Title: Programming%20with%20Lejos
1Programming with Lejos
2What is lejos?
- Cut-down version of Java for the RCX platform
- Includes
- Lejos API
- API includes functionality needed to control
motors, sensors, buttons as well as many
components from the standard Java API
3How it works
- Lego firmware is replaced with lejos JVM (only
has to be done once) - Program source code is written compiled on PC
- Compiled code (Java byte code) is downloaded to
runs on RCX
4JVM RCX technical specifications
- RCX has 32k of RAM
- 4K unusable
- 16K for Lejos
- 12K free memory for user code!
- Built-in support for
- Floating-point numbers (useful for
trig/navigation) - Limited multithreading
- 2-dimensional Arrays
- Limited recursion
5Events the lejos API
- Objects their listeners
- Timer TimerListener
- Button ButtonListener
- Sensor SensorListener
- Object acts as event source when event occurs,
all registered listeners we notified can
execute appropriate code
6Exception Handling Garbage Collection
- Lejos follows standard Java exception-handling
model - Lejos does NOT have automatic garbage collection
- Important to re-use objects rather the just
creating new ones - Forces good memory hygiene
7Packages in the Lejos API
- josx.platfom.rcx includes classes for
controlling - 3 output ports (A, B C)
- 3 input ports (1, 2 3)
- 3 buttons (Prgm, Run, View)
- LCD display
- Speaker output
- IR communication
- There are also classes for accessing system time
monitoring battery power
8Packages in the Lejos API
- java.lang Includes some of the most commonly
used standard classes - Math
- String
- StringBuffer mutable version of String
- System
- Thread
- Throwable
9Packages in the Lejos API
- java.util like java.lang, includes some familiar
and/or useful classes - Random
- Vector dynamic array
- BitSet series of bits
10Packages in the Lejos API
- java.io provides support for transmitting data
streams via the IR port - Serializable interface
- InputStream, OutputStream, DataInputStream,
DataOutputStream and IOException classes
11Packages in the Lejos API
- josx.robotics generic classes methods for
robot-specific tasks - Behavior Control classes includes Behavior
interface Arbitrator class - Navigation classes
12Classes in josx.platform.rcx
- Sound class contains a set of static methods that
can produce predefined or custom sounds - Sound.beep() // beeps once
- Sound.twoBeeps() // beeps twice
- Sound. buzz() // emits almost inaudible tone
- Sound. beepSequence() // series of
- // downward tones
- Sound. playTone (int frequency, int duration)
- MinSound class is a cut-down version - contains
only the (deprecated) playTone method
13Classes in josx.platform.rcx
- Unlike most Java environments, robots running
Lejos are physical objects - The RCX brick has 3 programmable buttons, 3
sensor connections and 3 power output ports - When programming for the RCX, these components
are represented by predefined static objects it
wouldnt make sense to instantiate more sensor
ports, for example, because physically there are
just 3
14Classes in josx.platform.rcx
- The LCD, MinLCD and TextLCD classes relate to
various aspects of the RCXs LCD display - MinLCD, like MinSound, is a cut-down version
primarily used to conserve memory - LCD is used for number display, while TextLCD can
display Strings
15LCD class methods (all are static)
- void refresh()
- void setNumber (int code, int value, int point) -
parameters - code value Indicates use of signed or unsigned
number, use of 5th digit - value number to display
- point code indicating position of decimal point
- These 2 methods are also found in MinLCD
16LCD class methods (all are static)
- void clear() clears display
- void showNumber(int i) displays an unsigned, up
to 4-digit number - void setSegment (int code) activates the display
segment indicated by code codes are defined by
static constants in the Segment interface
17Example 1 Sounds Display
import josx.platform.rcx. public class
MakeNoise public static void main(String
args) throws InterruptedException int
freq // frequency of tone for (freq
440 freq lt 10000 freq 110 freq / 100)
// ascending tones
Sound.playTone(freq, 50)
Thread.sleep(500) for
(freq 440 freq gt 20 freq 90 freq / 100)
// descending tones
Sound.playTone(freq, 50)
18Classes in josx.platform.rcx
- Button class methods include
- public void addButtonListener (ButtonListener b)
- public boolean isPressed()
