Title: Washington Community and Technical Colleges Capital Budgeting
1Washington Community and Technical
CollegesCapital Budgeting
- Instruction Commission
- February 15, 2007
- Prepared by Mary Alice Grobins
2Where Does SBCTC CapitalMoney Come From?2005-07
Evans-Gardner Bonds 30 (debt service paid by
state tax revenues)
General Obligation Bonds (debt service paid by
state tax revenues) 54
Education Construction Account (funded by state
lottery) 5
Building Fees Paid by Students (part of tuition
payment) 11
3State of Washington Capital Budget2005-2007
Biennium3.25 Billion
CTCs 14.2
- /millions
- Govt. Operations 639.3
- Human Services 310.7
- Natural Resources 782.5
- Transportation 0.5
- K-12 627.4
- Universities 429.3
- CTCs 460.9
- Statewide Total 3,250.6
4SBCTC Capital Policy
- Construct quality buildings
- Flexibility to respond to changing program
requirements - Keep facilities from deteriorating and eliminate
temporary structures on main campuses - Focus on renovating and replacing the worst
buildings first
5SBCTC 2005-07 Capital BudgetTypes of Projects
Renovations 12.9
Replacements 24.3
Locally Funded 17.3
Minor Repairs 5.4
MO/Infrastructure 4.0
Growth Projects 27.3
Repairs 8.8
6SBCTC 2007-09 Capital Budget RequestTypes of
projects by dollars invested
Repairs/Minors 19.6
Science 28.8
Admin/Other 6.0
One-third of the major projects will expand and
upgrade health and science buildings
Early Learning 0.6
Vocational 6.2
Allied Health 8
Technology 6.3
Instructional 24.6
520.4 Million
7Intense Use
Seat use hours per week
HECB Design Capacity Standard 22 seat use hours
per week
8SBCTC Capital Process
- Colleges prepare capital project requests every
two years - A single, prioritized capital project request
list is developed and submitted to the
Governor/Legislature - System strives to request only solid,
well-justified projects - CTC prioritized request is generally respected by
state budgeters projects funded in priority
9How Do Colleges Get Projects on the Request List?
- Facility condition
- Project conformance with college strategic and
master plans - State projections for student growth
- Well-planned and justified project requests
10Facility Condition Survey 2005
Immediate Replacement 13.5
Superior 18.2
Over half of the buildings have deficiencies that
require attention now
Needs Major Renovation 23.3
Adequate 26.9
Needs Improvement 18.1
Based on owned GSF
11Who Decides which Projects are on the Request
List, and in what order?
- Scoring committee of presidents, business
officers, facility coordinators - Common criteria used to score and rank each
request - Capital Budget Task Force agrees on final
prioritized request list, recommendation to State
Board - De-brief and refinement of scoring criteria by
system committee to inform next request scoring
12How to Participate in Capital Request Process
- College planning
- Stakeholder input into project requests