Title: Working With The IBEC The U'S' Perspective
1Working With The IBECThe U.S. Perspective
- Joseph I. Peters, Ph.D.
- Manager, ITS Program Assessment
- U.S. Department of Transportation
Inaugural Euro-Regional Conference June 11-13,
2003 Düsseldorf, Germany
2IBEC History
- ITS America BEC 1996 to 2002
- 6th ITS World Congress, Toronto, Canada, November
1999 - All-day seminar prior to World Congress
- 7th ITS World Congress, Turin, Italy, November
2000 - All-day workshop on final day of World Congress
- 8th ITS World Congress, Sydney, Australia,
October 2001 - All-day workshop as four Special Sessions during
World Congress
3IBEC History (cont.)
- 9th ITS World Congress, Chicago, USA, October
2002 - All-day workshop as four Special Sessions during
World Congress - Half-day training course on ITS evaluation prior
to World Congress - Official launch of IBEC Working Group at evening
reception - During announcement by Eric Sampson, Head,
Transport Technology Telematics Division,
Department for Transport (DfT), U.K.
4IBEC Organization
- Full name
- International Benefits, Evaluation and Costs
(IBEC) Working Group - Mission
- To provide an international forum for information
exchange on ITS evaluation techniques, best
practices and results - Membership
- FREE and open to all interested persons
- 167 members as of June 1, 2003
- To join, send e-mail to IBEC_at_trl.co.uk
5IBEC Organization (cont.)
- Chair
- Dr. Richard Mudge, Vice President, Delcan, Inc.
- Secretariat
- Transport Research Laboratory (TRL), U.K.
- Current funding provided by the Department for
Transport (DfT), U.K.
? Website ? http//www.ibec-its.org
6IBEC Organization (cont.)
- First meeting
- January 16, 2003, Washington, D.C., USA
- Attendees
- Gerben Bootsma, AVV ? Richard Mudge, Delcan
- Mark Carter, SAIC ? Joe Peters, U.S. DOT
- R. Harris, Faber Maunsell ? Marcia Pincus, ITS
America - Greg Hatcher, Mitretek ? Amy Polk, Jet Propulsion
Lab - Jane Lappin, Volpe Center ? Barbara Staples,
Mitretek - Steve Morello, ISIS ? Marc Wolfram, Rupprect
Consult - Keith Keen, European Commission
- Approved IBEC charter
- Elected Richard Mudge for a two-year term as IBEC
7IBEC Organization (cont.)
- Next Meeting
- November 20, 2003, 800am 930am, Madrid, Spain
- Held in conjunction with the 10th World Congress
on Intelligent Transport Systems - Agenda
- Agree on IBEC charter
- Update of the PIARC Handbook
- Planning for an international scanning tour on
ITS evaluation - Brainstorming of future IBEC activities
- To add your item to the agenda
- Contact IBEC Chair Dick Mudge at
8Future IBEC Activities
- 10th ITS World Congress, Madrid, Spain, November
2003 - All-day workshop as four Special Sessions during
World Congress - Session 1 How Do Those Yanks Do It? Overview of
ITS Evaluation in the U.S. - Session 2 How Do Those Europeans Do It? Overview
of ITS Evaluation in Europe - Session 3 Show Me The Benefits Examples of ITS
Evaluation Results - Session 4 Now I Know The Benefits of ITS So
What? How ITS Evaluation Results Are Used In
Decision-Making - Half-day training course on ITS evaluation as two
Special Sessions during World Congress - Will include both U.S. and European methodologies
- Breakfast business meeting on final day of World
9Future IBEC Activities (cont.)
- International Scanning Tour(s)
- Evaluators serve as conduit to assist policy
makers and implementers gain the knowledge they
need - Gain first-hand knowledge of ITS deployments
- Share lessons learned
- Positive
- Operational lessons often not documented due to
cost - In-situ context has unparalleled learning
advantages - Negative
- Less threatening to donor due to informal context
- International Dialogue About ITS Implementation
and Evaluation Policies - Brief USA examples
- ITS evaluation philosophy/policy
10US Evaluation Philosophy/Policy
- Misperceptions about evaluation
- Evaluation is the last phase of a project
- Independent evaluation requires separation of
project managers from project evaluators - Evaluators are a threat to the project livelihood
- US Evaluation Philosophy
- Evaluation is an activity that runs in parallel
with a projects life cycle - Independent evaluation requires removal of
conflict of interest between project manager and
evaluator - Evaluators can be an asset to every project
11US Evaluation Philosophy/Policy (cont.)
- US Evaluation Policy
- National evaluations are awarded either before or
soon after project awards - Evaluators quickly identify and assemble
stakeholders - Explicitly identify project goals and objectives
- Identify critical success factors and relative
values of partners - Each partner assigns 100 points of importance
across goals - Distribution of evaluation investment reflects
partner priorities - Partners review evaluation strategy and test
plans - Partners review and comment on final reports
12US Evaluation Practices
- Evaluation periods must extend 12 to 18 months
beyond initial operating capability of ITS
deployments - Months 0-8 Feedback to project managers for
shakedown and refinements - Months 9-12 Data collection for evaluation
report - Months 13 18 Report writing and at least 2
iterations of review and comments - Reports feed
- ITS Benefit/Cost Database
- Electronic Document Library available to public
- Possible Lessons Learned Data Base
13What Are Some US ITS Outreach Publications?
- Benefits Brochures
- Cross-Cutting Studies
- Case Studies
- Implementation Guides
- Technical Reports
Annotated list available at http//www.its.dot.gov
/guide.html -gt Cross-Cutting Resources -gt
Program Assessment and Evaluation
14U.S. Proposals for the IBEC
- Use of ITS Benefits and Costs Database by IBEC
membership - Whats in it for me?
- Central repository of ITS benefits and costs
- Database already developed and operational
- Use is FREE and open to all interested persons
? Database currently supports breakout of
entries by country
15U.S. Proposals for the IBEC (cont.)
- Widespread participation in the ITS Benefits
2003 Data Needs Survey by IBEC membership - Whats in it for me?
- Potential to influence future U.S. investments in
evaluation - Potential to learn about ITS benefits that are
new to you
? Potential to incorporate valuable
European ITS evaluation
results into the database
16Current Sample from B/C Database
Number of benefits entries in the ITS Benefits
and Unit Cost Database for sample ITS components
by region of origin
- Momentum for IBEC launch has been building for
several years. - Official support provided by U.K. DfT.
- U.S. DOT is an active participant.
- IBEC has a dynamic, expanding, and increasingly
important agenda.