Title: Game Theory
1Game Theory Cognitive Radiopart A
Hamid Mala
2Presentation Objectives
- Basic concepts of game theory
- Modeling interactive Cognitive Radios as a game
- Describe how/when game theory applies to
cognitive radio. - Highlight some valuable game models.
3Interactive Cognitive Radios
- Adaptations of one radio can impact adaptations
of others - Interactive Decisions
- Difficult to Predict Performance
4Interactive Cognitive Radios
- Scenario Distributed SINR maximizing power
control in a single cluster. - Final state All nodes transmit at maximum
power. - (1) the resulting SINRs are unfairly distributed
(the closest node will have a far superior SINR
to the furthest node) - (2) battery life would be greatly shortened.
5traditional analysis techniques
- Dynamical systems theory
- optimization theory
- contraction mappings
- Markov chain theory
6Research in a nutshell
- Applying game theory and game models (potential
and supermodular) to the analysis of cognitive
radio interactions - Provides a natural method for modeling cognitive
radio interactions - Significantly speeds up and simplifies the
analysis process - Permits analysis without well defined decision
7 Game Theory
Same color winner
opposite color winner
card number of winner
Same color winner
opposite color winner
card number of winner
10 Exaple
Matrix representation
- A game is a model (mathematical representation)
of an interactive decision situation. - Its purpose is to create a formal framework that
captures the relevant information in such a way
that is suitable for analysis. - Different situations indicate the use of
different game models.
Normal Form Game Model
- A set of 2 or more players, N
- A set of actions for each player, Ai
- A set of utility functions, ui, that describe
the players preferences over the outcome space
12Nash Equilibrium
An action vector from which no player can
profitably unilaterally deviate.
An action tuple a is a NE if for every i ? N
for all bi ?Ai.
13Friend or Foe Example
(Friend, Friend)??
(Friend, Foe)??
(Foe, Friend)??
(Foe, Foe)??
14Modeling and Analysis Review
15Modeling a Network as a Game
Power Levels
Utility Functions
Structure of game is taken from the algorithm and
the environment
Laboratoire de Radiocommunications et de
Traitement du Signal
16Modeling Review
- The interactions in a cognitive radio network
can be represented by the tuple - ltN, A, ui, di,Tgt
- Timings
- Synchronous
- Round-robin
- Random
- Asynchronous
Dynamical System
17Key Issues in Analysis
- Steady state characterization
- Steady state optimality
- Convergence
- Stability
- Scalability
Steady State Characterization Is it possible
to predict behavior in the system? How many
different outcomes are possible?
Optimality Are these outcomes desirable?
Do these outcomes maximize the system target
Convergence How do initial conditions impact
the system steady state? What processes will
lead to steady state conditions? How long
does it take to reach the steady state?
Stability How does system variations impact
the system? Do the steady states change?
Is convergence affected?
Scalability As the number of devices
increases, How is the system impacted?
Do previously optimal steady states remain
18How Game Theory Addresses These Issues
- Steady-state characterization
- Nash Equilibrium existence
- Identification requires side information
- Steady-state optimality
- In some special games
- Convergence
- in some cases
- Stability, scalability
- No general techniques
- Requires side information
19Nash Equilibrium Identification
- Time to find all NE can be significant
- Let tu be the time to evaluate a utility
function. - Search Time
- Example
- 4 player game, each player has 5 actions.
- NE characterization requires 4x625 2,500 tu
- Desirable to introduce side information.
20Example(1) The Cognitive Radios Dilemma
Example The Cognitive Radios Dilemma
- Two cognitive radios
- Each radio can implement two different waveforms
- low-power narrowband
- higher power wideband
Frequency domain representation of waveforms
The Cognitive Radios Dilemma in Matrix
21Repeated Games and Convergence
- Finite Improvement Path (FIP)
- From any initial starting action vector, every
sequence of round robin better responses
converges. - Weak FIP
- From any initial starting action vector, there
exists a sequence of round robin better responses
that converge.
- Repeated Game Model
- Consists of a sequence of stage games which are
repeated a finite or infinite number of times. - Most common stage game normal form game.
22Better Response Dynamic
- During each stage game, player(s) choose an
action that increases their payoff, presuming
other players actions are fixed. - Converges if stage game has FIP.
23Best Response Dynamic
- During each stage game, player(s) choose the
action that maximizes their payoff, presuming
other players actions are fixed. - converge if stage game has weak FIP.
24Supermodular Games
- Key Properties
- Best Response (Myopic) Dynamic Converges
- Nash Equilibrium Generally Exists
- Why We Care
- Low level of network complexity
- How to Identify
25Supermodulaar Games
- NE Existence have at least one NE.
