The angle between the incoming ray and the
surface normal is maintained for the outgoing ray.
11Diffuse reflection
- An ideal diffuse (Lambertian) reflector (e.g.
chalk) is the simplest to model. - Incoming light is scattered equally in all
directions, so brightness does not depend on the
viewing direction.
12Diffuse reflection
- Reflected brightness depends on the direction and
brightness of illumination (cos of light/normal
13Diffuse reflection
14Diffuse reflection
15Lambertian illumination
- Use Lamberts law, which says the intensity of
the reflected energy (light) depends upon the
angle between the incoming light and the surface
normal. - The intensity is view independent!
16Lambertian illumination
- I ILkd N.L
- where
- IL is the intensity of the light source,
- and
- kd is the diffuse constant of the surface (0-1).
17Illumination equation
- The colour of a pixel is determined by a
combination of ambient (background) illumination
and Lambertian reflection. - Thus I Iaka ILkd N.L
18Specular reflection
- Shiny surfaces reflect light coherently in a
narrow beam around the true reflected ray. - If your eye is in that cone, the surface looks
brighter (a highlight).
19Specular reflection
- Specular reflection isnt perfect so the
highlight is a blob with bright-ness reducing
gradually away from the center.
20Specular reflection
The width of the reflective cone depends upon the
smoothness of the surface.
21Specular reflection
- We can model this behavior using the Phong
illumination model - I kP cosn?
- where ? is the angle between the ray and the
direction of true reflection to the eye.
22Specular reflection
23Diffuse and specular reflection
I Ilkd(cos? kP cosn?) I Ilkd(L.N) kP
24Full illumination model
I Iaka ?j ILj(kd(L.N) kP(R.V )n)
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43Phong Model Demos
- http//www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/richard/research-topi
cs/PhongApplet/PhongDemoApplet.html - http//www.eml.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/member/jrs/
nis/javaexampl/phong/phong.html - http//www.siggraph.org/education/materials/
HyperGraph/illumin/javaprog/shadesame.html - http//www.eye.ch/mduerig/phong/Phong.html
44Next Lecture
Refraction and Shadows