- The measurement of Terrestrial Heat Flow
- Thermal Properties of Rocks
- The Earths Internal Sources of Heat
- Transfer of Heat within the Earth
- Thermal History of the Earth
- Escape of Heat Through the Lithosphere
- The patterns of Terrestrial Heat Flow
- Oceanic and Continental Heat Flow
2 The measurement of Terrestrial Heat Flow
- Thermal processes have played a dominant role in
the origin and evolution - of the Earths crust.
- The temperature is important to determine the
followings - Curie depth
- Depth of the brittle behaviour of the crust
- Seismic velocities
- Maximum depth of the earthquakes
- Stress drop of the earthquakes
- 6) Volcanic activity
3Methods of measuring heat flow
- The gradual loss of heat through the Earths
surface is called the heat flow (Meissner, 1986). - q Heat Flow Density
- dT/dz Temperature gradient obtained from field
measuements by using thermistor - Applied corrections for the measurements of dT/dz
are - - Topography
- - Possible uplift or subsidence
- - Erosion
- - Glaciation
- - Other climatic effects
- ? Thermal conductivity obtained from
laboratory measurements by using the Less-Beck - apparatus
- ? doesnt vary as strongly as dT/dz.
4- An ocean-floor temperature gradient probe (Bott,
- l Sample length
- Q Amount of heat to evaporate 1cm3
- of ethylene
- t Time required to heat 1cm3
- of ethylene
- ?t TA - TB
- TA Boiling point of acetone (oC) TB
Boiling point of ethylene (oC) -
- Lees-Beck Apparatus
6- Thermal conductivity ?l Q / (a t ?t)cal / (cm
sec oC) - SI-unit W m-1 K-1 (watt per meter Kelvin)
- cgs-unit cal cm-1 s-1 C-1
- Conversions
- 1 W m-1 K-1 2.388 10-3 cal cm-1 C-1
- 1mcal cm-1 s-1 C-1 0.4187 Wm-1K-1
- Heat flow density qcal / (cm sec oC) oC /
cmcal / (cm2 sec) - 1?cal10-6 calorie
- Heat Flow Unit gt 1 HFU10-6 cal / cm2 sec
7- Thermal Properties of Rocks
- Thermal conductivity (?) electron
conductivity (in pure metals) - latice conductivity (in silicate lattice)
- Thermal properties of minerals
- High thermal conductivity
- Quartz and minerals in metamorphic rocks
(kyanite, andalusite) - Extremely high thermal conductivity
- Ore minerals and some accessories (rutile,
spinel) - Low thermal conductivity
- Mineral group of mica (biotite), nepheline,
8- Thermal conductivities (?) of some minerals
- Native metals (graphite and diamond) 120 W m-1
K-1 - Sulfides 19
- Oxides 11.8
- Fluorides an Chorides 6
- Carbonates 4
- Silicates and Sulfates 3.3
- Nitrates 2.1
- Native elements / non metals 0.85
- (selenium, sulphur)
9Thermal properies of rocks
- Thermal properties of rocks are controlled by the
variations in mineral - content, pores and cracks, their thermal
properties, volume fractions - and spatial distribution within the rock.
- ?highest quartzite and rock salt
- ?medium crystalline rocks (they have small
range compared to sedimentary - rocks)
- ?lowest loose materials (dry, sand, soil)
- Igneous Rocks ? ? acid-intermediate ? basic
ultrabasic rocks - Sedimentary Rocks ? ? clay, sandstone,
limestone, dolomites, rock salt
10- Igneous Metamorphic Rocks
- for dense, unwheathered, nonfractured rocks
mineral content, - the thermal properties of minerals and internal
structure - for fractured rocks the content and properties
of rock filling materials and crack geometry and
distribution - Sedimentary rocks
- for non porous rocks mineral content and the
thermal properties - of minerals and internal structure
- ? for porous rocks the thermal properties of
solid matrix minerals and pore filling materials
11(Schön, 1998)
12(Schön, 1998)
13P ? ? ? ? nonlinear closure of cracks,
fractures, pores T ? ? ? ? mineral
composition, internal structure and related
processes (Schön, 1998)
14Age ? ? ? (Schön, 1998)
15Nonlinear increase of ??(z) P T diagnesis
compaction cementationP ? ? ? ? heat
transport at grain-grain contacts ?? Porosity ?
(Schön, 1998)
16The Earths Internal Sources of Heat
- 1) Heat from the Earths accretion
- 2) Heat from core formation
- 3) Heat from tidal fraction
- 4) Heat from surficial radiogenic sources
- 5) Heat from tectonic processes with enhanced
convection (Meissner, 1986) - (1) (2) provide the general global heat level
for the Earth. - (3) provides 10 to the general thermal level.
- (4) provides 35 to the general thermal level. It
is related to the decay - of radioactive elements (Uranium, Thorium,
Potassium) in the upper part of - the crust.
- (5) It is related to the tectonic processes
(rifting, spreading and subduction). - Tectonicaly young areas HF ? , Old shield areas
HF ? - Heat loss of the Earth ? 75 from Ocean (oceanic
ridges) 25 from Continent - (uplifting and subduction)
17(Plummer and McGeary, 1991)
18(Plummer and McGeary, 1991)
19(Plummer and McGeary, 1991 )
20(Meissner, 1986)
21A(0.718 CU0.193CTh0.262CK) 0.133 ? ?W/m3
(Meissner, 1986)
22A2.5x106e-2.3VP ?W/m3 (Meissner, 1986)
23Transfer of Heat within the Earth
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation
- Conduction Crystal lattice interaction
- Heat ? ? Vibrations of atoms ?
