Energy Sources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Energy Sources


... to areas which are in energy shortage China, Japan, etc. especially NICs ... and widely used world energy source. ... Creates a shortage so price rises ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Energy Sources

  • World Coal Trade
  • Coal is an awkward fuel to handle bulky, heavy,
    irregular shape and dirty. But it is widely found
    throughout the world. Reserves may last 150
  • In the 19c industries moved to where the
    coalfields were, rather than moving coal to them.
    (Nearly all Britains large conurbations are on
    top of coalfields except London thats where
    the factories grew up)
  • Two developments in the later 20c caused coal to
    become an international fuel
  • Vast open-cast mines allowing coal to be
    extracted cheaply
  • Bulk coal-carrier ships which could cut the cost
    of transporting coal from one continent to
  • As a result, coal is now moved around the world
    from areas of surplus Australia, S. Africa,
    Poland, to areas which are in energy shortage
    China, Japan, etc. especially NICs

Fun Fact Europes largest coal-fired
power-station Drax, which is on top of the
Yorkshire coalfield, actually imports coal by
ship along the Humber from Poland as it can be
mined from there and transported to Drax more
cheaply than it can be obtained from the deep
collieries and high-wage mines of the Yorkshire
coalfield next door.
What do you notice about the worlds top 5 coal
consuming countries?
Is the world trade in coal likely to Increase in
the future or decrease? And why?
List the countries which are net coal importers
(consume more than they produce) in rank
List the countries which are net coal exporters
(produce more than they consume) in rank
Which continent will have very few coal-fired
power stations and what is it likely to use for
its energy supplies instead?
  • World Oil Trade
  • Oil is the most versatile and widely used world
    energy source. Used as petrol, diesel or kerosene
    or converted into Electricity.
  • It is used to heat homes, factories, move goods
    (transport) and make a variety of products
    plastics, fertilizer..
  • It is easy to transport by pipeline, ship, petrol
    lorry or train.
  • Production is dominated by a few countries which
    were LEDCs until the 1970s focused on the
    Middle East
  • Consumption is dominated by the wealthiest
    industrial nations
  • This leads to a flow of oil revenue (money) from
    MEDCs to a few LEDCs which have rapidly grown
    rich as a result (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain.)
  • Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
    (OPEC) aims to keep the price of oil high by
    restricting their own production and agreeing
    high prices amongst themselves to gain maximum
    income. They raised the oil price twice in the
    1970s leading to economic problems in importing
    countries like the USA

What do you notice about the main consumers of
oil from these maps?
Draw a vertical bar to represent oil reserves for
the top 10 producers scale Icm 20 billion
(No Transcript)
  • Oil prices go down if
  • New oil supplies are discovered increasing the
    amount available
  • There is falling demand due to economic problems
    in MEDCs
  • Oil producing countries increase their production
    to get more income
  • OPEC countries agree amongst themselves to
    increase production
  • People choose to limit their energy use by buying
    energy-efficient cars
  • Oil prices go up if
  • There is a shortage of oil in the ground
  • There is high demand leading to a shortage of
  • Oil producing countries are at war
  • OPEC countries agree amongst themselves to reduce
  • OPEC countries agree amongst themselves to raise
    their prices

Global Uranium Producers
  • World Uranium Trade
  • Uranium is a metal which is mined to form the
    basis of nuclear fuel rods. It is radioactive.
  • It wasnt seen as valuable until the 1940s and
    the development of atom bombs. Uranium is the
    basis for nuclear weapons.
  • Uranium is not found in many places around the
    world. Australia and Canada produce most.
  • Most uranium goes for nuclear power-station fuel
    in MEDCs. These expensive power-stations are too
    costly for most LEDCs
  • International trade in uranium is tightly
    controlled because of its danger in producing
    nuclear weapons.
  • Some LEDCs/ NICs are trying to obtain uranium
    for peaceful nuclear power stations such as
    Iran and North Korea. But many MEDCs are
    suspicious that this is an excuse to convert the
    nuclear fuel into weapons-grade plutonium and
    create their own nuclear bombs.
  • Iran is at present developing its first nuclear
    power station for peaceful energy using Russian
    help. Many western countries are worried they
    want it to develop a nuclear weapon. Israel has
    said it will bomb any nuclear power station which
    starts operating as they worry they will be
    attacked. Iran has some of the worlds largest
    oil reserves.

European Gas Trade
  • Gas is a very popular fuel at present because
  • It is easy to transport by pipeline or as a
    liquid (LPG)
  • It has been relatively cheap
  • It doesnt generate as much CO2 or pollution as
    coal or oil
  • Supplies are generally good and can continue for
    30 years or so
  • Russia has vast amounts of natural gas and has
    been supplying more and more of Europe since the
    decline of communism in the early 1990s. Many
    European countries rely on Russian gas for home
    heating and industry.