- public static int readButtons()
- Returns int with bits set 0x02 (view button
pressed) 0x04 (prgm button pressed), 0x01 (run
button pressed). If all buttons are released,
this method returns 0. - void waitForPressAndRelease () throws
InterruptedException - stops execution until button pressed released
19Classes in josx.platform.rcx
- Button class also contains static fields that
represent the RCX buttons - Button.PRGM
- Button.RUN
- Button.VIEW
- ButtonListener interface specifies 2 methods
- public void buttonPressed (Button b)
- public void buttonReleased (Button b)
20Classes in josx.platform.rcx
- ROM class provides access to embedded routines
in the RCX ROM includes static method int
getBatteryPower() - Motor class includes methods controlling DC
output to ports A, B and C - Sensor class includes methods to communicate
with sensor controllers 1, 2 and 3
21Motor class methods mutators
- void forward() motor rotates forward
- void backward() motor rotates backward
- void stop() stops with braking action
- void flt() motor floats to a stop
- void reverseDirection() changes from forward to
backward, or vice-versa - void setPower(int power) sets motor power 7 is
high, 0 low
22Motor class methods accessors
- int getPower() returns current power setting
- char getID() returns motor ID (A, B or C)
- All of the following methods return a boolean
value - isBackward()
- isFloating()
- isForward()
- isMoving()
- isStopped()
import josx.platform.rcx. public class Patrol
public static void main(String args)
throws InterruptedException
Motor.A.forward() while (true)
Motor.C.forward() // go forward
Thread.sleep (5000) Motor.C.reverse()
// turn around Thread.sleep (1000)
24Sensor class
- There are several types of sensors available for
the RCX, including - Touch
- Light
- Rotation
- Because each operates differently, there is more
complexity built into this class than in most of
the rest of the lejos API
25Sensor Type and Mode
- A predefined set of constants is used to
describe - the kind of sensor attached to a particular
connector (type) and - the kind of readings that are recorded by the
sensor (mode) - These values as used as arguments to the Sensor
classs setTypeAndMode method, which is used to
initially set up a sensor
26Type and Mode examples
- Sensor.S1.setTypeAndMode(1, 0x20)
- // 1 represents touch sensor
- // 0x20 is boolean mode
- Sensor.S1.setTypeAndMode(3, 0x80)
- // 3 represents light sensor
- // 0x80 is percent mode
import josx.platform.rcx. public class
GoForward implements SensorConstants public
static void main(String args)
SENSOR_MODE_BOOL) // sets up touch
sensor using constants from SensorConstants
interface Motor.A.forward()
Motor.C.forward() while(
Sensor.S2.readValue() ! 1 ) //
loop ends ( robot stops) when bumper is touched
28Methods of Sensor class
- public void activate ()
- activates sensor
- should be called after setTypeAndMode
- Methods that return Sensor readings
- public final boolean readBooleanValue()
- public final int readValue()
- public final int readRawValue()
- Sensor readings can also be handled by a
SensorListener as described on the next slide
29Sensor Listeners
- Sensor Listener interface specifies a single
method - public void stateChanged(Sensor s, int old, int
new) - s event source
- old previous value
- new new value
- As with the GUI components we have looked at
before, the steps are - define a class that implements the interface, and
with the code for the method - add the listener to the appropriate Sensor
30Serial class Methods
- The Serial class is used for RCX to IR and RCX to
RCX communication - Methods work on the most basic level of network
communication, passing around packets in the form
of arrays of bytes - A separate communications API provides support
for higher-level operations
31One more example
import josx.platform.rcx. public class
ListenerExample implements SensorConstants,
SensorListener public static void
main(String args) ListenerExample
exam new ListenerExample()
Sensor.S1.setTypeAndMode(SENSOR_TYPE_TOUCH, SE
NSOR_MODE_BOOL) Sensor.S3.setTypeAndMode(S
32Example continues
public void patrol () try
Motor.A.forward() while (true)
catch (Exception e)
33End of example
public void stateChanged(Sensor source, int
oldValue, int newValue) if (newValue
1) if (source.getId() 0)
// left bumper Sound.playTone(220,
50) else if (source.getId() 2)
// right bumper Sound.playTone(660,
50) // end class ListenerExample