Title: The Greenhouse Effect
1The Greenhouse Effect
Lisa Goddard goddard_at_iri.columbia.edu
2Electromagnetic Spectrum
Sensitivity of human eyes to EM radiation?
Definition of visible spectrum
3Absorption Profile of Liquid Water
Absorption coefficient for liquid water as a
function of linear frequency. The visible region
of the frequency spectrum is indicated by the
vertical dashed lines.Note that the scales are
logarithmic in both directions. (From Classical
Electrodynamics, by J. D. Jackson)
4Main Points
- Energy balance InOut (in equilibrium)
- Greenhouse Effect Difference betweensurface
temperature/radiation Earths effective
5Blackbody Definition
- A blackbody is a hypothetical body made up of
molecules that absorb and emit electromagnetic
radiation in all parts of the spectrum - All incident radiation is absorbed (hence the
term black), and - The maximum possible emission is realized in all
wavelength bands and in all directions - In other words
- A blackbody is a perfect absorber and perfect
emitter of radiation with 100 efficiency at all
6Planck Function Blackbody Radiation
7Note logarithmic scale
Blackbody emission curves for the Sun and Earth.
The Sun emits more energy at all wavelengths.
8Fun with BB RadiationCheck out how Planck
distributions evolve with temperature
- Planck Function, spectrum, and color
- http//cs.clark.edu/mac/physlets/BlackBody/blackb
ody.htm - BlackBody, The Game!
- http//csep10.phys.utk.edu/guidry/java/blackbody/b
lackbody.html - Planck Law Radiation Distributions
- http//csep10.phys.utk.edu/guidry/java/planck/plan
9Blackbody Equilibrium(Energy Conservation)
10Effect of latitude on solar flux
The solar flux of beam 1 is equal to that of beam
2. However, when beam 2 reaches the Earth it
spreads over an area larger than that of beam 1.
The ratio between the areas (see figure above)
varies like the inverse cosine of latitude,
reducing the energy per unit area from equator to
pole. What happens at the pole?
The effect of the tilting earth surface is
equivalent to the tilting of the light source
11Blackbody Equilibrium(Energy Conservation)
EmittedEarthlight 4pR2Earth x SEarth
12Why is Earth visible from space?
13Blackbody Equilibrium(Energy Conservation)
Consider albedo ?
EmittedEarthlight 4pR2Earth x SEarth
14Reflection of Solar Radiation The Earths Albedo
- The ratio between incoming and reflected
radiation at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) is
referred to as the planetary albedo. - The albedo varies between 0 and 1.
Components of the Earths albedo and their value
in and the processes that affect incoming solar
radiation in the Earths atmosphere
15Blackbody Equilibrium
- Whats missing is the atmosphere
16Greenhouse Effect
17Absorption of Infrared (Longwave) Radiation in
Earths Atmosphere
Absorption of 100 means that no radiation
penetrates the atmosphere. The nearly complete
absorption of radiation longer than 13
micrometers is caused by absorption by CO2 and
H2O. Both of these gases also absorb solar
radiation in the near infrared (wavelengths
between about 0.7 µm and 5 µm). The absorption
feature at 9.6 micrometers is caused by ozone.
(From data originally from R. M. Goody and Y. L.
Yung, Atmospheric Radiation, 2nd ed., New York
Oxford University Press, 1989, Figure 1.1.)
181st Law of Thermodynamics
The internal energy Eint of a system tends to
increase if energy is added as heat Q and tends
to decrease if energy is lost as work W done by
the system.
