Title: Introduction to HDLs
1Introduction to HDLs
- HDL (Hardware Description Language)
- VHDL versus Verilog
- IC world only uses Verilog
2How do IC designers use Verilog?
- Can be used for simulation
- Simulation at behavioral level, gate level, and
at the switch level! - Can be used for circuit synthesis
- Can be used to verify post-synthesis timing
3Why Verilog and not VHDL?
- C-like syntax (as opposed to Pascal-like!)
- Better for circuit synthesis
- I feel it is easier to create testbenches but
others will dispute this claim! - Switch-level descriptions supported
- Timing is more easily included
- Can link in you own C-code!
4Verilog Coding Styles
- Behavioral Descriptions
- Dataflow Descriptions
- Gate-Level Descriptions (netlist)
- Switch-Level Descriptions
5Verilog Basics
- Case-sensitive!!!!!
- No special characters in variable names except _
- Variable names must start with alpha character
- Free-form
- Very C-like
6Concurrent Versus Sequential
- Separate syntax to support descriptions of
concurrent and sequential activity - Concurrent constructs best for describing
combinational circuits - Sequential constructs must be used for describing
sequential networks and for writing testbenches
MAY be used for combinational circuits BUT BE
7First Example
// // First example // module first_example(f, x,
y, z) input x, y, z output f
assign f (x y z) (x y z)
(x y z) endmodule
8First Example Testbench
// // Testbench for first example // timescale
1ns/100ps module first_example_tb reg
x, y, z wire f integer fid
first_example u0(f, x, y, z) initial
begin fid fopen("./first_example.out")
fmonitor(fid, time, " x b,
y b, z b, f b", x, y, z, f)
100 x 1'b0 y 1'b0 z 1'b0
100 x 1'b1 y 1'b1 z 1'b0
100 x 1'b1 y 1'b1 z 1'b1
100 finish end endmodule
9Running Verilog XL
To simulate first example do the following
verilog first_example_tb.v first_example.v OR Cr
eate a file called, for example, modules and on
separate Lines place the two filenames from
above and give the Command verilog f modules