Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1ARPE, who are we ?
Midi-Pyrénées Régional Council operator
- Rational use of ressources
- Développement and environnement
- Solidarity
- Citizenship
4 priorities
- Information
- Leading
- Experimentation
- Networks
4 aims
2From environment to mobility management Why ?
FEDARENE 17 juin 2003
- health protection
- air ressource protection
- struggle against greenhouse effects
- Midi-Pyrenean urban context similar to the
rest of France and to Europe -
- urbanization peripherals in constant increase,
with longer distances and using personal car use
3From environment to mobility management Why ?
FEDARENE 17 juin 2003
greenhouse gas evolution in France - from 1990
to 2001 sources MIES
4From environment to mobility management How ?
FEDARENE 17 juin 2003
- To arouse new perception of mobility car
sharing - since 1998, the ARPE promotes car-sharing
industrials and communities, its boards of
directors members, are invited to an - information meeting on car-sharing
- a pilote project is starting in MOTOROLA
- realization of the first communication pamphlet
explaining car sharing to employees -
- realization of a sociological survey  car
sharing, an alternative - mode to develop ?Â
- reflection and first return of experiences
5 FEDARENE 17 juin 2003
From environment to mobility management How ?
- A communication work
- from car sharing promotion to companies mobility
plans - partnerships
- importance of network
- realization of a communication method for the
population - an exhibition on car use
- in the framework the RARE network
implementation of a - communication tool on companies mobility plan,
for - companies  managers
- participation to many events, working
commissions and training - to broadcast sustainable messages
6From environment to mobility management How ?
FEDARENE 17 juin 2003
- A leading work
- create a favourable climat to the companies
mobility plans emergence - ARPE is leader of the  commission on mobility
plan refering to the revision of the urban plan
mobility - support to associations and establishments
promoting messages on sustainable mobility or
wanting to act for sustainable mobility - organization of a technical session gathering
mobility actors - on the regional territory, identification of
responsible authorities in transport domain, and
companies who are likely to implement companies
mobility plans
7From environment to mobility management For
which results ?
FEDARENE 17 juin 2003
- broadcasting a  sustainable
mobility culture - many companies mobility plans are being created
- AIRBUS France
- France TELECOM
- la Caisse Primaire d Assurances Maladies
- the National Centre of Spatial Studies
- the state administrative services city, the
hospital - other projects are forecasted ...
8From environment to mobility management In
concrete terms, for companies ...
FEDARENE 17 juin 2003
- the origins of their process action
- improving accessibility to their work site
- resolving parking problems
- making easier the public and visitors
accessibility - their aims
- resolving accessibility problems
- improving productivity cost saving
- for state employers, to be an exemple
- improving employee s work conditions
9From environment to mobility management In
concrete terms, for companies ...
FEDARENE 17 juin 2003
- measures taken
- information for all employees
- measures taken by companies on own car
sharing, public transport, cycles, mobility
organisation - measures needing dialogues with other actors
(highway maintenance communities, public
organizations, road hauliers) - implementations means
- the companies internal services install the
companies mobility plan, with the assistance of
consultants - PRELUDDE (regional program aid) helps in
financial aspects - paternships and human means
10From environment to mobility management What
lessons ?
FEDARENE 17 juin 2003
- identical problems
- recurrent measures
- no direct coercion on car utilization
- employees always have the choice
- implementation done by internal services with
assistance of a consultant for a diagnosis - budget is devoted to consultants, restrooms,
showers, car sharing software, communication
tools (leaflets, intranet, meetings )
11From environment to mobility management What
lessons ?
FEDARENE 17 juin 2003
- an opportunity to establish partnerships
- internal partnership with employees, trade
unions and the company different services - external partnerships local communities
responsible of highways, haulings and parkings - brakes
- a lack of aknowledgement about mobility
(communities and public actors abilities spitted
up) - mobility management is not their job
- mobility management takes time
- expectations
- a need of exchanges with other mobility actors
- a need of methodological assistance
12From environment to mobility management What
futur ?
FEDARENE 17 juin 2003
- levers
- synergy with the environnemental management
system - a legal context very incitative
- a regional financial assistance
- a regional organizational, technical and
methodological assistance - ARPEÂ s answers
- a desinterested interface position
- consultant in work skill
- création of  Réseau Régional de Mobilité
Durable regional network of sustainable
mobility, to exchange, coordinate, bring
technical information, create links  and
13From environment to mobility management Conclusi
on how to perpetuate ?
FEDARENE 17 juin 2003
- create and especially  maintaining many
partnerships - extending the action to all Midi-Pyrénées
territory - ARPE uses the Réseau des Villes Durables, to
promote sustainable mobility plan on a larger
scale - creating mobility plan for schools
- continuing the effort it s a long term work
- behaviour take time to change
contact Monique SIRVEN
sirven.m_at_arpe-mip.com www.arpe-mip.com