The First Law of Thermodynamics Four Special
191st Law of Thermodynamics
Earths atmosphere (1) Constant volume W0
(in equilibrium) (2) Sun is approx. constant
dQ 0 (although Q gt 0) (3) Therefore
dEint 0
If Earths effective temperature is constant
(dE 0) then how does surface temperature
20Some general properties of absorption by
greenhouse gases (for ?gt5µm)
Molecule Lifetime(years) Concentration(ppbv) Spectral Range (µm) Relative Forcing
CO2(Carbon Dioxide) 2 3.39 x 103 13.5-16.5 (center _at_ 15)also 5.2, 9.4, 10.4 1
O3 (Ozone) 0.1-0.3 variable 9.0 9.6also 5.75, 14.1
N2O(Nitrous Oxide) 120 300 7.8 17.0 206
CH4(Methane) 5-10 1700 7.7 21
CFCl3 (CFC11) 65 0.26 8 - 12 12,400
CF2Cl2 (CFC12) 110 0.54 10.5 11.4 15,800
CF3Cl (CFC13) 400 0.007 8.9 - 9.3
21Radiative Transfer Processes
- Visible (incoming solar radiation)
- absorption by air molecules
- absorption by the earth's surface
- scattering by clouds and earth's surface
- Infrared (outgoing terrestrial radiation)
- absorption/emission by air molecules
- absorption/emission by clouds
22Earths Globally Averaged Atmospheric Energy
All fluxes are normalized relative to 100
arbitrary units of incident radiation. Values
are approximate.
23Modeling the Earths Energy Balance
- Energy balance models (Global) Figure 3-19 from
Kump et al. is essentially schematic for global
EBM - Radiative-convective models (1-D or 2-D) or
single-column models (1-D)
24Example Energy budget of column of
atmosphere-ocean system
S absorbed solar radiation F(?) outgoing
infrared flux (outgoing longwave radiation,
OLR) Fah horizontal energy flux in atmos. Foh
horizontal energy flux in ocean Fv(0) atmos.
to ocean energy flux
25Radiation Balance
The annual mean, average around latitude circles,
of the balance between the solar radiation
absorbed at the ground (in blue) and the
outgoing infrared radiation from Earth into space
(in red). The two curves must balance completely
over the entire globe, but not at every single
latitude. In the tropics, there is an access of
radiation (solar radiation absorbed acceeds
outgoing terrastrial radiation) in middle and
high latitudes all the way to the poles, there is
a deficit (Earth is radiating into space more
than it receives from the sun). The atmosphere
and ocean systems are forced to move about by
this imbalance, and bring heat by convection and
advection from equator to the poles.
26Earth Radiation Budget from Space the Spatial
27Incoming Solar Flux (Shortwave) at TOA(TOA Top
Of Atmosphere)
28Incoming Solar Flux (Shortwave) at TOA
360 (W/m2)
The globally-averaged, monthly values of incoming
solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere
showing the changes due to the change in the
distance between the Earth and the Sun.
29Reflected Solar at TOA
30Planetary Albedo
31Earths Surface Properties as seen from Space
32Global Rainfall - a Proxy for Clouds
33Net Shortwave (Solar) Radiation(Includes albedo)
34Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) at TOA
35Net Incoming Radiation
36Surface vs. TOA Longwave
- From surface temperature data we can calculate
the surface outgoing longwave radiation by using
the Stefan-Boltzmann law and by assuming
emissivity of 0.95 - Compare this with the outgoing logwave radiation
at the top of the atmosphere....
Annual mean surface outgoing IR
emissivity Natural surfaces are not perfect
black bodies. They absorb and emit only some of
the amount predicted by the Stefan-Boltzman Law.
The ratio between actual and predicted emission
is the emissivity.
Annual mean TOA outgoing IR
37Greenhouse Effect
- The difference between the longwave radiation
from the Earths surface and OLR is the
greenhouse effect. Note the strong GH effect in
areas which are dominated by deep tropical clouds
that precipitate a lot (above). These clouds
reach high into the atmosphere (more than 10 Km)
where the temperature is low, thus the radiative
longwave flux from their tops is relatively
small. At the same time the surface underneath is
warm and the surface emitted longwave radiation
is almost entirely trapped in the cloudy
38Websites http//yosemite.epa.gov/oar/globalwarm
ing.nsf/content/Emissions.html http//gaw.kishou.
go.jp/wdcgg.html http//www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/clim
ate/globalwarming.html http//icp.giss.nasa.gov/e
ducation/methane/intro/greenhouse.html http//www
.rmi.org/sitepages/pid340.php http//www.agu.org/
eos_elec/99148e.html (Vol. 80, No. 39, September
28, 1999, p. 453)