Title: Building No Frills Courseware with PowerPoint
1Building No Frills Courseware with PowerPoint
- Steve Bonham
- Center for Excellence in Teaching
- Georgia Southern University
- 1/4/2007
Steve BonhamCenter for Excellence in
TeachingGeorgia Southern University
What IS courseware?
4Courseware isPackaged Teaching
- Instruction is presented on slides during the
inform stage. - Then a question about the instruction is posed
with the clickable responses provided (a correct
response and one or more common misconceptions). - After a response is clicked appropriate feedback
is provided.
5Courseware isPackaged Teaching
Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction
6GOALLearn Basic Parts of a Dinghy
Sample Instructional Slide
Rrrrrrr.. Sheet in tha jib! NO! Thats the
vang, ya landlubber Go aft and mind the boom or
over the side you go!
7Parts of a Dinghy
Sample Instructional Slide
BOAT SUPERSTRUCTUREHull The portion of the boat
that contacts the water.Deck The uppermost
portion of the boats superstructure. Most control
lines are affixed to the deck. Cockpit The open
area within the boats superstructure.
Detail at left
8Parts of a Dinghy
Sample Instructional Slide
RIGGINGPortions of the boat including the spars,
sails, and control lines. SAILSMainsail The
larger triangular shaped sail on a dinghy. Jib or
Jibsail A smaller sail the leading edge of which
is affixed between the bo(Forward nose of the
boat) w and the mast. Mast structure of
standing rigging that extends the mailsail along
its forward edge (the luff). Boom structure of
the standing rigging that extends the mainsail
along its lower edge (the foot)
Detail at left
9Parts of a Dinghy
Sample Instructional Slide
CONTROL LINESMainsheet A rope that runs between
the cockpit and the boom. Boom Vang A rope that
runs between the boom and the base of the mast.
It keeps the boom horizontal. Jib sheet One of
two ropes on the left (port) or right (starboard)
side of the boat that connect to the bottom-aft
corner of the jib sail.
Detail at left
Port Jib sheet
10Please click the letter indicating the jib.
Sample Questioning Slide
11SORRY. You answered that B is the Jib or
Jibsail.That is notcorrect.Please try again
Sample Feedback Slide
12That is correct. A is the Jib or Jibsail. B is
the Mainsail.
Sample Feedback Slide
Jib orJibsail.
13Courseware Logic Map
The branching link capability in Ppt allows easy
construction of logic trees. Construct all
Instructional (green) and feedback (blue) slides
first and then create hyperlinks.
Instruction Module 1(Parts of Dinghy 1, 2, 3)
Question 1Jib?
IF Answer A(correct)
IF Answer B(wrong)
CorrectiveFeedback Specific to B response
InstructionModule 2
Question 2
143 Minute Assignment
- Think of a small instructional segment in one of
your courses. - Sketch a knowledge web of the segment
including - instructional information
- a practice question with the correct and two or
three anticipated incorrect responses. - a constructive feedback sentence for each
response. WHY are the anticipated incorrect
responses incorrect?
Instructional Info
Practice Question
Correct Response
CommonMisconception 1
CommonMisconception 2
Feedback forMisconception 1
Feedback for Misconception 2
15Introductory Think-Pair-Share
- How can you use this map as a courseware design
tool? - Turn to a partner and share your knowledge.
- Do you have anything to share with the class?
16Presentation versus CoursewarePowerPoint
Present TopicA Info
17Presentation versus CoursewarePowerPoint
Present TopicA Info
Present TopicB Info
18Mind-mapping Your Courseware
Yellow slides are typically the content of most
Present TopicA Info
Option 1Feedback(for this specificincorrect
Quiz me
Hidden slide
Option 2Feedback(for this correctresponse)
Question on A Info hot-textResponse
Options Option 1 - Option 2 Option 3 -
Link to hidden slide
Present TopicB Info
Link to hidden slide
Hidden slide
Hidden slide
Link to hidden slide
Option 3Feedback(for this specificincorrect
Quiz me
Hidden slide
19Branching links can be made with
- Hot Text text color automatically modified to
show hot and followed status - (An Image) or
- A Button.
- NOTE You CANNOT make a link with a grouped set
of objects (a group of multiple images or
20Making a Link
- Select the object (text, image, button)
- Select
- Slideshow gt
- Action Settings gt
- Hyperlink togt
- Slide
- And select the slide to whichyou want to link.
- NOTE!The links only work inthe presentation
(slide show) view! AND (Hot tip!) use layouts
when creating slides the title area will show in
the list of linkable slides.
- By default linked text (hot-text) will become
colorized according to the background template
you have selected. Sometimes hot-text becomes
almost invisible against the background. -( - Check your presentation! If this is a problem
There is a solution! - You can customize the hot-text colors for your
entire presentation.
22Customizing Hot-text Colors
- Select
- Format gt
- Slide Color Scheme
- Click Custom tab
- Accent and Hyperlink
- Click Change Color
- Select new color
- Accent and followed link
- Click Change Color
- Select new color
- Click Apply to All
23Hiding a Slide
- Often it is wise to hide slides to prevent
cheating - Select the Slide Sorter view
- Click the slide(s) to be hidden
- Click the hide slide button
- Use of arrow keys to advance will SKIP hidden
24Saving your presentation as a Show
- Shows are downloadable runtime slide-shows
- Select File gt Save as
- Select PowerPoint Show as file type
- Note! PowerPoint Shows requires PowerPoint Viewer
(free download) or PowerPoint for playing - Viewer available atlthttp//officeupdate.microsof