Title: XBRL%20the%20Swedish%20Way
1XBRL the Swedish Way
- Monica Grahn
- Lars Rydell
- Swedish Companies Registrations Office
2XBRL the Swedish Way
- Monica Grahn
- Lars Rydell
- Swedish Companies Registrations Office
3Swedish Companies Registration Office
4SCRO, some facts
- Registration of companies, associations etc
- Registration of corporate mortgage
- Large information source
- Completely fee - financed
- Employees 540
5Types of companies
Trading partnerships
Sole traders
Limited partnerships
Limited companies
6Received annual accounts(per year)
7Facts Annual Reports on paper
- Average processing time of an annual report is 4
minutes - Average response within 2 workingdays, worst case
5 days - Manual review
- 24 full year employeed
- Average of 10 errors
- First version of the taxonomy adopted
- Project together with XBRL Sweden
- Services in place to receive Annual Reports
- Requirement by Swedish law
- Rebuild of taxonomi architecture
- Flexibility
- Ease of administration
- Ease of future collaboration
- Added values in our services
- Focus on usability to Auditors
- Marketing
- To all involved parties, auditors,
accountants,companys - Collaboration
- Timeframes SW developers, auditors,accountants
- So far we have done
- Marketing
- Usability test
- Annual Reports for other than Limited Companys
- Beta version of Added values in our services
- PDF/HTML presentation of annual reports
- Validation of annual reports
- Still we have to do
- Even more marketing
- Go Live version of added values in our services
- PDF/HTML presentation
- Validation of annual reports
- Seamless integration of Annual Reporting Software
- Archiving
- Regeneration of receiving services
- Result of Usability Test and demands from
accountancy sector
12The Swedish record
- From 2 to 5 days to only 16 minutes !
13Why XBRL?
- International standard
- Rapidly accepted
- The annual account interest also in the
different parts
14Analogue loop of stupidity
15Analogue loop of stupidity
16- XBRL Sweden
- the most suitable partner
- Has knowledge of accounting and auditing
- Comprises the bransch
- Can provide for a wide network in the business
17The Swedish way
- Marketing awareness!
- Collaboration!
- Credit information agencys!
- Software developers!
- Users, Auditors, Accountants, Companys!
- Banks!
- Acceptance of a new standard
- It takes time to adopt to new standards
19Measured benefits for the society
20Measured benefits yearly savings
Companies 472MSek 1.764MSek 52M- 196M
Auditor 9MSek 18MSek 1M - 2M
Authoritys 14Msek-16Msek 1.6M - 1.8M
Credit analysists 10MSek 12MSek 1.1M - 1.3M
Banks 30MSek 94MSek 3.3M - 10.4M
Investors, analysts 0MSek 120MSek 0M - 13.3M
Total 500MSek 2.000MSek 55.5M - 222.2M
From a recent report finished in May 2008
21Future challenges
- It is not about technology anymore, reforming the
way we work is the issue - Clarify the benefit with one standard
- Increase the use of our services and the XBRL
standard - Involve other authorities and business
participants - COLLABORATE
22Whats in it for me?
23Thank you for your attention?
24(No Transcript)