Title: Army ROTC
1Army ROTC Nursing
- The College Four-Year Scholarship is for college
freshmen in their first year of a five-year
undergraduate plan. Contact CPT Lacy at
731-881-ROTC for more information. To qualify,
you must - Be a U.S. citizen
- Be between the ages of 17 and 26
- Have a high school GPA of at least 2.50
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent
- Score minimum of 920 on the SAT or 19 on the ACT
- Meet physical standards
- Agree to accept a commission and serve in the
Army on Active Duty or in a Reserve Component
(U.S. Army Reserve or Army National Guard)
Scholarship Worth up to 45,568 at UTM
Starting Salary of 42,206 4 to 5 years
67,974 10 years 83,125 plus free Masters
Degree 20 years 101,338
Retire at 20 years of service and draw 50 of
your base pay the rest of your life 20 years
Lieutenant Colonel retirement pay 41,808 with
free insurance
Army ROTC Nurse Cadets have an opportunity for a
unique summer nursing experience. The paid,
three-week Nurse Summer Training Program assigns
Cadets to Army hospitals throughout the U.S. and
Germany. The program introduces you to the Army
Medical Department (AMEDD) and to the roles and
responsibilities of an Army Nurse Corps Officer.
Under the supervision of an experienced Army
Nurse Corps Officer, you will obtain hands-on
experience. Your one-on-one clinical experience
will allow you to hone your clinical skills,
develop your problem-solving techniques and
become comfortable with developing your
professional skills as a member of the U.S. Army
Healthcare Team.