Title: Duke University
1Hydrodynamical Evolution near the QCD Critical
End Point
- Duke University
- Chiho NONAKA
in Collaboration with
Masayuki Asakawa (Kyoto University)
November, 2003_at_Collective Flow and QGP
properties, BNL
2 Critical End Point in QCD ?
K. Yazaki and M.Asakawa., NPA 1989
- Reweighting
- Z. Fodor and S. D. Katz
- (JHEP 0203 (2002)
- Imaginary chemical potential
- Forcrand and Philipsen hep-lat/0307020
3 Phenomenological Consequence ?
M. Stephanov, K. Rajagopal, and E.Shuryak, PRL81
(1998) 4816
critical end point
Divergence of Fluctuation
Correlation Length
If expansion is adiabatic.
4EOS with CEP
- How to Construct EOS with CEP?
- Assumption
- Critical behavior dominates in a large region
near end point - Near QCD end point singular part of EOS
- Mapping
- Matching with known QGP and
- Hadronic entropy density
- Thermodynamical quantities
3d Ising Model
Same Universality Class
5EOS of 3-d Ising Model
- Parametric Representation of EOS
Guida and Zinn-Justin NPB486(97)626
6Thermodynamical Quantities
- Singular Part of EOS near Critical Point
- Gibbs free energy
- Entropy density
- Matching
- Entropy density
- Thermodynamical quantities
- Baryon number density, pressure, energy
7Equation of State
Baryon number density
Entropy Density
8Focusing and CEP
9 Comparison with Bag Excluded Volume EOS
- n /s trajectories in T- m plane
Bag Model Excluded Volume Approximation (No
End Point)
With End Point
Usual Hydro Calculation
Not Focused
10Sound Velocity
- Effect on Time Evolution
- Collective flow
11 Slowing out of Equilibrium
- Berdnikov and Rajagopals Schematic Argument
B. Berdnikov and K. Rajagopal, Phys. Rev. D61
(2000) 105017
slower (longer) expansion
Correlation length longer than xeq
along r const. line
Time evolution Bjorkens solution along nB/s
t0 1 fm, T0 200 MeV
12Correlation Length (I)
Widoms scaling low
13Correlation Length (II)
Model C (Halperin RMP49(77)435)
14Consequences in Experiment (I)
- Fluctuations
- 40,80,158 AGeV PbAu
- collisions
Mean PT Fluctuation
No unusually large fluctuation
CEP exists in near RHIC energy region ?
15Consequences in Experiment (II)
- Kinetic Freeze-out Temperature
Low T comes from large flow.
Xu and Kaneta, nucl-ex/0104021(QM2001)
16CEP and Its Consequences
Future task
- Realistic hydro calculation with CEP