Animacja Komputerowa - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Animacja Komputerowa


Collision Detection. Collision detection, as used in the games community, usually means intersection ... For our purposes, collision detection code is robust if it: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Animacja Komputerowa

Animacja Komputerowa
  • Barbara Strug
  • Elektroniczne Przetwarzanie Informacji
  • Semestr IV, Lato 2005

Collision Detection
  • Collision detection, as used in the games
    community, usually means intersection detection
    of any form
  • Intersection detection is the general problem
    find out if two geometric entities intersect
    typically a static problem
  • Interference detection is the term used in the
    solid modeling literature typically a static
  • Collision detection in the research literature
    generally refers to a dynamic problem find out
    if and when moving objects collide

Collision Detection
  • Subtle point Collision detection is about the
    algorithms for finding collisions in time as much
    as space

Collision Applications
  • Determining if the player or characters has a hit
    a wall or obstacle
  • To stop them walking through it
  • Determining if a projectile has hit a target
  • Detecting points at which behavior should change
  • A car in the air returning to the ground

Collision Applications
  • Cleaning up animation
  • Making sure a motion-captured characters feet do
    not pass through the floor
  • Simulating motion of some form
  • Physics, or cloth, or something else

Choosing an Algorithm
  • The geometry of the colliding objects is the
    primary factor in choosing a collision detection
  • Object could be a point, or line segment
  • Object could be specific shape a sphere, a
    triangle, a cube,
  • Objects can be concave/convex, solid/hollow,
    deformable/rigid, manifold/non-manifold

Choosing an Algorithm
  • The way in which objects move is a second factor
  • Different algorithms for fast or slow moving
  • Different algorithms depending on how frequently
    the object must be updated
  • Of course, speed, simplicity, robustness are all
    other factors

Terminology Illustrated
An object is convex if for every pair of points
inside the object, the line joining them is also
inside the object
An surface is manifold if every point on it is
homeomorphic to a disk. Roughly, every edge has
two faces joining it
Robustness Explained
  • For our purposes, collision detection code is
    robust if it
  • Doesnt crash or infinite loop on any case that
    might occur
  • Better if it doesnt crash on any case at all,
    even if the case is supposed to be impossible
  • Always gives some answer that is meaningful, or
    explicitly reports that it cannot give an answer
  • Can handle many forms of geometry
  • Can detect problems with the input geometry,
    particularly if that geometry is supposed to meet
    some conditions (such as convexity)

Types of Geometry
  • Points
  • Lines, Rays and Line Segments
  • Spheres, Cylinders and Cones
  • Cubes, rectilinear boxes - Axis aligned or
    arbitrarily aligned
  • AABB Axis aligned bounding box
  • OBB Oriented bounding box
  • k-dops shapes bounded by planes at fixed
  • Convex, manifold meshes any mesh can be
  • Concave meshes can be broken into convex chunks,
    by hand
  • Triangle soup
  • More general curved surfaces, but not used
    (often) in games

Fundamental Design Principles
  • There are several principles that should be
    considered when designing a collision detection
  • What might they be?
  • Say you have more than one test available, with
    different costs. How do you combine them?
  • How do you avoid unnecessary tests?
  • How do you make tests cheaper?

Fundamental Design Principles
  • There are several principles that should be
    considered when designing a collision detection
  • Fast simple tests first to eliminate many
    potential collisions
  • e.g. Test bounding volumes before testing
    individual triangles
  • Exploit locality to eliminate many potential
  • e.g. Use cell structures to avoid considering
    distant objects
  • Use as much information as possible about the
  • e.g. Spheres have special properties that speed
    collision testing
  • Exploit coherence between successive tests
  • Things dont typically change much between two

Case Study 1 Player-Wall Collisions
  • First person games must prevent the player from
    walking through walls and other obstacles
  • In the most general case, the player is a
    polygonal mesh and the walls are polygonal meshes
  • On each frame, the player moves along a path that
    is not known in advance
  • Assume it is piecewise linear straight steps on
    each frame
  • Assume the players motion could be fast

Naive Algorithm
  • On each step, do a general mesh-to-mesh
    intersection test to find out if the player
    intersects the wall
  • If they do, refuse to allow the player to move
  • What is poor about this approach? In what ways
    can we improve upon it?
  • In speed?
  • In accuracy?
  • In response?