Britain has its own gas supplies in the North Sea
but these are running low. As a result an
undersea pipeline has just been built between
Norways gas fields and Easington to supply the
UK up till 2025
Russia has stopped gas supplies to Europe twice
in recent years. It says that Ukraine is not
paying them enough for its gas and so Russia
stopped supplying it. But the gas pipeline also
feeds other European countries and they stopped
getting their gas supplies. Both times there has
been a crisis it has been winter. Russia
re-started gas flows, but said Ukraine must not
use any of the gas passing through it. Places
like Romania said they still werent receiving
gas. Russia said it was because Ukraine was
siphoning off their gas as it passed through
the Ukraine. Ukraine denied this and said Russia
had never restarted supplies. Russia used to
own Ukraine as part of the USSR. It has never
been friendly to it since it broke away and
declared independence in 1992.
What are the consequences for European countries
if they have energy conflict with Russia?
What are the consequences for Russia if it has
repeated energy conflict with other European
International Energy Conflicts
Conflict with other countries because..(hint
carbon emission)
China opens one new coal-fired power station each
week in its drive for growth
Conflict with other countries because..(hint
nuclear safety)
Iran secures deal to import Uranium from South
Conflict with other countries because..(hint
price of oil..effect on the economy)
Saudi Arabia halves Oil production for the year.
Says it wants to save resources
Energy TNCs Trans-National Companies
  • Some of the worlds biggest TNCs are involved
    in the Energy Trade.
  • Companies such as BP, Britains biggest
    company, Exxon-Mobil, Shell, Total make
    billions of dollars in profit each year by
    controlling much of the flow of oil from
    getting it out of the ground to selling it in
    their own garages
  • They can influence the price of oil by finding
    new reserves (price can go down), or reducing
    production from existing oil reserves (price will
    go up).
  • Because oil demand and use is closely linked to
    development as countries economically develop,
    their demand for oil goes up and TNCs have more

  • BP Activities
  • Exploration seeking new oil reserves.
    Geologists inspect likely rock formations often
    in very difficult conditions (deserts, deep
    oceans, polar regions as most of the oil in
    easy locations has already been discovered. For
    similar reasons most exploration is now in LEDCs
  • Drilling working with the governments of
    different countries for the right to extract the
    oil. BP will pay oil revenues to the host
    country for the right to extract its oil. BP
    works in many countries at the same time so if
    there are problems in one country they have oil
    coming out of the ground in other countries.
  • Transport BP moves crude (unrefined) oil all
    over the world to oil refineries, by pipeline,
    oil tanker or oil lorries. It rarely refines it
    in the country where it extracts it.

  • BP Activities contd
  • Refining crude oil is heated to give different
    products at different temperatures kerosene,
    petrol, diesel, fuel-oil, bitumen, tar. The Oil
    refineries are the most profitable part of the
    operation so BP likes to locate its refineries
    in safe countries where production is likely to
    be uninterrupted such as the USA, Europe,
    Japan, Australia and where demand is highest
    ie in MEDCs
  • Transport the refined products are transported
    direct to customers often by road tanker such
    as petrol to garages.
  • Sales BP sells its oil products to many other
    companies but has its own outlets too, such as
    BP garages.
  • Research BP is involved in researching
    alternative energy supplies for when oil supplies
    run out. It is researching energy-efficient jet
    engines which use less oil as well as solar cars
    and getting energy from fuel cells, and solar

Is it good to have BP operating in your country?
  • There may by considerable pollution from the
    drilling operations, tanker filling and pipeline
  • Most of the available jobs will be low-skill,
    low-pay. BP will reserve most skilled jobs for
    its own workers
  • A few of your people may become very rich
    whilst others remain poor leading to unrest
    amongst your population.
  • Your oil supplies may get used up faster than
    you want them to be.
  • You might be invaded by neighbouring countries
    to get hold of your oil.
  • If the world price of oil goes down you could
    find you make less money than you need if you
    raised your spending in the good years.
  • You will get an income from selling the
    exploration and drilling rights to BP
  • You will get an income from the sale of oil from
  • Jobs will be created in the drilling and
    transport departments
  • Roads and ports may be improved by BP to they
    can operate effectively
  • You will be involved in international trade
    and could use the links with MEDCs to develop
    other exports so they stay friendly with you
    and your oil.

Nigeria Oil Nightmare. The Niger Delta, a
region the size of England, is littered with
violence and gas flares - the offshoot of oil
extraction - whose roar and heat you can feel for
hundreds of metres around. (See BBC report) The
flares have become symbols of the region and the
paradox that exists in an area where you find one
of the world's richest oil regions alongside some
of the poorest people. People here blame the
fallout from the oil industry for their ruined
environment, ill health and unemployment. On the
waterfront at Port Harcourt, the city at the
heart of the oil industry, we found slums where
people live without running water and
electricity, and miles from the nearest school or
clinic. No wonder many are angry. One woman told
us "We are suffering. We don't have jobs. They
make so much money with oil, but we don't see
it." Shootouts and stolen oil The maze of
waterways makes policing the delta incredibly
difficult. With unemployment at 90, many people
of the Delta are tempted to join the criminal
gangs who terrorise the area, kidnapping foreign
oil workers and launching raids on oil platforms
(see BBC report)
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