Title: Board of Regents Sunset Hearing December 11, 2002
1Board of RegentsSunset HearingDecember 11, 2002
2History of Higher Education Governance
3- State Higher Education Governance Structures
- Three Types
- Consolidated Governing Board (24 states)
- Coordinating Board Systems
- Regulatory (21)
- Advisory (3)
- Planning Agency Systems (2 states)
Source Governance and Coordination of Higher
Education A Report by the North Carolina Center
for Public Policy Research (2000)
4Higher Education Structures In All 50 States
Consolidated Governing Board Structure (24
states) Alaska Arizona Florida Georgia Hawaii
Idaho Iowa Kansas Maine Minnesota Mississippi Mo
ntana Nevada New Hampshire No. Carolina North
Dakota Oregon Rhode Island South
Dakota Utah Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin Wyom
Coordinating Board Structure (24
states) Regulatory (21) Alabama Arkansas Colora
do Connecticut Illinois Indiana Kentucky LOUISI
ANA Maryland Massachusetts Missouri New
Jersey New York Ohio Oklahoma So.
Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Washington Ad
visory (3) California New Mexico Pennsylvania
Planning Agency Structure (2 states) Delaware Mi
Source Governance and Coordination of Higher
Education A Report by the North Carolina Center
for Public Policy Research (2000)
5Louisiana Public Postsecondary Education
Board of Regents
Southern System SU AM SU Law Center SU Ag.
Research Ctr. SU - New Orleans SU - Shreveport
LSU System LSU - BR UNO LSU - Shreveport LSU -
Alexandria LSU - Eunice LSU - Law Center LSU -
Ag. Center LSUHSC-N.O./Shreveport Pennington
U of LA System Grambling La Tech McNeese Nicholls
Northwestern Southeastern U of L - Lafayette U
of L - Monroe
LCTCS Baton Rouge CC Bossier Parish CC Delgado
CC Nunez CC River Parishes CC South LA CC LA
Delta CC LA Technical College (42 campuses)
Proprietary Schools
Learning Centers
6Board of Regents
Commissioner of Higher Education E. Joseph Savoie
Desegregation Compliance Officer Board Services
Coordinator Helen Johnson
Public Affairs Kim Hunter-Reed Deputy
Commissioner Gov. Relations Communications
Academic Affairs Vacant Deputy
Commissioner Academic Policy Program
Review Information Learning
Technology CITAL Academic Common Market
Planning, Research Performance James
Clarke Deputy Commissioner Master Plan
Implementation Accountability Proprietary
Schools Articulation Workforce Initiative TOPS
Administration Donald J. Vandal Deputy
Commissioner Administrative Services Information
Finance Facilities Marvin Roubique Deputy
Commissioner Budgetary Policy
Review Facilities Policy Review
Sponsored Programs Kerry Davidson Deputy
Commissioner Support Fund Programs Federal
Programs Health Strategic Initiatives Economi
c Development
Board of Regents Abridged Organizational
7Louisiana Board of Regents Members
Roland Toups Baton Rouge Secretary
Richard DAquin Lafayette Chairman
William T. Roberts Shreveport Vice-Chairman
Virgil Robinson New Orleans
Frances Henry Baton Rouge
William Clifford Smith Houma
Robert Levy Ruston
Norbert Simmons New Orleans
Scott Brame Alexandria
William Blake Lake Charles
Pat Strong Franklin
William Oliver New Orleans
Reggie Dupre Lafayette
Stephen Sumbler Student Member Southern AM
Artis Terrell, Jr. Shreveport
8Context For Recent Major Initiatives
- Restructuring of Governance
- Act 1360 of 1997
- Creation of Louisiana Community and Technical
College System - Act 170 - Section 7 (First Extraordinary Session
of 1998)
9Louisiana Public Postsecondary Education Governanc
e Structure
- Supervise and manage institutions
- Award certificates, confer degrees, and issue
diplomas - Receive and expend appropriated funds, according
to the Master Plan - Determine student fees
- Purchase land acquire buildings, subject to
approval of Regents - Employ and approve employment, fix salaries,
duties and functions of personnel - Oversee financial operations of schools
Management Boards Oversee the operations of the
institutions under their respective jurisdictions
Policy Coordinating Board Policymaking and
coordinating board for postsecondary education
Board of Regents
- Represent the postsecondary education system to
the Governor and the Legislature - Formulate Master Plan
- Establish Role, Scope, and Mission for systems
and institutions - Develop and adopt formula for equitable
distribution of funds - Approve/eliminate degree programs, departments of
instruction, etc. - Formulate operating budget recommendations
- Formulate capital budget recommendations
LSU System LA Community Technical College
System Univ. of LA System Southern U. System
10Statewide Higher Education Organization
LSU System LA Community Technical
College System Univ. of LA System Southern
U. System
Public Legislature State Administration
Board of Regents
11Board of Regents Constitutional Powers
12Board of Regents Authority Section (5)(1)
- (1)To revise or eliminate an existing degree
program, department of instruction, or similar
division. - (2) To approve, disapprove, or modify a proposed
degree program, department of instruction,
division, or similar subdivision.