Ways to Improve
  • Even the seemingly simple problem of determining
    if the player hit the wall reveals a wealth of
  • Collision proxies
  • Spatial data structures to localize
  • Finding precise collision times
  • Responding to collisions

Collision Proxies
  • General mesh-mesh intersections are expensive
  • Proxy Something that takes the place of the real
  • A collision proxy is a piece of geometry used to
    represent a complex object for the purposes of
    finding a collision

Collision Proxies
  • If the proxy collides, the object is said to
  • Collision points are mapped back onto the
    original object
  • What makes a good proxy?
  • What types of geometry are regularly used as

Proxy Properties
  • A good proxy is cheap to compute collisions for
    and a tight fit to the real geometry
  • Common proxies are spheres, cylinders or boxes of
    various forms, sometimes ellipsoids
  • What would we use for A fat player, a thin
    player, a rocket, a car

Proxy Properties
  • Proxies exploit several facts about human
  • We are extraordinarily bad at determining the
    correctness of a collision between two complex
  • The more stuff is happening, and the faster it
    happens, the more problems we have detecting
  • Players frequently cannot see themselves
  • We are bad a predicting what should happen in
    response to a collision

Spatial Data Structures
  • You can only hit something that is close to you
  • Spatial data structures can tell you what is
    close to an object
  • Fixed grid, Octrees, Kd-trees, BSP trees,
  • Recall in particular the algorithm for
    intersecting a sphere (or another primitive) with
    a BSP tree
  • Collision works just like view frustum culling,
    but now we are intersecting more general geometry
    with the data structure
  • For the player-wall problem, typically you use
    the same spatial data structure that is used for
  • BSP trees are the most common

Precise Collision Times
  • Generally a player will go from not intersecting
    to interpenetrating in the course of a frame
  • We typically would like the exact collision time
    and place
  • Response is generally better
  • Interpenetration may be algorithmically hard to
  • Interpenetration is difficult to quantify
  • A numerical root finding problem
  • More than one way to do it
  • Hacked (but fast) clean up
  • Interval halving (binary search)

Managing Fast Moving Objects
  • Several ways to do it, with increasing costs
  • Test a line segment representing the motion of
    the center of the object
  • Pros Works for large obstacles, cheap
  • Cons May still miss collisions.

Managing Fast Moving Objects
  • Conservative prediction Only move objects as far
    as you can be sure to catch the collision
  • Pros Will find all collisions
  • Cons May be expensive, and need a way to know
    what the maximum step is
  • Space-time bounds Bound the object in space and
    time, and check the bound
  • Pros Will find all collisions
  • Cons Expensive, and have to be able to bound

Collision Response
  • For player motions, the best thing to do is
    generally move the player tangentially to the
  • Have to do this recursively to make sure that all
    collisions are caught
  • Find time and place of collision
  • Adjust velocity of player
  • Repeat with new velocity, start time an start
    position (reduced time interval)
  • Ways to handle multiple contacts at the same time
  • Find a direction that is tangential to all
  • How do you do this for two planes?

Bodies in Collision Collisions and Contact
So far, no interaction between rigid bodies
Collision detection determining if, when
and where a collision occurs
Collision response calculating the state
(velocity, ) after the collision
Collisions and Contact
What should we do when there is a collision?
Rolling Back the Simulation
Restart the simulation at the time of the
Collision time can be found by bisection, etc.
Ray-Scene Intersection
Ray-Sphere Intersection
Ray-Sphere Intersection I
Ray-Sphere Intersection II
Ray-Sphere Intersection
Ray-Triangle Intersection
Ray-Plane Intersection
Ray-Triangle I Intersection
Ray-Triangle II Intersection
Other Ray-Primitive Intersections
Intersection Tests How About Object-Object ?
  • Methods for
  • Spheres
  • Oriented Boxes
  • Capsules
  • Lozenges
  • Cylinders
  • Ellipsoids
  • Triangles
  • But first lets check some basic issues on

