- Overview of the Oceans
- Properties Effecting Motion
- Factors Determining Structure
- Ocean Circulation
- Shallow Wind Driven
- Deep Thermohaline
- http//www.ifremer.fr/lpo/cours/dynamique/diapos
2I. Overview of the Oceans
? Why is the ocean a unique fluid? A
geophysical fluid, like the atmosphere (Earths
rotation important) Solid lateral
boundaries, unlike the atmosphere (can support
pressure gradients) Density depends on
temperature, salinity, and pressure (depth)
Contained in a thin shell average depth (-4
km) only 1/1700 the earths radius
3Are the Oceans Important?
70 of the earths surface 97 of the
available terrestrial freshwater 300 times
the mass of the atmosphere 1200 times the
heat capacity of the atmosphere Large
capacity to store carbon ( CO2 ), other gases
and pollutants
4II. Ocean Properties
A Active Temperature (T), Salinity
(S) Â ? Density (?) Â ? Pressure Forces
(p) Â ? Motions (Deep) (u, v, w) Â Â B
Passive Phytoplankton  Nutrients  Ox
ygen  CFCs  Helium -
Tritium  Carbon (Bomb, CO2 )  etc.
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6III. Ocean T and S Structure
Sources Sinks
Heat (T) Solar radiation Evaporation
Radiation from clouds Radiation from surface
Warm air Cold air
Ice formation Ice melt
Salinity (S) Evaporation Precipitation (90 of evaporation)
River runoff
Ice formation Ice melt
7Implications of sources and sinks all being at
the surface !!
? Extrema of both T and S (warmest, coldest,
freshest, saltiest) must be at the surface
? Dense surface water (polar) sinks to fill up
deep water ocean basins, then pressure effect
acts to make bottom water the most dense
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10The wind mixes near surface T and S
50 meters in stabilizing regions (less
dense) i.e., tropics, summer mid-to-high
latitudes  400 meters in destabilizing
regions (more salting and cooling) i.e.,
mid-latitude evaporation  Little wind
influence on convection regions
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15IV. Ocean Circulation
Drivers earths rotation wind heating
and freshening attraction of the moon
These forcings combine to produce diverse ocean
flows, strongly influenced by vertical
stratification and by lateral boundaries
(coastlines). waves and tides (x)Â turbul
ent eddies (x)Â surface currents (1)Â deep
currents (2)
16Newtons Law
Force mass acceleration ? internal
pressure Coriolis (earths
rotation) ? external gravity (heavy water
sinks) ? friction surface wind stress
dissipation Some observed balances
Inertial, Coriolis acceleration, mixed layer
Ekman, Coriolis wind, mixed layer
Geostrophic, Coriolis pressure, interior
Equatorial, wind pressure, upper ocean
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18Wind Driven Circulation
How does it reach deep 800m ? Note 2
mls along western boundaries  1
mls equatorial near surface  10 mls interior
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24Global Conveyor Belt
Simplistic cartoon of the effect of all motions
in circulating water parcels throughout the
worlds ocean, both deep and shallow.
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