Title: Introduction to Community
1Introduction to Community
- FYC 6020
- Dr. Carolyn Wilken
2Definitions of Community
3Definitions of Community
Community consists of persons in social
interaction within a geographical setting and
having one or more additional common
ties. Hillary
4Definitions of Community
Social organization of a place within which
social and economic institutions enable the
day-to-day functioning of the residents lives.
Mulkey et. al
5Communities have
Social components
6Community Ecology and Family Social Pathology
- Community Ecology qualities of a familys
neighborhood and community - Social Pathology problems or dysfunctions
that are related to the quality of the social
7A Healthy Community
- Residents have common vision of future
- Leaders identify and resolve issues
- Organizations/institutions anticipate and adapt
to changing environment
86 Characteristics of Healthy Communities
- Common sense of community, including history and
values - People feel empowered
- Absence of turf battles
- Common meeting places
- Top-down and bottom up leadership
- Communication and cooperation
- Duhl
9Cycles of Community Change
- Growth phase
- Development phase
- Stagnation phase
- Retrenchment phase
- Revitalization phase
- D. Darling K-State Extension
10Evaluating Your Communitys Health
- Community attitude
- Community leadership
- Community vision
- Community action
- D. Darling K-State Extension
11Resources for Healthy Communities
- Human resources
- Physical infrastructure
- Financial capital
- Technology innovation capital
- Capacity to change
- Business environment
- Natural and environmental resources
- Quality of life
- D. Darling K-State Extension
12Building a Healthy Community
- Progress f(A, V, P, R, B)
- A attitudes, values, and principles
- V vision that is worth pursuing
- P strategic plan designed to bring about the
vision - R resources needed to implement the plan
- B benefits for the stakeholders
- D. Darling K-State Extension
13Attitude and Values
- Positive attitudes lead to a can do approach to
change - Negative attitudes lead to no action or damaging
decisions - D. Darling K-State Extension
14Characteristics of a Compelling Vision
- Built and agreed upon by stakeholders
- Gives direction and focus to the plan
- Challenges all involved
- Motivates and unites people
- Helps identify key issues
- D. Darling K-State Extension
- The creation of a compelling vision focuses a
team on a chosen path - A lack of vision leads to aimless activity and
confusion - D. Darling K-State Extension
16Strategic Plan
- Framework providing a systematic approach to
planning for future development and allocating
needed resources for anticipated changes - D. Darling S. Bittel
- A well thought out plan guides actions
- The lack of a plan results in a false start
- D. Darling K-State Extension
18Resources as Capital
- Human Capital
- Social Capital
- Financial Capital
- Engineered Capital
- Natural and Environmental Capital
- D. Darling K-State Extension
- Acquiring and controlling needed resources moves
the plan forward - Lack of resources frustrates the planning team
- D. Darling K-State Extension
- Positive outcomes encourage more proactive
planning - Disappointing outcomes discourages repeating the
process - D. Darling K-State Extension
21Community Economic Development
- Positive outcomes encourage more proactive
planning - Disappointing outcomes discourages repeating the
process - D. Darling K-State Extension
22Community Leadership
- Modeling attitudes
- Championing compelling visions
- Building and implementing a plan
- Finding resources
- Securing resources
- Creating win - win outcomes
- D. Darling K-State Extension
23What is YOUR community?
- Can you evaluate your community?