13Board of Regents Authority
- Results
- Program Review
- Program Accreditation
- Low Completers
- Elimination of Duplication
14Board of Regents Authority
Results Mandatory Professional Program
Accreditation Percentage of Eligible Programs
Accredited 2000 - 84 2001 - 89 2002 - 92
15Board of Regents Authority
- Results
- All Academic Programs/Research Units Reviewed by
Board of Regents - May 1994 - Present
- Reviewed - 1,700
- Terminated - 336
16Board of Regents Authority Constitutional
(3)(a) To study the need for and feasibility of
creating a new institution of postsecondary
education, which includes establishing a branch
of such an institution or converting any
non-degree granting institution to an institution
which grants degrees or converting any college or
university which is limited to offering degrees
of a lower rank than baccalaureate to a college
or university that offers baccalaureate degrees
or merging any institution of postsecondary
education into any other institution of
postsecondary education, establishing a new
management board, and transferring a college or
university from one board to another.
17Board of Regents Authority Constitutional
(3)(b) If the creation of a new institution, the
merger of any institutions, the addition of
another management board, or the transfer of an
existing institution of higher education from one
board to another is proposed, the Board of
Regents shall report its written findings and
recommendations to the legislature within one
year. Only after the report has been filed, or
after one year from the receipt of a request for
a report from the legislature if no report is
filed, may the legislature take affirmative
action on such a proposal and then only by law
enacted by two-thirds of the elected members of
each house.
18Board of Regents Authority Constitutional
- New community colleges
- Baton Rouge Community College
- South Louisiana Community College
- Louisiana Delta Community College
- River Parishes Community College
- Creation of New LCTCS
- Institution System Change
- Delgado Community College
- Nunez Community College
- Baton Rouge Community College
- Bossier Parish Parish Community College
- Louisiana Technical College
19Board of Regents Authority Constitutional
(4) To formulate and make timely revision of a
master plan for postsecondary education. As a
minimum, the plan shall include a formula for
equitable distribution of funds to institutions
of postsecondary education.
20Board of Regents Authority
Louisiana Board of Regents Master
Plan for Public Postsecondary Education 2001
Details at www.regents.state.la.us/pdfs/Planning/m
21Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan Goals 1. Increase Opportunities for
Student Access and Success 2. Ensure Quality
and Accountability 3. Enhance Services To
Community and State
22Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 1
Increase Opportunities for Student Access and
- Electronic Campus
- Statewide articulation
23Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 1
Increase Opportunities for Student Access and
Statewide Articulation http//test003.lsu.edu/Arti
24Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 1
Increase Opportunities for Student Access and
- Outreach
- Academic Assessment
- Career Interest Inventory
- Parental Partnership Component
- 100,000 8th and 10th graders in Fall 2002
25Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 1
Increase Opportunities for Student Access and
Outreach EPAS Video
26Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 1
Increase Opportunities for Student Access and
- New Four-Year Admissions Requirements (TOPS)
- Enrollment Management/Noel-Levitz
27Master Plan - Goal 1
Increase Opportunities for Student Access and
28Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 2
Ensure Quality and Accountability
- Teacher Reform Initiatives
- Louisiana Educational Quality Support Fund
29Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 2
Ensure Quality and Accountability
- Teacher Education Reform
- Blue Ribbon Commission
- Improving teacher preparation programs
- Annual teacher education program report cards
- Curricular redesign
- Teacher cadet programs
- Alternative certification
- Improved retention of new teachers
30Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 2
Ensure Quality and Accountability
- Endowment program
- Research and Development
- Superior graduate students
- Enhancement
31Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 2
Ensure Quality and Accountability
LEQSF - Endowed Chairs and Professorships For
Eminent Scholars
Description BOR matches institutions on a 40/60
basis to create endowed professorships and chairs
that will assist in attracting and retaining
high-quality faculty members.
The people of Louisiana are hereby assured that
in a relatively brief period significant progress
has been made in bringing to fruition the ideals
and intent of the Louisiana Endowment Trust Fund
for Eminent Scholars. Already an impressive and
well-documented record of accomplishment is being
amassed by many of the chairs endowed by the
Board of Regents Report of the 1998 Review
Committee Chair Dr. Roy Koenigsknecht Forme
r Dean of the Graduate School Ohio State
32Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 2
Ensure Quality and Accountability
LEQSF - Endowed Professorships for Eminent
Dr. Isiah Warner - Philip W. West Chair in Air
Quality/Environmental Analytical Chemistry, LSU -
Baton Rouge - Hundreds of students from all
across Louisiana and from all levels of study
seek Dr, Warners input on everything from career
choices, graduate study and scientific research,
to personal, family and community problems. Dr.