- NE Identification all NE for a game form a
lattice. While this does not particularly aid in
the process of initially identifying NE, from
every pair of identified - Convergence have weak FIP, so a sequence of best
responses will converge to a NE. - Stability if the radios make a limited number
of errors or if the radios are instead playing a
best response to a weighted average of
observations from the recent past, play will
26Example outer loop power control
- Parameters
- Single Cluster
- Pi Pj 0, Pmax ? i,j ?N
- Utility target SINR
- Supermodular best response convergence
- When we use game theory to model and analyse
interactive CRs, it should address - steady state existense and identification
- convergence
- stability
- desirability of steady states
- Supermodular games to some extent
29Game Theory Cognitive Radiopart B
Mahdi Sadjadieh
- Potential Game Model
- Type of Potential Game
- Example of Exact Potential Game
- FIP and Potential Games
- How Potential Games handle the shortcomings
- Physical Layer Model Parameters and Potential
31Potential Game Model
- Existence of a potential function V such that
- Identification
- NE Properties (assuming compact spaces)
- NE Existence All potential games have a NE
- NE Characterization Maximizers of V are NE
- Convergence
- Better response algorithms converge.
- Stability
- Maximizers of V are stable
- Design note
- If V is designed so that its maximizers are
coincident with your design objective function,
then NE are also optimal.
32Potential Games
- Existence of a function (called the potential
function, V), that reflects the change in utility
seen by a unilaterally deviating player.
E1 E2 E3 E4
G?PG?GOPG (Gilles) OPG ? G?PG (finite A)
33Potential Games
34Ordinal Potential Game Identification
- Lack of weak improvement cycles Voorneveld_97
- FIP and no action tuples such that
- Better response equivalence to an exact potential
game Neel_04
Not an OPG
35Ordinal Potential Game Identification
- Lack of weak improvement cycles Voorneveld_97
- FIP and no action tuples such that
- Better response equivalence to an exact potential
game Neel_04
Not an OPG
36Other Exact Potential Game Identification
- Linear Combination of Exact Potential Game Forms
Fachini_97 - If ltN,A,uigt and ltN,A,vigt are EPG, then
ltN,A,?ui ?vigt is an EPG - Evaluation of second order derivative
37Exact Potential Game Forms
- Many exact potential games can be recognized by
the form of the utility function
38Example Identification
- Single cluster target SINR
- Better Response Equivalent
39FIP and Potential Games
- GOPG implies FIP (Monderer_96)
- FIP implies GOPG for finite games
(Milchtaich_96) - Thus we have a non-exhaustive search method for
identifying when a CRN game model has FIP. - Thus we can apply FIP convergence (and noise)
results to finite potential games.
- As noted previously, FIP implies existence of NE
- If ui are designed so that maximizers of V are
coincident with your design objective function,
then NE are also optimal.
- () Can also introduce cost function to utilities
to move NE. - In theory, can make any action tuple the NE
- May introduce additional NE
- For complicated NC, might as well completely
redesign ui
42Convergence in Infinite Potential Games
- ?-improvement path
- Given ? gt0, an ?-improvement path is a path such
that for all k?1, ui(ak)gtui(ak-1) ? where i is
the unique deviator at step k. - Approximate Finite Improvement Property (AFIP)
- A normal form game, ?, is said to have the
approximate finite improvement property if for
every ?gt0 there exists an such that the length of
all ?-improvement paths in ? are less than or
equal to L. - Monderer_96 shows that exact potential games
have AFIP, we showed that AFIP implies a
generalized ?-potential game.
43Convergence Implications
44How potential games handle the shortcomings
- Steady-states
- Finite game NE can be found from maximizers of V.
- Optimality
- Can adjust exact potential games with additive
cost function (that is also an exact potential
game) - Sometimes little better than redesigning utility
functions - Game convergence
- Potential game assures us of FIP (and weak FIP)
- DV satisfy Zangwills (if closed)
- Noise/Stability
- Isolated maximizers of V have a Lyapunov function
for decision rules in DV - Remaining issue
- Can we design a CRN such that it is a potential
game for the convergence, stability, and
steady-state identification properties - AND ensure steady-states are desirable?
45More Examples
46Physical Layer Model Parameters
47SINR Power Control Games
Assume that there is a radio network wherein each
radio can alter their power.
Assume each radio reacts to some separable
function of SINR, e.g. log ratio
Each radio would also like to minimize power
Decentralized Power Control Using a dB Metric
Thus game is a potential game and convergence is
assured and we can quickly find steady states.
48Example Power Control Game
- Parameters
- Single Cluster
- DS-SS multiple access
- Pi Pj 0, Pmax ? i,j ?N
- Utility target BER
Also a potential game.
49Snapshot inner outer loop power control
- Parameters
- Single Cluster
- DS-SS multiple access
- Pi Pj 0, Pmax ? i,j ?N
- Utility target SINR
- Supermodular best response convergence
50Game Models, Convergence, and Complexity
- Determining the kind of game required to
accurately model a RRM algorithm yields
information about what updating processes are
appropriate and thus indicates expected network
complexity. - In Neel04 the following relation between power
control algorithms, game models, and network
complexity was observed.
- Distributed dynamic resource allocations have the
potential to provide performance gains with
reduced overhead, but introduce a potentially
problematic interactive decision process. - Game theory is not always applicable.
- Can generally be applied to distributed radio
resource management schemes.
53ExampleExact Poential Game
55Example Ordinal Poential Game
56Example Generalized Ordinal Poential Game
57Exact Potential Game Forms
- Many exact potential games can be recognized by
the form of the utility function