Title: Lecture 3 Program Elements
1Lecture 3Program Elements
Instructors Fu-Chiung Cheng (???) Associate
Professor Computer Science Engineering Tatung
Institute of Technology
- Data types
- Variable declaration and use
- Decisions and loops
- Input and output
3Primitive Data Types
- A data type define values and the operators
- Each value stored in memory is associated with a
- particular data type
- primitive data types predefined data types in
Java - Ex A integers byte, short, int, long.
- B float, double.
- C boolean (true or false) (on or off)
- D char (unicode 16 bits for
international languages)
4Storage in Programming Languages
- Registers
- Stack (handles primitives in Java)
- Heap (all class objects in Java)
- Static storage
- Constant storage
- Non-RAM storage (persistent)
5Primitive Data Types
Type byte short int long
Storage 8 bits 16 bits 32 bits 64 bits
Min Value -128 -32,768 -2,147,483,648 lt -9 x 1018
Max Value 127 32,767 2,147,483,647 gt 9 x 1018
Note that Built-in types (primitives) are not
object handles handles call by reference
primitives call by value
6Primitive Data Types
Approximate Min Value -3.4 x 1038 -1.7 x 10308
Approximate Max Value 3.4 x 1038 1.7 x 10308
Type float double
Storage 32 bits 64 bits
7Primitive Data Types
- char Unicode character set
- A character set is an ordered list of characters
- The Unicode character set uses sixteen bits per
character, - allowing for 65,536 unique characters
- International character set.
8Primitive Data Types
- boolean a true or false condition (two states
on or off) - The reserved words true and false are the
- only valid values for a boolean type
9Primitive Data Types
- Same operations as C/C
- Size of each data type is machine independent
10Wrappers for primitive Data Types
- For each primitive data type there is a
corresponding - wrapper class.
- Wrapper classes are useful in situations where
you need - an object instead of a primitive type
- They also contain some useful methods
Primitive Type int double char boolean
Wrapper Class Integer Double Character Boolean
- A variable is an identifier that represents a
location in - memory that holds a particular type of data
- Variables must be declared before they can be
used - Syntax of a variable declaration
- data-type variable-name
- For example
- int total // 4-byte int in stack
- int total, count, sum
- int total 0, count 20
- float unitPrice 57.25
12Scope of Variables
- Block statements
- group of statements delimited by braces
- // begin of scope 1
- int x1
- System.out.println("x"x)
- // begin of scope 2
- // int x3 // can not redine x
- int y2
- System.out.println("x"x)
- System.out.println(yy)
13Assignment Statements
- An assignment statement takes the following
form - variable-name expression
- The expression is evaluated and the result is
stored in - the variable, overwriting the value currently
stored - in the variable
- The expression can be a single value or a more
- complicated calculation
- A constant is similar to a variable except that
they keep - the same value throughout their existence
- They are specified using the reserved word final
- in the declaration. For example
- final double PI 3.14159
- final int STUDENTS_COUNT 25
- All final are static.
- final static double PI 3.14159
- Better than literal values because
- A. make code more readable by giving meaning to
a value - B. use less memory, easy to modification (one
15Input and Output
- Java I/O is complicated.
- 1. Different kind of IO
- Files, console, block of memory, network
- 2. Different kinds of operations
- Sequential, random-access, binary,
- character, integer, by lines, be words, ...
- Java provides a lot of classes to support IO.
16Input and Output
- Java I/O is based on input streams and output
streams - 1. All classes inherit from IS have read
methods. - 2. All classes inherit from OS have write
methods. - There are three predefined standard streams
- print and println methods write to
- standard output
Stream System.in System.out System.err
Purpose reading input writing output writing
Default Device keyboard monitor monitor
17Input and Output
- Escape sequences a special sequence of
characters - preceded by a backslash (\)
Escape Sequence \t \n \" \' \\
Meaning tab new line double quote single
quote backslash
18Types of Output Stream
Writes to
Block of Memory
Pipe(to another thread)
19Types of Input Stream
Reads from
Block of Memory
Pipe(to another thread)
20Input From Keyboard
- The Java API allows you to create many kinds of
streams - to perform various kinds of I/O
- To read character strings, we will convert the
- System.in stream to another kind of stream
using - BufferedReader stdin new BufferedReader
- (new InputStreamReader
(System.in)) - This declaration creates a new stream called
import java.io. class Echo public
static void main (String args) throws
IOException BufferedReader stdin new
BufferedReader (new
InputStreamReader(System.in)) String
message System.out.println ("Enter a line
of text") message stdin.readLine()
System.out.println ("You entered \"" message
"\"") // method main // class Echo
22Open File
public class Scanner protected static
DataInputStream inputStream Scanner(String
fileName) throws IOException inputStream
new DataInputStream (new FileInputStream
- As you type, the characters are stored in an
input buffer - When you press enter, the program begins
processing - the data
- Output information is temporarily stored in an
- output buffer
- The output buffer can be explicitly flushed
- (sent to the screen) using the flush method
- See Python.java
24Numeric Input
- Converting a string into the integer value
- value Integer.parseInt(my_string)
- A value can be read and converted in one line
- num Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine())
- C scanf(d\n, num)
import java.io. class Addition2 public
static void main (String args) throws
IOException BufferedReader stdin new
BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(S
ystem.in)) int num1, num2
System.out.println ("Enter a number ")
num1 Integer.parseInt (stdin.readLine())
System.out.println ("Enter another number")
num2 Integer.parseInt (stdin.readLine())
System.out.println ("The sum is "
(num1num2)) // method main // class
26Controlling Program Flow
- Essentially same as C/C
- if statement
- if (condition)
- statement
- Relational operators
Operator ! lt lt gt lt
Meaning equal to not equal to less than less
than or equal to greater than greater than or
equal to
27Controlling Program Flow
- if-else statement
- if (condition)
- statement1
- else
- statement2
- while statement
- while (condition)
- statement
- Note Avoid infinite loop (logic error)
28Controlling Program Flow
- if-else statement
- if (condition)
- statement1
- else
- statement2
- while statement for statemetn
- while (condition) for (e1e2e3)
- statement statement
- Note Avoid infinite loop (logic error)
29import java.io. class Right_Triangle // bad
bad bad RightTriangle public static void main
(String args) throws IOException
BufferedReader stdin new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(System.in)) int
hypotenuse_sq // bad hypotenuseSquare
System.out.println ("Enter side 1") int
side1 Integer.parseInt (stdin.readLine())
System.out.println ("Enter side 2") int
side2 Integer.parseInt (stdin.readLine())
System.out.println ("Enter the hypotenuse")
int side3 Integer.parseInt
(stdin.readLine()) hypotenuse_sq (side1
side1) (side2 side2) if
((side3side3) hypotenuse_sq)
System.out.println ("It is a right triangle.")
else System.out.println ("It is not
a right triangle.") // method main //
class Right_Triangle
- primitive data types predefined data types in
Java - Size of each primitive data type is machine
independent - Beware of scope(variables can not be redefined
in blocks) - Java I/O is complicated.
- IO is based input streams and output streams
?? Lecture 3 ?????!