Warners mentoring skills have won him acclaim
locally and nationally, including the LSU
Distinguished Faculty Award, the national
Presidential Mentoring Award, and the AAAS
Mentoring Award for Lifetime Achievement.
Dr. Burton Raffel, Endowed Chair for the
Humanities, ULL - Dr. Raffel has published 16
books since coming to ULL, and has taught and
mentored students and citizens all across South
Louisiana. His works include translations of
seminal works of literature, including Old
English poetry and prose, Medieval Arthurian
legends, works by the classic French writers
Balzac and Rabelais, and collections of
Indonesian poetry.
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Hartnett, Prince Abdul Aziz
Ahmed Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Chair of Retinal
Disease, LSUHSC - New Orleans - Dr. Hartnett has
already made significant improvements in the way
retinal services are delivered at New Orleans
medical institutions. She has focused her early
efforts at LSU on enhancing patient care and
education, increasing the capabilities of New
Orleans facilities to diagnose and treat retinal
problems and establishing here substantial
research to continue her investigations into the
treatment of ocular disorders.
33Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 2
Ensure Quality and Accountability
LEQSF - Research and Development
Description The RD component includes the
Research Competitiveness Subprogram (RCS) and the
Industrial Ties Research Subprogram (ITRS). RCS
targets proposals that strengthen the
competitiveness of Louisiana institutions to
promote long-term economic development. ITRS
targets proposals that support research with
significant near-term potential for economic
The Panel compliments the Board of Regents and
the State of Louisiana on the establishment of
such a quality programMoreover, the out-of-state
scientists and engineers who reviewed and
provided constructive criticism on this years
proposals are aware of the scientific and
engineering endeavors taking place in Louisiana
and are impressed with the States attempts to
improve the research environment...through this
program. Final Report of Review Panel,
2001-2002 Chair Dr. James R.
Durig Professor of Chemistry University of
Missouri at Kansas City
34Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 2
Ensure Quality and Accountability
LEQSF - Recruitment of Superior Graduate
Description BOR provides funds to institutions
to attract competitive graduate students.
Many states, Louisiana among them, have been
proactive and visionary by dedicating funds...to
attract top students the Louisiana Board of
Regents and the citizens of Louisiana, through
their state legislature, are to be commended for
having the foresight to have established the
Recruitment of Superior Graduate Students
program Final Report of Review Panel,
2001 Chair Dr. Terrence Millar Associate
Dean, The Graduate School University of
Wisconsin - Madison
35Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 2
Ensure Quality and Accountability
LEQSF - Enhancement
Description BOR provides funds to institutions
with promising or deserving programs for the
purchase of critically-needed equipment and
36Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 2
Ensure Quality and Accountability
LEQSF Fund Facts - Since 1986
- 204 chairs (188 - 1 million chairs, 16 - 2
million chairs) - 1180 endowed professorships
- Total value (with private funds) - 340 million
- 86 patents issued 65 patents pending
Chairs Established 1986-1995 - 89 (44 of total)
Chairs Established 1996-2002 - 115 (56 of
total) Percent increase - 129
Professorships Established 1990-1995 - 368 (31
of total) Professorships Established 1996-2002 -
812 (69 of total) Percent increase - 221
37Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 2
Ensure Quality and Accountability
- Program Review
- Capital Outlay Oversight
- Student Satisfaction Survey
38Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 2
Ensure Quality and Accountability
Capital Outlay Oversight Process Board adopts
and disseminates category priorities each
spring 1. Emergency 5. Continuing
Projects 2. Desegregation Settlement 6. New
Projects 3. Self-Generated 7. Projects in
Years 2-5 4. Movable Property Board also
sets priority for new projects 1. Master
Planning 5. Renovations of Existing
Facilities 2. Code Requirements 6. Timely Land
Acquisitions 3. Technology/Infrastructure 7.