Collision Detection
Exploit coherency through witnessing
Two convex objects are non-penetrating iff there
exists a separating plane between them
separating plane
First find a separating plane and see if it is
still valid after the next simulation step
Speed up with bounding boxes, grids, hierarchies,
Collision Detection
Collision Detection
Conditions for collision
Collision Response
Collision Response ? Sphere approaching a Plane
What kind of response?
Totally elastic! No kinetic energy is lost ?
response is perfectly bouncy
Perfectly Bouncy Response
How to Suggest Sphere Deformation?
k, in 0,1 ? coefficient of restitution
Using Coefficient of Restitution As k gets
smaller ? more and more energy is lost ? less and
less bouncy
Using Coefficient of Restitution As k gets
smaller ? more and more energy is lost ? less and
less bouncy
Collision Detection
Exploit coherency through witnessing
Two convex objects are non-penetrating iff there
exists a separating plane between them
separating plane
First find a separating plane and see if it is
still valid after the next simulation step
Speed up with bounding boxes, grids, hierarchies,
Collision Detection and Response
  • Collision Detection
  • Moving Sphere - Plane
  • Moving Sphere - Moving Sphere
  • Physically Based Modeling
  • Collision Response
  • Moving Under Gravity Using Euler Equations

Ray-Plane Intersection
Sphere-Sphere Collision
A sphere is represented using its center and its
Intersection if d is less than the sum of their
two radius
How About 2 MOVING spheres?
2 spheres move during a time step from one point
to another
Their paths cross in-between but this is not
enough to prove that an intersection occurred
(they could pass at a different time) nor can the
collision point be determined.
How About 2 MOVING spheres?
  • Sliced time step up into smaller pieces.
  • Move the spheres according to that sliced time
    step using its velocity, and check for
  • If at any point collision is found (which means
    the spheres have already penetrated each other)
  • Take the previous position as the intersection
  • (we could start interpolating between these
    points to find the exact intersection position,
    but that is mostly not required).

The smaller the time steps, the more slices we
use the more accurate the method is. As an
example lets say the time step is 1 and our
slices are 3. We would check the two balls for
collision at time 0 , 0.33, 0.66, 1.
Sphere-Plane Collision
  • Determine the exact collision point between a
    particle and a plane.
  • The start position of the ray is the position of
    the particle and the direction of the ray is its
    velocity (speed and direction).

Sphere-Plane Collision
  • Each sphere has a radius, take the center of the
    sphere as the particle and offset the surface
    along the normal of each plane of interest.
  • Our actual primitives of interest are the ones
    represented by continuous lines, but the
    collision testing is done with the offset
    primitives (represented with dotted lines).
  • In essence we perform the intersection test with
    a little offset plane.

Sphere-Plane Collision
  • Using this little trick the ball does not
    penetrate the surface if an intersection is
    determined with its center.
  • Otherwise we get the situation where the sphere
    penetrates the surface. This happens because we
    determine the intersection between its center and
    the primitives.

Exact Collision Time
  • We move the sphere (according to its velocity),
    calculate its new position and find the distance
    between the start and end point.
  • To calculate the exact time we solve the
    following simple equation
  • Tc DscT / Dst
  • Dst ? distance between start - end point
  • Dsc ? the distance between start - collision
  • T ? the time step as T

The Collision Point
  • The returned time Tc is a fraction of the whole
    time step, so if the time step was 1 sec, and we
    found an intersection exactly in the middle of
    the distance, the calculated collision time would
    be 0.5 sec. this is interpreted as "0.5 sec after
    the start there is an intersection".
  • Now the intersection point can be calculated by
    just multiplying Tc with the current velocity and
    adding it to the start point. Collision point
    Start VelocityTc
  • This is the collision point on the offset
    primitive, to find the collision point on the
    real primitive we add to that point the reverse
    of the normal at that point (which is also
    returned by the intersection routines) by the
    radius of the sphere.

