Title: Game Models for Cognitive Radio Analysis
1Game Models for Cognitive Radio Analysis
- James O. Neel, Jeffrey H. Reed,
Robert P. Gilles
2Work Sponsors
- Office of Naval Research
- Grant Number N00014-03-1-0629
- National Science Foundation
- Integrated Research and Education in Advanced
Networking an IGERT program - MPRG Affiliates Program
Lucent Technologies Motorola Qualcomm SBC
Laboratories Texas Instruments
Analog Devices Army Research Office DRS
Technologies General Dynamics Huawei Technologies
3Presentation Objectives
- Describe how/when game theory applies to
cognitive radio. - Convey the value of adopting a model based
approach instead of an ad-hoc approach. - Disabuse the research community of the habit of
solely relying on Pareto efficiency - Highlight some valuable game models.
- A game is a model (mathematical representation)
of an interactive decision situation. - Its purpose is to create a formal framework that
captures the relevant information in such a way
that is suitable for analysis. - Different situations indicate the use of
different game models.
Normal Form Game Model
- A set of 2 or more players, N
- A set of actions for each player, Ai
- A set of utility functions, ui, that describe
the players preferences over the outcome space
5How a Normal Form Game Works
Player 1
Player 2
Action Space
Decision Rules
Decision Rules
Outcome Space
6Cognition Cycle
- Level
- 0 SDR
- 1 Goal Driven
- 2 Context Aware
- 3 Radio Aware
- 4 Planning
- 5 Negotiating
- 6 Learns Environment
- 7 Adapts Plans
- 8 Adapts Protocols
Select Alternate Goals
Generate Alternate Goals
Establish Priority
Determine Best Known Waveform
Generate Best Waveform
Negotiate Protocols
Adapted From Mitola, Cognitive Radio for
Flexible Mobile Multimedia Communications , IEEE
Mobile Multimedia Conference, 1999, pp 3-10.
7The Cognition Cycle is a Player
- Level
- 0 SDR
- 1 Goal Driven
- 2 Context Aware
- 3 Radio Aware
- 4 Planning
- 5 Negotiating
- 6 Learns Environment
- 7 Adapts Plans
- 8 Adapts Protocols
Utility Function
Utility function Arguments
Select Alternate Goals
Generate Alternate Goals
Establish Priority
Outcome Space
Decision Rules
Determine Best Known Waveform
Generate Best Waveform
Action Sets
Negotiate Protocols
Adapted From Mitola, Cognitive Radio for
Flexible Mobile Multimedia Communications , IEEE
Mobile Multimedia Conference, 1999, pp 3-10.
8Cognitive Radio Network as a Game
Radio 1
Radio 2
Action Space
Decision Rules
Decision Rules
Informed by Communications Theory
Outcome Space
9When Game Theory can be Applied
- Level
- 0 SDR
- 1 Goal Driven
- 2 Context Aware
- 3 Radio Aware
- 4 Planning
- 5 Negotiating
- 6 Learns Environment
- 7 Adapts Plans
- 8 Adapts Protocols
Select Alternate Goals
Establish Priority
Generate Alternate Goals
Generate Best Waveform
Determine Best Known Waveform
Game Theory applies to 1. Adaptive aware radios
Cognitive radios that learn about
their environment
Negotiate Protocols
10Key Issues in Analysis
- Steady state characterization
- Steady state optimality
- Convergence
- Stability
- Scalability
Steady State Characterization Is it possible
to predict behavior in the system? How many
different outcomes are possible?
Optimality Are these outcomes desirable?
Do these outcomes maximize the system target
Convergence How do initial conditions impact
the system steady state? What processes will
lead to steady state conditions? How long
does it take to reach the steady state?
Stability How does system variations impact
the system? Do the steady states change?
Is convergence affected?
Scalability As the number of devices
increases, How is the system impacted?
