Title: Role of Placement Cell after SAP Training
1Role of Placement Cell After SAP Training
2 SAP Courses have high demand these days. We
must appreciate our youngsters for showing
interest towards technology. However the main
question arises in our mind that should we get
placed after doing SAP Course? Here, comes the
role of Placement cell. Yes, we must enquire
about Placement cell before taking admission for
SAP Training. If an Institute has its own
Placement cell, it really helps us in getting
job. Here, we will look how Placement cell helps
their candidates
3Help Grooming the candidates with the required
SAP skills interview skills
- After SAP Certification, if candidate does not
have required SAP skills and interview skills,
its institutes placement cells responsibility
is to inculcate these required skills to their
4Sending invitation to all SAP recruiters
- When candidates are ready with the SAP skills,
SAP Recruiters must be called to their
institutes. Chances of Selection will be more.
5Arranging for Walk-in Drives in association with
SAP Recruiters
- Placement cell explores about the job openings
going under SAP companies. Later, Institutes
promote the candidates to participate in Walk-in
6Providing Internship Program
- Internship Program offers us practical knowledge
in Industry specific SAP. It is the best medium
to advance our career in SAP Industry.
7Delphi Computech
It is an Authorized SAP Training Institute for
SAP Courses in Pune Mumbai. We have designed
our training courses in comprehensible and
practical manner. This course provides successful
career in the IT Management profession.
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