Title: The U'S' Presidents Emergency Plan
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2The U.S. Presidents Emergency Plan
- Announced in the 2003 State of the Union Address
- Five-year, 15 billion multifaceted approach to
fighting HIV/AIDS in over 120 countries - Through the Emergency Plan, we are working with
international, national and local leaders
worldwide to support integrated prevention,
treatment and care programs - Largest commitment ever by a single nation
towards an international health initiative - U.S. now leads the world in its level of support
for the fight against HIV/AIDS
3The U.S. Commitment
- At the inception of PEPFAR, the U.S. developed a
five-year strategy that devoted 15 billion to
programs in the following way - 10 billion for the 15 focus countries
- 4 billion for other PEPFAR countries and for
additional activities including HIV/AIDS
research and - 1 billion over five years for the Global Fund
to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. - The United States is on track to meet this
commitment and has already exceeded its
contribution to the Global Fund.
4Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
- Lead U.S. Government international HIV/AIDS
efforts - Ensure U.S. Government program and policy
coordination - Pursue coordination with other countries and
international organizations - Resolve policy, program and funding issues among
U.S. Government agencies - Directly approve all U.S. Government focus
country HIV/AIDS activities - Promote accountability and monitor progress
toward meeting Emergency Plan goals
5One U.S. Government Response
- Carrying out bilateral programs in partnerships
with host nations are the - Department of State
- including U.S. Agency for International
Development - Department of Defense
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Labor
- Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- including the CDC, FDA, NIH and Health Resources
and Services Administration - Peace Corps
6PEPFAR Worldwide Activities
7The Focus Countries
Focus on 15 most heavily impacted countries in
the world with approximately 50 of all HIV
infections worldwide
The U.S. goals are to support, in an accountable
and sustainable way
- Prevention of 7 million new HIV infections
- Treatment of 2 million HIV-infected people
- Care for 10 million people infected with and
affected by HIV/AIDS, including orphans and
vulnerable children
8Emergency Plan Approach
- Apply the Principle of Three Ones
- 1 national plan, 1 coordinating mechanism, 1 ME
plan - Monterrey Accord national ownership is the key
to sustainability - Build capacity of indigenous partners
- Use the Network Model
- Strengthen infrastructure and human capacity
- Implement according to national guidelines
- Monitor using international indicators
- Fund programs based on results
9Sense of Congress for Distribution of Funds
33 of prevention funds should be for
abstinence-until-marriage programs 75 of
treatment funds should be for purchase and
distribution of ARVs
Source Public Law 108-25
10Select Emergency Plan Achievements
- As of March 31, 2006, PEPFAR supported treatment
for 561,000 people in the 15 focus countries. - Through March 31, 2006, PEPFAR supported PMTCT
services for women during over 4.5 million
pregnancies. - Through September 30, 2005, PEPFAR supported
community outreach activities to over 42 million
people to prevent sexual transmission of HIV. - Through September 30, 2005, PEPFAR supported care
for over 1.2 million orphans and vulnerable
children. Supported care for over 1.7 million
people living with HIV/AIDS, including over
368,000 who received care and treatment for
tuberculosis. - In fiscal year 2005, more than 80 of our 1,200
partners working on the ground were indigenous
11Thank you
For further information, please
visit www.PEPFAR.gov