Title: The Verilog Hardware Description Language
1332437 Lecture 8Verilog and Finite State
- Finite State Machines
- Discrete Time Simulation
- Gate Level Modeling
- Delays
- Summary
Material from The Verilog Hardware Description
Language, By Thomas and Moorby, Kluwer Academic
2Finite State Machines Review
- In the abstract, an FSM can be defined by
- A set of states or actions that the system will
perform - The inputs to the FSM that will cause a sequence
to occur - The outputs that the states (and possibly, the
inputs) produce - There are also two special inputs
- A clock event, sometimes called the sequencing
event, that causes the FSM to go from one state
to the next - A reset event, that causes the FSM to go to a
known state
3FSM Review
- The traditional FSM diagram
- We looked at State Transition Diagrams (and
Tables) last time - and ended up with a diagram that looked like
4Verilog for the D Flip-Flop
Note that it doesnt matter what the current
state (Q) is. The new state after the clock event
will be the value on the D input.
module DFF (output reg q, input d, clk,
reset) always _at_(posedge clk or negedge
reset) if (reset) q lt 0 else q lt
d endmodule
The change in q is synchronized to the clk
input. The reset is an asynchronous reset (q
doesnt wait for the clk to change).
5Clock Events on Other Planets
- Trigger alternatives
- For flip flops, the clock event can either be a
positive or negative edge - Both have same next-state table
6Moore Machine 111 Detector
- Note how the reset is connected
- Reset will make both of the FFs zero, thus
putting them into state A. - Most FFs have both reset and preset inputs
(preset sets the FF to one). - The reset connections (to FF reset and preset)
are determined by the state assignment of the
reset state.
7Verilog Organization for FSM
- Two always blocks
- One for the combinational logic next state and
output logic - One for the state register
8Verilog Behavioral Specification
module FSM (x, z, clk, reset) input clk,
reset, x output z reg 12 q,
d reg z endmodule
- Things to note
- reg 12 matches numbering in state
assignment (Q2 is least significant bit in
counting) - lt vs.
always _at_(posedge clk or negedge reset) if
(reset) q lt 0 else q lt d
The sequential part (the D flip flop)
The combinational logic part next state output
always _at_(x or q) begin d1 q1 x
q2 x d2 q1 x q2 x z
q1 q2 end
9Processes Without Sensitivity List or wait
- Run forever example
- always
- begin
- x lt a and b and c
- end
10Synopsys Deletes All Useless Hardware from Your
- Synthesis Since x can never be other than 0,
hardwire x to 0 - Moral
- Signals are not updated until end of process even
if they change in the middle of it due to lt
operator - Expressions based on current value of signals on
RHS of lt symbol - Signals updated with value in last assignment
statement in process - Order of concurrent signal assignment statements
is of no consequence
11Benefit of Dont Cares
- Dont care condition produces less hardware
- y lt s1 s0
- Rather than
- y lt s1 s0 s1 s0
12Verilog Overview
- Verilog is a concurrent language
- Aimed at modeling hardware optimized for it!
- Typical of hardware description languages (HDLs),
it - Controls time
- Provides for the specification of concurrent
activities - Stands on its head to make the activities look
like they happened at the same time Why? - Allows for intricate timing specifications Why?
- A concurrent language allows for
- Multiple concurrent elements
- An event in one element to cause activity in
another. (An event is an output or state change
at a given time) - Based on interconnection of the elements ports
- Logical concurrency software
- True physical concurrency e.g., lt in Verilog
13Discrete Time Simulation
- Discrete Time Simulation
- Models evaluated and state updated only at time
intervals n? - Even if there is no change on an input
- Even if there is no state to be changed
- Need to execute at finest time granularity
- Might think of this as cycle accurate things
only happen _at_(posedge clock) - You could do logic circuits this way, but either
- Lots of gate detail lost as with cycle accurate
above (no gates!) - Lots of simulation where nothing happens every
gate is executed whether an input changes or not.
- Discrete Event Simulation
- Picks up simulation efficiency due to its
selective evaluation - Only execute models when inputs change
14 Discrete Event (DE) Simulation
- Discrete Event Simulation
- Events changes in state at discrete times.