- ? Heat
flow by conduction - Hot Cool
- ( ( ? ) ) ( ( ? ) ) ( ( ? ) ) ? ? ?
- ( ( ? ) ) ( ( ? ) ) ( ( ? ) ) ? ? ?
- Metal is a better conductor than plastic.
- Rock and soil are very poor heat conductors.
24- Convection
- The heat is transferred by relative motion of
portions of the heated - body.
- Magma rises through the narrow plumes beneath hot
spots. - Lithoshere forms from hot the rising magma.
- Lithosphere cools as it spreads.
- Cooled lithosphere sinks.
- Earths interior Transfer of Heat
- Lithosphere Conduction
- Mantle Convection
- Core Conduction
- Mines and bore holes 2-3oC / 100 m
- Center 4000-5000 oC
25(Hamblin and Christiansen, 1998)
26- Radiation
- The heat is transferred directly between the
distant portions of - the body by the electromagnetic radiation.
27(Brown et. al, 1992)
28Thermal History of the Earth
- lt 1 Million years
- Gravitational energy of the colliding bodies
- Adiabatic compression
- Decay of the short-lived radioactive isotopes
- 100 Million years
- Gravitational energy ? core formation from an
initially - homogeneous Earth
29- 3rd stage
- A few hundered million years
- Thermal equilibrium (long-lived radioactive
isotopes and steady cooling and heat loss from
the surface) - Proto-lithosphere (20 km) oldest precambrian
rocks - 4th stage
- 400 Milion age-present
- Thermal balance between heat production and
slow steady cooling and heat loss - 75 of heat loss from below the lithosphere
oceanic lithosphere (Bott, 1982)
30- Escape of Heat Through the Lithosphere
- The geothermal gradient is 25oC/km at near
surface. Temperature at - the center of the Earth is about 6900oC.
- Heat Flow Oceanic Crust Continental Crust
- Ridge HF ? Trench HF ?
- HF age, radiogenic material
- 40 Radiogenic sources in the upper crust
- 20 Heated lithosphere
- HF ? erosion HF ? uplift
- 40 Radiogenic sources in the lower crust
31(Plummer and McGeary, 1991)
32- High Heat Flow
- Volcanic and magmatic activity
- Mantle plumes
- Mantle crests
- Diapirs
- Hot spots
- Mud volcanoes
- Geysers
- Hot springs
- Salt diapirism
- Normal geothermal gardient 2-3oC/100m
- Economic geothermal gradient 7oC/100m
33- Geothermal Areas of the Earth
- Andes Volcanic Belt (Colombia, Venezuela,
Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina) ? HF ?
Active Volcanism - Alp Himalayas Belt (Yugoslavia, Greece, Türkiye,
Iran, Pakistan, China, India, Thailand) ? HF
the result of collision of plates - East African Rift System (Kenya, Tanzania,
Ethiopia, Zambia, Uganda) - Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia Active volcanism
- Caribbean Islands Active volcanism
- Central America Volcanic Belt Elsalvador,
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama - Canada, USA, Japan, Eastern China, Philippines,
Indonesia, New Zeland, Mexico, North and East
Europa Countries ? Mainly tectonism
34(No Transcript)
35The geothermal areas in Türkiye
- Western Anataolia (Afyon, Denizli, Kirsehir,
Kütahya, Balikesir) - Ankara
- Kayseri
- Amonoslar
- Erzurum
- Diyarbakir
- T 150 oC ? Electric generation
- T 30-150 oC ? Heating and Cooling in Industry
- Geothermal Energy
- Advantage Clean and cheap energy
- Disadvantage CaCO3 saturation in pipes and bor
36Geothermal Inventory of Türkiye (MTA, 1996)
37- Geothermal Inventory of Türkiye (MTA, 1996)
38(DPT Rapor 2441-ÖIK 497, 1996)
39The patterns of Terrestrial Heat Flow
40(Meissner, 1986)
41Oceanic and Continental Heat Flow
42(Bott, 1982)
43(Bott, 1982)
44(Bott, 1982)
- Bott, M.H.P., 1982, The Interior of the Earth
its structure, constitution and - evolution, Elsevier, p 266-296 (ITU Mustafa Inan
Library, QE 28.2.B68). - Hamblin W.K. and Christiansen, E.H., 1998, p
492-495 (ITU Mustafa Inan Library, - QE 28.2.P58).
- Plummer C.C. and McGeary, D. 1991, Physical
Geology, Wm.C. Brown Pub., - p 387-391 (ITU Mustafa Inan Library, QE 28.2
.P58). - Press and Siever, 1997, Understanding Earth, W.H.
Freeman Company, p 495-498 - (ITU Mustafa Inan Library, QE 28.P74 ).
- Schön, J.H., 1998, Handbook of Geophysical
Exploration, Seismic Exploration, V 18 - Physical Properties of rocks Fundamentals and
Principles of Petrophysics, - Pergamon press, p 334, 338, 339, 353, 359 (ITU
Mustafa Inan Library, - 431.6 P5 S34 1998).
- Smith, D.G., 1981, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of
Earth Sciences, Sceptre Books - Lim., 154.