Title: Why Take Advanced Placement
1Why Take Advanced Placement?
- Carol Burlinski
- Associate Principal for Instruction
- Buffalo Grove High School
2Gain the Edge in College Preparation
- Get a head start on college-level work.
- Improve your writing skills and sharpen your
problem-solving techniques. - Develop the study habits necessary for tackling
rigorous course work.
3Stand Out in College Admissions Process
- Demonstrate your maturity and readiness for
college. - Show your willingness to push yourself to the
limit. - Emphasize your commitment to academic excellence.
4Broaden Your Intellectual Horizons
- Explore the world from a variety of perspectives,
most importantly your own. - Study subjects in greater depth and detail.
- Assume the responsibility of reasoning,
analyzing, and understanding for yourself.
5What do we offer at BGHS?
- Grade 9
- AP Human Geography
- Grade 10
- AP World History
6Grade 11
- AP Language
- AP US History
7Grades 11 12
- AP Chemistry
- AP Physics
- AP Biology
- AP Psychology
- AP Economics
- AP Government and Politics
- AP Computer Science
- AP Statistics
- AP Environmental Science
- AP Art
- AP French
- AP Spanish
- AP German
- AP Calculus A/B
- AP Calculus B/C
8Grade 12
9AP Exams
- AP Exams are given during a 2 week period in May.
- Results are sent home in mid-July.
10AP Exam Scores
- 5 Extremely well-qualified
- 4 Well-qualified
- 3 Qualified
- 2 Possibly Qualified
- 1 No recommendation
- A 3 or higher indicates subject mastery.
11The AP National Report
- The Report also highlights new independent
research that bolsters previous research findings
that students who participate in AP have
significantly better college grades and
graduation rates than academically and
economically similar students who do not take the
demanding courses and exams.
12Who designs the course and the exam?
- A diverse committee of college faculty and
experienced AP teachers develop each course and
exam. - The curriculum for the course is prescribed in a
course handbook referred to as the Acorn Book. - BG teachers attend annual conferences and work
with colleagues to learn the newest additions to
the tests, the strategy for scoring, and any
changes that might have taken place.
13The College Board Online
- http//www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/abo
14Buffalo Grove High School
- Advanced Placement and College Level Curricular
Opportunities in Math and Science
15Advanced Placement Courses in Math and Science
- Math
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Statistics
- Calculus 3/ Differential Equations
- Science
- AP Biology (Dbl Period)
- AP Chemistry(Dbl Period)
- AP Physics(Dbl Period)
- AP Environmental Science
16AP and College Level Mathematics Course
- AP Calculus BC
- Possible full year of college calculus credit
- Pre-Calculus is a pre-requisite
- AP Calculus AB
- Possible semester of college calculus credit
- Pre-calculus is a pre-requisite
17AP and College Level Mathematics Course
- AP Statistics
- Strong performance in Advanced Algebra is a
pre-requisite - Credit available depends on college or university
- Previous or concurrent enrollment in Functions/
Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, or Calculus is
strongly recommended. - Calculus 3/ Differential Equations
- Strong performance in AP Calculus BC is a
pre-requisite - Dual credit for both BGHS and Harper College is
available at students expense - Offered when enrollment numbers meet the minimum
18AP Science Course Information
- AP Biology
- Strong Performance in Honors Biology is a
pre-requisite - General Biology students may enroll with teacher
and Division Head Approval - AP Chemistry
- Strong Performance in Honors Chemistry is a
pre-requisite - General Chemistry students may enroll with
teacher and Division Head Approval
19AP Science Course Information
- AP Physics
- Previous or concurrent enrollment in Calculus is
a pre-requisite - Strong Performance in Honors Physics is a
pre-requisite - General Physics students may enroll with teacher
and Division Head Approval
20AP Science Course Information
- AP Environmental Science
- Strong performance in Biology, Chemistry, are
pre-requisites - Previous or concurrent enrollment in Physics is
strongly recommended - Credit awarded depends on the college or
21Recommended Courses of Study in Mathematics
22Recommended Courses of Study in Science