These cause other events to occur - Only execute something when an event has occurred
at its input - Events are maintained in time order
- Time advances in discrete steps when all events
for a given time have been processed - Quick example
- Gate A changes its output.
- Only then will B and C execute
- Observations
- The elements in the diagram dont need to be
logic gates - DE simulation works because there is a sparseness
to gate execution maybe only 12 of gates
change at any one time. - The overhead of the event list pays off then.
- Hmm
- Implicit model execution of fanout elements
- Implicit?
- Concurrency is it guaranteed? How?
- Time a fundamental thingie
- Cant you represent this all in C? After all,
the simulator is written in it! - Or assembly language?
- Whats the issue?
- Or how about Java? Ya-know, arent objects like
things you instantiate just like in Verilog? - Cant A call the port-2 update method on object B
to make a change?
16A Gate Level Model
- A Verilog description of an SR latch
- module nandLatch
- (output q, qBar,
- input set, reset)
- nand 2
- g1 (q, qBar, set),
- g2 (qBar, q, reset)
- endmodule
A module is defined
name of the module
Draw the circuit
The module has ports that are typed
type and delay of primitive gates
primitive gates with names and interconnections
17A Gate Level Model
- Things to note
- It doesnt appear executable no for loops,
if-then-else, etc. - Its not in a programming language sense, rather
it describes the interconnection of elements - A new module made up of other modules (gates) has
been defined - Software engineering aspect we can hide detail
- module nandLatch
- (output q, qBar,
- input set, rese)t
- nand 2
- g1 (q, qBar, set),
- g2 (qBar, q, reset)
- endmodule
18Kinds of Delays
- Transport delay
- Input to output delay (sometimes propagation)
- Zero delay models (all transport delays 0)
- Functional testing
- Theres no delay, not cool for circuits with
feedback! - Unit delay models (all transport delays 1)
- All gates have delay 1. OK for feedback
- Edge sensitive delay is value sensitive
19Some More Gate Level Examples
- An adder
- module adder
- (output carryOut, sum,
- input aInput, bInput, carryIn)
- xor (sum, aInput, bInput, carryIn)
- or (carryOut, ab, bc, ac)
- and (ab, aInput, bInput),
- (bc, bInput, carryIn),
- (ac, aInput, carryIn)
- endmodule
instance names and delays optional
20Adder With Delays
- An adder with delays
- module adder
- (output carryOut, sum,
- input aInput, bInput, carryIn)
- xor (3, 5) (sum, aInput, bInput, carryIn)
- or 2 (carryOut, ab, bc, ac)
- and (3, 2) (ab, aInput, bInput),
- (bc, bInput, carryIn),
- (ac, aInput, carryIn)
- endmodule
each AND gate instance has the same delay
21Adder, Continuous Assign
- Using continuous assignment
- Continuous assignment allows you to specify
combinational logic in equation form - Anytime an input (value on the right-hand side)
changes, the simulator re-evaluates the output - No gate structure is implied logic synthesis
can design it. - The description is more abstract
- A behavioral function may be called details
later - module adder
- (output carryOut, sum,
- input aInput, bInput, carryIn)
- assign sum aInput bInput carryIn,
- carryOut (aInput bInput) (bInput
carryIn) - (aInput carryIn)
- endmodule
22Im Sick of This Adder
- Continuous assignment assigns continuously
- Delays can be specified (same format as for
gates) on whole equation - No instances names nothing is being
instantiated. - Given the same delays in this and the gate-level
model of an adder, there is no functional
difference between the models - FYI, the gate-level model gives names to gate
instances, allowing back annotation of times. - module adder
- (output carryOut, sum,
- input aInput, bInput, carryIn)
- assign (3, 5) sum aInput bInput
carryIn - assign (4, 8) carryOut (aInput bInput)
(bInput carryIn) (aInput carryIn) - endmodule
- Finite State Machines
- Discrete Time Simulation
- Gate Level Modeling
- Delays
- Summary