Collisions Between Spheres (1)
  • U1 and U2 ? velocity vectors of the two spheres
    at the time of impact
  • X_Axis ? vector which joins the 2 centers of the
  • U1x, U2x ? projected vectors of the velocity
    vectors U1,U2 onto the axis (X_Axis) vector
  • U1y and U2y are the projected vectors of the
    velocity vectors U1,U2 onto the axis which is
    perpendicular to the X_Axis

a) Find X_Axis X_Axis (center2 -
center1)Unify X_Axis, X_Axis.unit() b) Find
Projections U1x X_Axis (X_Axis dot U1)U1y
U1 - U1xU2x -X_Axis (-X_Axis dot U2)U2y U2
- U2x c) Find New Velocities (U1x
M1)(U2xM2)-(U1x-U2x)M2V1x -------------------
M1M2 (U1x
M1)(U2xM2)-(U2x-U1x)M1V2x -------------------
M1M2 d) Find The Final
Velocities V1yU1yV2yU2yV1V1xV1yV2V2xV2y
  • M1, M2 is the mass of the two spheres
  • V1,V2 are the new velocities after the impact,
  • V1x, V1y, V2x, V2y are the projections of the
    velocity vectors onto the X_Axis.

Moving Under Gravity
  • All the computations are going to be performed
    using time steps.
  • This means that the whole simulation is advanced
    in certain time steps during which all the
    movement, collision and response tests are
  • As an example we can advanced a simulation 2 sec.
    on each frame. Based on Euler equations, the
    velocity and position at each new time step is
    computed as follows Velocity_New
    Velovity_Old AccelerationTimeStepPosition_New
    Position_Old Velocity_NewTimeStep

Moving Under Gravity
  • Velocity_New Velovity_Old AccelerationTimeSte
  • Position_New Position_Old Velocity_NewTimeSte
  • Now the objects are moved and tested against
    collision using this new velocity.
  • The Acceleration for each object is determined by
    accumulating the forces which are acted upon it
    and divide by its mass according to this
  • Force mass
  • But in our case the only force the objects get is
    the gravity, which can be represented right away
    as a vector indicating acceleration.
  • In our case something negative in the Y direction
    like (0,-0.5,0).

  • At the beginning of each time step
  • Calculate the new velocity of each sphere
  • Move them testing for collisions.
  • If a collision occurs during a time step
  • (say after 0.5 sec with a time step equal to 1
  • Advance the object to this position
  • Compute the reflection (new velocity vector)
  • Move the object for the remaining time (which is
    0.5 in our example) testing again for collisions
    during this time.
  • This procedure gets repeated
  • until the time step is completed.

Collisions Between Spheres (2)
  • Spheres of equal size and weight.
  • For now lets ignore the rotation and do not
    consider friction
  • The sphere collision will behave exactly like a
    particle at the sphere's center of mass.

Setup Terminology
  • Ball A is moving at a speed of 20 feet per second
    and collides with ball B at a 40 degree angle.
  • Impact ? a collision between two rigid bodies,
    which occurs in a very short time and during
    which the two bodies exert relatively large
    forces on each other
  • Impulsive force ?the force between these two
    bodies during the collision (symbolized by j)
  • Line of collision ? The common normal to the
    surfaces of the bodies in contact

New velocity along the line of collision
Impulsive force between the bodies?
  • The impulse acts on both bodies at the same time
  • The forces exerted by two particles on each other
    are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
  • Since the impulse forces are equal and opposite,
    momentum is therefore conserved before and after
    the collision.
  • Momentum of a rigid body is mass times velocity

We need to derive the impulse force directly.
The impulse force creates a change in momentum
of the two bodies with the following relationship
We need to derive the impulse force directly.
The impulse force creates a change in momentum
of the two bodies with the following relationship
The impulse equation for a general body that does
not rotate.
Chris Hecker "Physics, Part 3 Collision
Response," Behind the Screen, Game Developer,
February/March 1997
k, in 0,1 ? coefficient of restitution
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