Title: CE 552 Week 13
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3CE 552 Week 13
- Identifying problems and solutions The safety
audit (materials, chapter 9) - Responses/countermeasures/Crash reduction
factors/AMFs (materials, chapter 10)
4- Improve safety
- Interdisciplinary teams
- Existing or new roadway
- Planning
- Construction
- Design
- ID problem elements
- ID opportunities
5- Team quals
- Crash investigation
- Traffic engineering
- Road design
- Enforcement
- Maintenance
- Human factors
- Background info
- Plans, volumes, crash data
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16Development of countermeasures
17Principles of countermeasure development
- The process of countermeasure development should
aim to - Determine a Range of measures likely to influence
the dominant crash types and road features - Select countermeasures based on professional
judgment and experience that can expected to
reduce the number or severity of dominant crashes
From Ogden, Chapter 7
18Principles of countermeasure development
- Check to see if adopted countermeasures have any
undesirable consequences in - Safety terms
- e. g. lead to an increase in number or severity
of another crash type - Traffic efficiency
- Environmental terms
- Be cost-effective
- Maximize the benefits from HRL program
- Be efficient
- Produce benefits which outweigh costs
19Principles of countermeasure development
- A safe road is one that recognizes the realities
and limitations of human decision making - The management of road safety must ensure the
road environment not place demands upon the
driver that are beyond the drivers ability to
manage, or which are outside normal road user
expectations - What are the characteristics of a safe road?
20Characteristics of a safe road
- A safe road is defined as one which is designed
and managed so that it - Warns the driver of unusual features
- Informs the driver of conditions to be
encountered - Guide the driver through unusual sections
- Control the drivers passage through conflict
points and road links - Forgives a drivers inappropriate behavior
- The main design principles for intersections are
- Minimize the number of conflict points and thus
the opportunity for crashes - T-intersections and roundabouts have fewer
conflict points than 4-way intersections - Give precedence to major movements through
- Alignment
- Delineation
- Traffic control
- Separate conflicts in space or time
22Intersections (continued)
- Control the angle of conflict
- Crossing streams of traffic should intersect at a
right angle or close to it - Merging streams should intersect at small angles
to ensure low relative speed - Define and minimize conflict areas
- Define vehicle paths
- Ensure adequate sight distances
- Control approach speed using
- Alignment
- Lane width
- Traffic control
- Speed limits
23Intersections (continued)
- Provide clear indications of right-of-way
requirements - Minimize roadside hazards
- Provide access to use intersection for
- Vehicular traffic
- Special provisions for heavy vehicle and public
transportation vehicles - Non-vehicular traffic
- Pedestrians and other vulnerable road users
- Simplify the driving task
- Minimize road user delay
- Roundabouts usually include to some degree all
- of the above principles
24Mid-block locations
- The principles for design and operation of
non-intersection locations include - Consistent standards of horizontal and vertical
alignments - Develop roadway cross sections to suit road
function and traffic volumes - Delineate roadway and vehicle paths
- Standards of access control from abutting land
use - Ensure that roadside environment is clear or
25Mid-block locations (continued)
- Overlaying all of the above principles is a vital
need to consider particular needs of all road
user groups - Careful consideration of these needs will ensure
the quality of final treatment - Pedestrians have special needs that should be
separately considered when investigating safety
problems and developing countermeasures - Special requirements of heavy vehicles
- Negotiating low-radius turn
- Traveling through horizontal curves with adverse
super-elevation - Other user groups needs
26Countermeasure selection
- Matching solutions to problems
- The key to selection of countermeasures is to
concentrate on the particular crash types which
identified in diagnosis phase - The final choice will be based upon judgment and
experience - Utilizing countermeasures which have been
successful in similar situations elsewhere
27Criteria for countermeasure development
- There are number of criteria for countermeasure
selection - Technical feasibility
- Can countermeasure provide an answer?
- Does it have technical basis for success?
- Economic efficiency
- Is countermeasure likely to be cost effective?
- Will it produce benefits to outweigh its costs?
- Affordability
- Can it be accommodated through program budget?
- Should a cheaper solution be adopted?
28Criteria for countermeasure development
- Acceptability
- Does the countermeasure target the problem?
- Will it easily understandable by community?
- Practicality
- Is there likely to be a problem of
non-compliance? - Can the measure work without unreasonable
enforcement effort? - Political and institutional acceptability
- Is the countermeasure likely to attract political
support? - Will that be supported by the organization
responsible for its installation and on-going
29Criteria for countermeasure development
- Legal compatibility
- Is the countermeasure a legal device?
- Will users breaking any law by using it in the
way intended? - Compatibility
- Is the countermeasures compatible with other
strategies which have been applied in similar
situations? - It can be seen that adapting countermeasures to
particular problem is a complex process. - Development of countermeasures requires
understandable technical and institutional
framework to provide the guideline principles and
motivation for action
30From Garber
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32From Khisty
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371990 NHTSA/FHWA effective safety measures
Whats new since then that you know about?
