Title: Leveraging XBRL for Basel II
1Leveraging XBRL for Basel II
- Daniel DAmico, IBM Business Consulting Services,
- Basel II background
- Basel II is an opportunity
- The data management challenge
- XBRL and Basel II
3A couple of quotes
- Regulators and customers are demanding greater
focus on risk management. This call for
transparency will challenge traditional business
practices and will require more auditable
processes throughout the business Morgan Stanley
analyst (on market timing), FT 11/03 - US regulators expect Basel II will apply to a
total of around 20 large US banks. All US banks
operating under Basel II will be obliged to use
only the most advanced Basel II approaches for
assessing banking risks, which means the IRB
approaches in the case of credit risk. Global
Risk Regulator 10/03
4Basel II Background
What is Basel II Accord?
The publication of the Basel II Accord will mark
the end of long process that will have
effectively re-written the rules of banking.
Basel II will affect the conduct of monetary
policy and the stability of financial
institutions all over the world
What is it trying to achieve?
- To promote safety and soundness in the financial
system - To align regulatory capital requirements more
closely with underlying risks - To offer incentives for institutions to pursue
more sophisticated effective risk management
When does it happen?
Commercial imperative
- Basel II will significantly impact FS
institutions and the change is such that
preparation needs to begin now to ensure
readiness for a parallel run starting 1st Jan
2006 - Key strategic decisions need to be taken now on
the approach to be taken and the benefit that
should be achieved over and above compliance
5Basel II is an Opportunity not just a Mandate
- Basel II Opportunities
- Improve shareholder value
- Economic capital savings
- Improve/maintain credit rating
- Improve risk management strategy
- Alignment of Risk Finance
- Cost reduction through organizational process
improvement - Identify potentially dangerous portfolio
positions and other risk sources
Basel II
Pillar 1
Pillar 2
Pillar 3
- Minimum Capital requirements
- Supervisory Review Process
Market Discipline
- Calculation and
- Management of
- Credit Risk
- Operational Risk
- Market Risk
- Ensure sound processes
- Ensure adequate capital at all times
- Ensure motivation improving risk management
- Quantitative
- and qualitative
- disclosure of
- undertaken risks
- and risk
- methodologies
- Basel II Challenges
- Setting up Basel II program
- Data management
- Systems management
- Establishing Risk Framework
Data Foundation
6Key challenges Systems Data Management
10 Common signs of unstable data foundation
Data Management is the key challenge in meeting
Basel II
- Inability to gather data for new reporting
requirements. - Difficulty complying with regulatory requirements
like Basel II Accord - Senior management questions quality, timeliness,
reliability of information used to make
multi-million dollar decisions - Inability to consolidate data from multiple
diverse sources - Senior Management requests for information
require intensive manual effort to respond, and
far longer than desired. - Difficulty in building a single architecture to
address both data consolidation and data
aggregation requirements. - Multiple databases or spreadsheets storing
similar data no common data dictionary across
the enterprise - No ownership of data
- Theres no single enterprise view of data
- Difficulty answering questions about the origins
and business processes performed against data
Source IBM Institute for Business Value
analysis, Banks and Basel II How Prepared Are
They?, October 2002 interviews with 32 Financial
institutions worldwide
7A complex International banking group
Personal Finance
Wholesale Banking
Private Banking and Asset Management
Credit Cards
Asia Pacific
Discretionary Portfolio Management
Fixed Income, Equity and derivatives
UK retail
North America
Hong Kong
8IBMs Basel II Architecture
External Audience
Loss Data
Result Data
Result Data
Result Data
Result Data
Management Data
Core Banking Products
Rating, PD, LGD, CCF Models
Internal Audience
Data Marts
Data source
Warehouse Administration
9Where does XBRL fit?
External Audience
Loss Data
Result Data
Result Data
Result Data
Result Data
Management Data
Core Banking Products
Rating, PD, LGD, CCF Models
Internal Audience
Data Marts
Data source
Warehouse Administration
10XBRL for Basel II analytics
- Many Analytics requirements
- Credit Risk Profile
- Credit Risk Assessment
- Credit Risk Mitigation Assessment
- Operational Risk Assessment
- Portfolio Credit Exposure
- Security Analysis
- Liquidity Risk
- Collections Analysis
- Involved Party Exposure
- Location Exposure
- Non Performing Loan
- Aggregate data for analytics
- Multiple Sources
- Different periods
- Different rules
11XBRL for Basel II reporting
- Many reporting requirements
- External
- Disclosures
- Regulatory
- Internal
- Group
- Subsidiary
- Management reporting
- Integration with other reporting requirements
- Aggregate data for reporting
- Multiple Sources
- Different periods
- Different rules
12Common definition using XBRL
- Definition of Internal Basel II taxonomies
- Define an organizational metadata layer
- Traceability back to transactions
- Common repository for changes and updates to
requirements - Enhance group ability to consolidate data
- Improve data quality
Basel II is an opportunity for banks to force its
subsidiaries and business units into following a
common understanding of data, driving common
standards into the organisation . XBRL can be
THE standard
13How is XBRL solving some of the data management
- Inability to gather data for new reporting
requirements. - Difficulty complying with regulatory requirements
like Basel II Accord - Senior management questions quality, timeliness,
reliability of information used to make
multi-million dollar decisions - Inability to consolidate data from multiple
diverse sources - Senior Management requests for information
require intensive manual effort to respond, and
far longer than desired. - Difficulty in building a single architecture to
address both data consolidation and data
aggregation requirements. - Multiple databases or spreadsheets storing
similar data no common data dictionary across
the enterprise - No ownership of data
- Theres no single enterprise view of data
- Difficulty answering questions about the origins
and business processes performed against data
XBRL for Basel II Analytics
XBRL for Basel II reporting
Common definitions using XBRL
14Leveraging XBRL for Basel II
- Daniel DAmico, London UK
- IBM BSC, Financial Services Sector,
- Risk and Compliance
- Daniel.Damico_at_uk.ibm.com