Title: Biology at First Year
1Biology at First Year
2- Director of First Year Studies in Biology Dawn
Gleeson - Room 1.07 (Genetics Department)
- Ph. 8344 4765 Fax 8344 5139email
d.gleeson_at_unimelb.edu.au - Website for Biology http//www.biology.unimelb.ed
u.au/ - Or access via the LMS
3Biology at First Year
- Semester 1
- 650141 Biology of Cells and Organisms
- Semester 2 650142 Genetics and the Evolution
of Life - Semester 2 12.5 pts
- 650 111 Flora and Fauna of Australia
4- This presentation will be on the 650141 page
accessible from the Biology web site or the LMS
site - www.biology.unimelb.edu.au
5- What do I do to start biology??
6What do you need to get started?
7(No Transcript)
8Am I Prac group A or B?
9Am I Prac group A or B?
What day do I attend prac?
10Am I Prac group A or B?
What day do I attend prac?
When is my tute and where??
11Am I Prac group A or B?
On your timetable
What day do I attend prac?
When is my tute and where??
13(No Transcript)
Lecture times
15Tells you if you are Prac Group A or B
16If you are Group A your prac starts in week
2 If you are Group B your prac starts in week 3
17Tutorial time and location
Tutorials commence in WEEK 1
18Science 101
19Group A
Group B
This schedule is handed out when purchasing lab
manual etc.,
20Lectures 650141
blah, blah, blah
- start on Monday March 3rd (next Monday)
- 3 lectures per week 50 minutes each9.00am
means 9.05am start - 3.15pm means start at 3.20
- Copland Theatre Economics and Commerce
- Mon 8am Wed 8am Fri 8am (First in series)
- Mon 11am Wed 11am Fri 11am (Second)
- Mon 3.15 Wed 3.15 Fri 3.15 (Third)
21What do you need to get started?
- 650141 and 650142 Knox B., Ladiges P., and Evans
B., and Saint third edition Biology (113
approx) - DO NOT buy With CD only if doing 650141 AND
650111 BUT all on-line - Penguin Dictionary of Biology 22.95)
- Collins Dictionary of Biology (29.95)
23What do you need to get started?
- Timetable
- Textbook
- Lab manual and lecture summaries
24Laboratory Manual and lecture Summaries
- Purchase lab manual before your first practical
- Available now from the Biology Office Level 5
Redmond Barry Building (meet Joelle, Heath,
Sophie, Stacey and Maria)Lab Manual 181818 - Lecture Summaries 7
- (Includes tutorial questions)
- Sorry no EFTPOS or cards 77
- (sorry no facilities
- for cards or EFTPOS)
25Biology Office Tutorial rooms Laboratories
Elisabeth Murdoch
Copland Theatre
Copland Theatre
Asia centre Theatre
Baillieu library
Biomedical Library
26What do you need to get started?
- Timetable
- Textbook
- Lab manual and lecture summaries
- Lab coat, dissecting kit
27No Biology background????
- If you have not completed VCE or IB Biology (or
an equivalent) at year 12 - preliminary reading
suggested - Also see lecture notes reading
28(No Transcript)
29Prac classes - lab coat plus correct shoes
- Please wear appropriate shoes
30Prac classes - lab coat plus correct shoes
- Please wear appropriate shoes
31What do you need to get started?
- Timetable
- Textbook
- Lab manual and lecture summaries
- Lab coat, dissecting kit for week 8
- Complete ILT 1 on the Compound Microscope
Training and pre-lab on Biological drawing
32(No Transcript)
33You need your email username and password
34(No Transcript)
35- To be completed before attending practical 1
- Pre-lab 1 Biological drawing (available now)
- ILT 1 Compound microscope training (available
in next 2-3 days) - (ILTS contribute to final mark)
36(No Transcript)
37Access to computers
- 60 eMac computers in Biology in Redmond Barry
Building for your use - open access - Level 3 and level 5
- Open
- 9.00am - 4.30pm Mon - Thurs
- 9.00am - 3.30pm - Friday
38The Biology Learning Centre
- Level 4 Redmond Barry opposite the lifts
- Tutors will be available for individual
assistance - Times of availability also on web site Mon 11 -
1pm,Tues 9 -12, Wed 9 - 1, Thurs 10-1 Meeting
39- This presentation will be on the 650141 Biology
LMS site
- Attend info sessions
- Join a club
- Enjoy yourself
Have fun
Have fun
Have fun