Title: Title: Energy Efficient Greenhouse Lighting
1Title Energy Efficient Greenhouse Lighting
- Name of speaker David Rogers
- Company BC Hydro
2Speaker Name David Rogers
- Bio - I came to Canada to design the worlds
first indoor food factory. For the past 12 years
I have worked enthusiastically as BC Hydros
Agricultural Specialist. I see greenhouse
lighting as a marketing tool, like a high
performance formula-1 racing car but its the
drivers skill which wins the race.
3Presentation Greenhouse Lighting
14 MW New Greenhouse Lighting Load 20
GWh/yr in savings
4Presentation Need for Light
5Baseline - Conventional Greenhouse Lighting
400 W and 600W HPS PL Lighting Luminaire 347V
Phase to Neutral Constant wattage
ballast Supplies about 100V out to the
lamp Igniter and Capacitor
6Hortilux HS2000 17,000 installed
480V Phase to Phase About 200V output to the 600W
custom designed HPS lamp Single reactor
ballast With or without harmonic filters Igniter
and Capacitor
7200V HPS Lamp - 11 more Light
8Conventional Constant Wattage Ballast (below) and
Single Reactor Ballast (Top) Luminaires
9Greenhouse Lighting Computer Controls
10The Future is Now- Dutch Electronic Ballast
Hortilux HSE
Gavita Electronic
11Thank You
- Contact Information
- David Rogers
- Email david.rogers_at_bchydro.com