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55Crash Reduction Factors
- Aka Accident Modification Factors or Functions
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57Do you know another way to do this? See
combining crash reduction factors
58Access Control
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- Curved sections have 1.5-4.0 times the crash rate
of tangent sections
61Cross sections
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69Crash Reduction Factors for CountermeasuresIssue
Briefs and Desktop Reference
Maurice Masliah, Ph.D. Senior Researcher iTRANS
Consulting (905) 882-4100 ext 5295
Prepared by iTRANS Consulting
70Updated Issue Briefs
Traffic Signals
April 2004
September 2007
71New Issue Briefs
Roadway Departure
72New Product Desktop Reference
73What is a CRF?
- Percentage crash reduction that might be expected
after implementing a countermeasure - CRF of 25 means a 25 reduction in crashes
- CRF of -20 means a 20 increase in crashes
74Issue Briefs Purpose
- One CRF for each countermeasure
- The best available CRF
- (accuracy and precision checks)
- Additional information relevant to the CRF
- (traffic control, area type, etc.)
75Desktop Reference Purpose
- Multiple CRFs for the same countermeasure (where
available) - CRF functions
- Additional information such as study type, number
of observations, CRF range (high - low)
76Product PurposeIowa DOT
- Tom Welch
- State Transportation Safety Engineer
- Iowa Dept of Transportation
77Roadway Departure Issue Brief
78Roadway Departure CRF Example
79CRF Example
Expected crashes without treatment
Expected crashes with treatment
80CRF Example
- CRF 38(10)17
- Bold type means a rigorous methodology was used
to estimate the CRF, and the standard error is
relatively small - (10 ) is the standard error for this CRF
- 17 is the reference number
- details at the end of the Issue Brief
81CRF Confidence Interval
- Estimation of confidence interval 38(10)17
- ? 2 standard errors from the CRF
- 18 (38 - 2 X 10) and 58 (38 2 X 10)
- Expected safety effect of the countermeasure
between 18 and 58
82Example ApplicationDouglas County
- Keary B. Lord
- Assistant Director/
- Traffic Operations Division Manager
- Accuracy is the proximity of the estimate of the
CRF to the true value - Two types of bias affect accuracy
- 1. Regression to the mean bias
- 2. Traffic volume bias
- Precision is the degree to which repeated
estimates of the CRF are similar to each other - Measure of precision standard error of CRF
- Reliability is defined here as the combination of
precision and accuracy - CRFs that pass the reliability test are shown in
bold font
86Reliability Selection Criteria and Thresholds
87Number of CRFs and Bold CRFs
- Very few published CRFs are considered
88CRF Proper Use and Limitations Colorado DOT
- TBD Bryan Allery/Jake Kononov
- Colorado Dept of Transportation
89Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)
(3) A comparison of accident numbers, rates, and
severity observed after the implementation of a
highway safety improvement project with the
accident numbers, rates, and severity expected if
the improvement had not been made.
- Evaluation legislation specifies the information
needed to produce CRFs - Our review of HSIPs has not found any states
which tie their evaluation work with CRF
generation - Potential to link tasks currently being conducted
with improving knowledge of effectiveness of
91Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP)
- CRFs should be part of the process of selecting
countermeasures - Intersections as an emphasis area within a SHSP
- Task team identifies left-turn crashes at
intersections as an overrepresented crash type - What are appropriate countermeasures?
92Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP)
- Review of Intersection Issue Brief for left-turn
crash CRFs - Provide protected left turn phase 16(2)19
- Install left-turn lane (physical channelization)
249 - Install cameras to detect red-light running
45(6)27 - Identify intersection locations and conduct a
cost-benefit analysis
93Future Direction Whats Next?
- Accident Modification Factors and Functions
(rather than CRFs) - Increase in number of studies that evaluate
safety effects of countermeasures - More stringent criteria in adoption of AMFs
- New tools
94What is an AMF?
- Accident Modification Factor
- Multiplier representing the expected change in
crashes - CRF of 25 equals an AMF of 0.75
- CRF of -20 equals an AMF of 1.20
95Accident Modification Functions
- Today, CRFs / AMFs for most countermeasures are
noted as constants - However, CRFs / AMFs are really functions of
environmental variables - Traffic volume
- Traffic mix (trucks, pedestrians, bicyclists)
- Road geometry
- Operational conditions
96More Stringent Inclusion Criteria
- Highway Safety Manual inclusion process
- Accuracy and precision of AMFs
- Standard error of 0.1 or less indicates AMF that
is sufficiently accurate, precise, and stable - Companion AMFs with standard errors of 0.2 - 0.3
are also included - indicating the potential safety effects of the
treatment on other facilities, or other crash
types and severities
97Future Direction
- Periodical Update of Issue Briefs and Desktop
Reference - Search new information
- current research projects http//rip.trb.org/
- government-funded documents published
http//www.ntis.gov/search/index.asp? - bibliographic database http//ntlsearch.bts.gov/tr
98New Tools and New AMFs
- Low Cost Safety Improvements Pooled Funds Study
- Highway Safety Manual (HSM)
- SafetyAnalyst
- Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM)
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102Many more like this in the reference