Do previously optimal steady states remain
11How Game Theory Addresses These Issues
- Steady-state characterization
- Nash equilibrium existence
- Identification requires side information
- Steady-state optimality
- Pareto optimality
- Convergence
- Learning processes
- Stability, scalability
- No general techniques
- Requires side information
12Nash Equilibrium Existence
- Frequently shown with the aid of fixed point
theorems. - Given
- is nonempty, compact, and
convex - ui is continuous in a, and quasi-concave in ai
(implies BR A?A is upper-semi continuous) - Then the game has a Nash Equilibrium
13Nash Equilibrium Identification
- Time to find all NE can be significant
- Let tu be the time to evaluate a utility
function. - Search Time
- Example
- 4 player game, each player has 5 actions.
- NE characterization requires 4x625 2,500 tu
- Desirable to introduce side information.
14Pareto Efficiency
Almost Worthless!
- Formal Definition An action vector a is Pareto
efficient if there exists no other action vector
a, such that - with at least one player strictly greater.
- Informal Definition An action tuple is Pareto
efficient if some players must be hurt in order
to improve the payoff of other players. - Important Notes
- An action tuple which is a NE need not be Pareto
optimal. - An action tuple which is Pareto optimal need not
be a NE. - Generally, it is desirable for a NE to be Pareto
optimal, but this need not be the case..
15Being Mislead by Pareto Optimality
- Scenario Distributed SINR maximizing power
control in a single cluster. - Unique NE All nodes transmit at maximum power.
- Though clearly undesirable, NE is Pareto optimal.
Preferable Approach Demonstrate NE maximizes
a design objective function.
16Repeated Games and Convergence
- Repeated Game Model
- Consists of a sequence of stage games which are
repeated a finite or infinite number of times. - Most common stage game normal form game.
- Finite Improvement Path (FIP)
- From any initial starting action vector, every
sequence of round robin better responses
converges. - Weak FIP
- From any initial starting action vector, there
exists a sequence of round robin better responses
that converge.
17Better Response Dynamic
- During each stage game, player(s) choose an
action that increases their payoff, presuming
other players actions are fixed. - Converges if stage game has FIP.
18Best Response Dynamic
- During each stage game, player(s) choose the
action that maximizes their payoff, presuming
other players actions are fixed. - May converge with weak FIP.
19Potential Game Model
- Existence of a potential function V such that
- Identification
- NE Properties (assuming compact spaces)
- NE Existence All potential games have a NE
- NE Characterization Maximizers of V are NE
- Convergence
- Better response algorithms converge.
- Stability
- Maximizers of V are stable
- Design note
- If V is designed so that its maximizers are
coincident with your design objective function,
then NE are also optimal.
20Supermodular Game Model
- A game such that
- Action space is a lattice
- Utility functions are supermodular
- Identification
- NE Properties (assuming compact spaces)
- NE Existence All supermodular games have a NE
- NE Characterization NE form a lattice
- Convergence
- Best response algorithms converge.
- Stability
- NE Lattice is stable
21Example Potential Games
- Menon Fair Interference Avoidance (Session 1.4)
- Neel SDR02 specialized ad-hoc power control
and waveform adaptations - Single Cell Power Control target SINR
- Ad-hoc power control target SINR (fixed
assignment) - Hicks Globecom04 Littoral combat interference
avoidance - Lau - Aloha
22Example Supermodular Games
- Yates Standard Interference Function (Altman)
- Goodman et al linear priced power control
23Why Use Game Models?
- Introduces valuable side information for simply
establishing important analytic results. - NE existence
- NE characterization
- Convergence
- Stability
- Can also be used to establish network complexity
Neel WCNC04.
- Game theory applies to cognitive radio levels
1-6. - Demonstrate that a system objective function is
maximized, rather than showing Pareto efficiency. - Use of game models can greatly simplifies
analysis. - Choice of goal and allowable adaptations largely
determine applicable models. - When possible, try to design algorithms that are
potential games or supermodular games.