Title: Lane Departure Countermeasures
1Lane Departure Countermeasures
System-wide Solutions for Saving Lives
- Don Hillis, P.E.
- Director System Management
- Missouri Department of Transportation
2The Problem 1200 Fatalities
- Fatal Crash Locations are Random
3The Problem 1200 Fatalities
- Fatal Crash Types are NOT RANDOM
4Solution System Improvements
- Where does Missouri begin to address its
32,000-mile system?
Major Minor Roads
5Solution 1
Smooth Roads Initiative
6Smooth Roads Initiative
- Funding Bond Issue
- Improve 2,000 miles of most heavily traveled
roads - 7 of state mileage
- 60 of annual VMT on these routes
- Projects Completed 2005-2006
7Smooth Roads Initiative
- New Roadway Surface
- Asphalt Overlay
- Concrete Diamond Grind
- 6 Edgelines Rumble Stripe (Epoxy)
- 6 Lane Lines 3M Waffle Tape
- Some wet-reflective
8(No Transcript)
9Smooth Roads Initiative
- Delineate Everything
- Emergency Reference Markers
- Sign upgrades
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11Solution 2
Better Roads, Brighter Future
12Better Roads, Brighter Future
- Existing district funds
- 2007-2011
- Next 3,000 miles
- Mostly Two-lane
13Better Roads, Brighter Future
- All major roads (5,000 mi) will have
- Minimum 4 feet paved shoulder
- Smooth driving surface
- Improved signing
- 1,000 miles will receive
- Edgeline Centerline rumble stripes
14Solution 3
Imbed Safety into MoDOT Policy
15Imbed Safety into Policy
- Rumble Stripes (Edgeline Centerline)
- All major roads
- All minor roads with crash history
- 6-inch Stripes
- All Edgeline
- Multi-lane skips
- Curve Speed Plaques
- Every Curve/Turn sign
16Solution 4
Median Cable Barrier
17Median Guard Cable
- 1999 - Spot Locations in St. Louis
- 2003 - System-wide Installation
- Criteria
- Interstates
- Severe Crash History
- Current Installations
- 250 miles installed to date
- Low High Tension
Was this a good investment?
- Effectiveness
- Does the treatment perform as intended?
- Safety Analysis
- Are we reducing crashes?
- Are we saving lives?
20Effectiveness Guard Cable
- Studied all reported cross-median crashes
- 1999-2005
- 1,400 crashes
- 95 Success Rate
- Vehicles did not enter opposing lanes
Safety Analysis
22Safety Analysis Guard Cable
23Safety Analysis Guard Cable
24Safety Analysis
25Safety Analysis