Utilizing Vacant Campus Buildings 4. New Campus
Start-Up 8. The Construction of New
39Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 2
Ensure Quality and Accountability
Capital Outlay Oversight Process June - BOR
sends capital outlay guidelines to management
boards. July - August - BOR site visits August
- System office public hearings August -
Management boards adopt recommendations for their
institutions and forward to BOR. September -
BOR adopts preliminary recommendations. October
- BOR holds public hearing for systems to justify
changes to preliminary recommendations. Novemb
er 1 - Deadline for submission of final
recommendations to DOA and legislature
40Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 2
Ensure Quality and Accountability
Student Satisfaction Survey
- 2002-2003 - Third Year
- Among nations most comprehensive efforts to
gauge student satisfaction (ACT) - Data used for planning and recruiting
- Two- and Four-year campuses
- 19,000 students responded
- Results available at
- http//www.regents.state.la.us/Planning/act
41Master Plan - Goal 2
Ensure Quality and Accountability
42Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 3
Enhance Services to Community and to State
Economic Engines
LTC and Two-Year Colleges Campuses
4-Year University Professional School Campuses
43Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 3
Enhance Services to Community and to State
Major Initiatives - Economic Development
- Connections to Vision 2020
- Research Clusters
- Targeting of Support Fund investments (DED
staff on review teams)
44Board of Regents Authority
Master Plan - Goal 3
Enhance Services to Community and to State
Economic Development
- Biotech/Neurobiotech
- Information Technology Initiative
- (infrastructure, grants, training)
- Attracting Faculty With Portable Grants
45Board of Regents Authority Constitutional
(4) To formulate and make timely revision of a
master plan for postsecondary education. As a
minimum, the plan shall include a formula for
equitable distribution of funds to institutions
of postsecondary education.
46Board of Regents Authority Constitutional
Authority Formula Funding Revision
- Adopted a new formula for 4-Year and 2-Year
institutions with the following components - Core
- Quality
- Performance/Accountability
- No longer solely driven by enrollment
- Links funding strategies to plans and policy
- Professional schools, agriculture programs, and
technical college are now included
47Board of Regents Authority Constitutional
(5) To require that every postsecondary education
board submit to it, at a time it specifies, an
annual budget proposal for operational needs and
for capital needs of each institution under the
control of each board. The Board of Regents shall
submit its budget recommendations for all
institutions of postsecondary education in the
state. It shall recommend priorities for capital
construction and improvements.
48Board of Regents Authority Constitutional
Capital Projects
Category Projects Total Value General (incl.
def. maint.) 184 600,408,601 Desegregation
39 149,019,492 Commitment to Community
Colleges 3 140,000,000 Total 226 88
49Board of Regents Authority
Budget Responsibility
R.S. 173121 E. The Board of Regents shall be
the representative of public higher education and
be responsible for providing advice and
recommendations concerning higher education to
the governor and legislature.
R.S. 173128. (A) The Board of Regents shall
have the power to formulate and make timely
revisions of a master plan for higher education.
As a minimum, the plan shall include a formula
for equitable distribution of funds to the
institutions of higher education. The board shall
submit its plan and formula for funding to the
governor and the legislature.
R.S. 173121. (2) The Board of Regents shall
make such recommendations for legislative or
gubernatorial action necessary to support the
development of each system and institution as
provided in their mission statements.
R.S. 173121. B. (1) The Board of Regents shall
submit to the governor and to the legislature its
budget recommendations for all institutions of
higher learning in the state.
50Board of Regents Authority
Budget Responsibility
R.S. 173134. C. (1) The Board of Regents shall
be the authorized agency for administration,
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the
accountability process and is authorized to, but
not limited to, the following (d) Develop a
process for allocating funding in an objective
and measurable manner designed to assure adequate
resources are available to achieve excellent
educational programming and opportunity
consistent with each institutions role, scope,
and mission and to provide incentive and reward
for excellence in institutional performance.
51Our Formula for Reform Efforts
52A New Direction
Percent Change in Tax Allocation to Higher
Fiscal Years 1990-95Louisiana 43rd in Nation
Fiscal Years 1996-01Louisiana 5th in Nation
Grapevine Survey 2002
53Formula Implementation Rates
54Funding Enhancements FY 96-97 to FY 02-03
Recurring 334,383,346 Non-recurring 239,399,000
Special 87,209,560 Total 660,991,906
55Postsecondary Enrollment In Louisiana
204,172 - Fall 2002 Student Headcount 152,631
in 4-Year Institutions 33,377 in 2-Year
Institutions 18,164 in Louisiana Technical
56Retention Rates Are Up
Retention Rates Are Up
57Developmental Education Is Down (Four-Year
58Degrees/Certificates Awarded Are Up
60Drawing National Attention
- National Governors Association
- Lumina Study
- Measuring Up
- Education Week
- Harvard
61- Most states in this country have greater
resources and fewer problems than Louisiana but
only a handful have undertaken the kind of
systemic reform that is occurring in this state.
There are a number of exemplary practices that
the rest of the nation could learn from. -
- Report of SHEEO Louisiana Case Study Site
Visit Team for Building Statewide K-16 - Systems For Student Success