Title: Models for Internet Cache Location
1Models for Internet Cache Location
- Adam Wierzbicki
- Institute of Telecommunications
- Warsaw University of Technology
- adamw_at_icm.edu.pl
2Introduction - 1
- Replica Location Problem (RLP)
- Cache Location Problem (CLP)
- Previous work on CLP
- oriented on complexity heuristics, special-case
optimal solutions - black-box approach to decision problem
3Introduction - 2
- design a Decision Support System (DSS) for cache
location that allows the Decision Maker (DM) to
find solutions that match his preferences
- secondary goal evaluate the practical complexity
of using Mixed Integer Linear Programming for the
4Modules of a DSS
- Information module could be integrated with other
network management tools
5The Decision Maker (DM) of the CLP
- Who is the DM?
- manager of a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
- manager of a public caching infrastructure
- What other parties can influence DM preferences?
- content providers
- clients of content providers
- DM preferences
- can change over time
- are not known to the DM in advance
6The information module - 1
- Summary of input information
7The information module - 2
- due to traffic seasonality, choose one time of
day during working days
- measure available TCP throughput using existing
tools (treno), logs, approximations from RTT and
- exponential moving average
- use histeresis when moving up a level
8Multicriteria models of the CLP - 1
- (Binary) Decision variables
- assignments must be a function
- assignment to a node implies location of cache at
that node
- can constrain number of new caches or moved caches
9Allowing variable hit rates
- In reality, number of cache clients has influence
on hit rate. This requires nonlinear models.
10Multicriteria models of the CLP - 2
- cost of new cache location
- cost of movement of old caches
- delay
- average delay of fetching a unit of data by a
client - average delay of sending a unit of data from a
- Find a common scale for all criteria
- define a scaling function
11Supporting the decision process - 1
- Objective functions that include DM preferences
12Supporting the decision process - 1
- Objective functions that allow the DM to express
his preferences
13Supporting the decision process - 2
- Both the WS and RP methods always find a
Pareto-optimal solution
- The new models allow the DM to
- change his preferences during a session with the
DSS - interactively explore the available optimal
solutions by changing his preferences
- The DSS should graphically display solution
quality with respect to each criterion
14Comparison of WS and RP methods - 1
- Locate cache in small example topology to
minimize server delays
15Comparison of WS and RP methods - 2
- Delays of the two servers
- Pareto-optimal solutions
- Korhonen paradox
16Comparison of WS and RP methods - 3
- RP method is more precise in searching for
solutions that best match DM preferences
- regardless of type of criteria
- regardless of type of DM preferences (fair, not
- Expressing preferences using aspiration and
reservation levels allows the DM to consider
criteria separately (one at a time)
17Solving models of the CLP using MILP
- CLP of up to 100 nodes, 500 demands solvable by
MILP solvers (cplex)
- Complexity depends on number of demands and
number of potential cache locations
- MILP solvers can produce approximate solutions
with controlled quality
- Practical limitation of MILP size of linear
18Solving models of the CLP by heuristics
- Modification for multiple criteria use objective
function of RP method
- Greedy heuristic has similar drawback as WS
method, but is suitable as a solver for the DSS
- Future work - test other heuristics (l-greedy)
- Supporting DM preferences and the decision
process requires different (multicriteria) models
of the CLP
- Most model variants can be expressed using Mixed
Integer Linear Programming
- Heuristics can be adapted to models that support
DM preferences