Title: Agenda
- Business Challenges of Todays Enterprise
- Dynamic Systems Initiative
- System Center Portfolio and ecosystem
- System Center Partner Ecosystem
- System Center Road Map
2Microsoft Operations Manager
- Industry Support Recognition
- 9,000 customers
- IDC has MOM growing 5x market rate
- 70 yr/yr growth
- TechTarget 2005 Product of the Year
- Capabilities
- Monitoring. Identify IT health issues before
they become problems - Guidance. Improve IT efficiency through
actionable best practices - Knowledge. Support IT operations through sharing
of information
- Futures
- Service Oriented
- Knowledge Driven (SDM enabled)
- Enterprise ready scalability and role based
3Systems Management Server
- Industry Support Recognition
- 20,000 customers
- Broad Industry adoption
- 1 in Change and Configuration Management by
Gartner Group - Windows IT Pro 2005 Readers Choice Winner
- Capabilities
- Application Deployment
- Asset Management
- Security Patch Management
- Mobility Device Management
- Futures
- Simplified User Interface
- Knowledge-driven desired configuration management
based on the System Definition Model (SDM) - Desired Configuration Management
4Microsoft IT Success with SMS
Over 108,000 Clients Deployed
Over 5,500 Servers Managed around the world
The tool used by Microsoft to ensure compliance
of security patches across Microsoft
- Using SMS 2003 MS IT can obtain
- Accuracy of patching
- 97 compliance within 4 hours
- 100 accountability
- Scalability Performance
- 5,500 managed Windows servers
- within 7 hours.
- Software distributions since July 2003
- 350,000 installations/configurations
5Data Protection Manager
- Industry Support Recognition
- Server backup/recovery
- 128K beta copies distributed
- Launch on September 27, 2005
- Capabilities
- Centralized Backup Branch Office Support
- End User Initiated Restores (w/o IT intervention)
- Rapid, Reliable Recovery
- Near Continuous Data Protection
6System Center Capacity Planner
- Industry Support Recognition
- Sizing solution for Exchange 2003 and MOM 2005
- Assess architectural choices for future
deployments - Affordable What-if analysis solution
- Key Features
- Model performance of current deployment
- Find future bottlenecks
- Predict user experience
- Benefits
- Understand the impact of changes
- Optimize upgrade path
- Confident sizing of hardware and network
- Plan for scalability
7System Center Reporting Manager
- Industry Support Recognition
- Integrated data sources
- Leverages MOM, SMS and AD investments
- Extensible schema
- Key Features
- Offline data warehouse
- Consolidated view of multi-site hierarchies
- Streamlined query and report creation
- Benefits
- Enables better business decision making
- Providing a platform for data convergence and IT
management reporting - Improves management and utilization of IT
8System Center Essentials
- Benefits and Features
- Single console designed with simplicity
- Easily secure, update, monitor and track your
entire IT environment - More effectively service and support users
- Best end point for value added management
services - Availability TBD
9 System Center Service Desk
- Deep integration with SMS, MOM, Office System,
Windows, Visual Studio - Includes end to end automation of a core set of
ITIL-based MOF processes - Powerful CMDB developed on System Definition
Model (SDM) - Platform that is easy to customize, integrate,
and extend - Exact Availability TBD.
10Update Services
- Windows Update
- 260M unique users
- 190M installs of XPSP2
- Microsoft Update
- Office, Exchange, SQL,
- 10.4M unique users
- Windows Server Update Services
- 142K unique server syncs
- Windows IT Pro 2005 Readers Choice Winner
11Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF)
Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF)
The Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) provides
operational guidance that enables organizations
to achieve mission-critical system reliability,
availability, supportability, and manageability
of Microsoft products and technologies. With MOS
guidance, youll be able to assess your current
IT service management maturity, prioritize your
processes of greatest concern, and apply proven
principles and best practices to optimize your
management of the Windows Server platform.
The MOF Optimizing Quadrant
The MOF Changing Quadrant
The MOF Supporting Quadrant
The MOF Operating Quadrant
12MOF Overview
Change Management Configuration
Management Release Management
Capacity Management Availability
Management Financial Management Infrastructure
Engineering Security Management Service
Continuity Management Service Level
Management Workforce Management
Service Monitoring and Control Security
Administration Network Administration System
Administration Job Scheduling Storage
Management Directory Services Admin.
Service Desk Incident Management Problem
13 Microsoft Solution Accelerators
Data Services for SQL Server 2005 Reference
14Solutions Framework (MSF) Operations
Framework (MOF)
Microsoft Lifecycle Frameworks
- Business Challenges of Todays Enterprise
- Dynamic Systems Initiative
- System Center Portfolio and ecosystem
- System Center Partner Ecosystem
- System Center Road Map
- Direct Heterogeneous Management
- Business Challenges of Todays Enterprise
- Dynamic Systems Initiative
- System Center Portfolio and ecosystem
- System Center Partner Ecosystem
- System Center Road Map
18System Center Roadmap
19DSI Roadmap 2004 - 2009
20(No Transcript)