Title: CIS-165 C Programming I Bergen Community College
1CIS-165 C Programming I Bergen Community
2Course Content
- Introduction to Hardware and Software.
- Program development.
- Interaction with the Computer system.
- Identifier Tables
- Program Structure heading Section and
Declaration section - Program Structure Input Section.
3Course Content
- Program Structure Output Section.
- Program Structure Process Section.
- Formatted Output.
- Conditions and Boolean Expressions.
- Selection Control Structures.
- Repetitions Control Structure (do-While and for
statements. - Repetitions Control Structure (While Statement).
4Course Content
- Structured Data Types (One-dimensional Arrays)
- Processing One dimensional Arrays.
51. Introduction to Hardware and Software.
- Hardware Components of a computer.
- Systems software and applications software.
- Programming languages.
62. Program development.
- Overview of the program development Process.
- Problem Specification.
- Algorithm design and presentation.
- Source code, object code and the Compiler..
- Syntax Errors, run time errors, logic.
7 3. Interaction with the Computer system.
- Formatting a disk.
- Sign on and sign off procedures.
- Creating, editing, and saving a source code file.
- Compiling, debugging and executing a program.
- Printing a text file.
84. Identifier Tables
- Keywords, standard identifiers and
programmer-defined identifiers. - Variables and symbolic constants.
- Standard scalar data types.
- String data type.
- Literal constants.
- Contents of an identifier table
9 5. Program Structure heading Section and
Declaration section
- General Structure of a C program
- Heading section.
- Comment statement
- Declaration statement.
- typedef.
- The main() function.
10 6. Program Structure Input Section.
- System routines, the preprocessor and the Linker.
- Streams and the iostream.
- Manipulators.
- String input.
117. Program Structure Output Section.
- Unformatted output.
- fstream library and file I/O.
- Writing a program output to a disk file.
12 8. Program Structure Process Section.
- Operator terminology.
- Arithmetic operators.
- Increment and decrement operators.
- Side effects and sequence points.
- Implicit and explicit type conversions.
- Assignment operator and assignment statement.
- String copy function
- Std Math. Library functions.
139. Formatted output.
- Manipulators with arguments.
- ios format flags.
- Output design.
- Creating a program template.
14 Conditional and Boolean Expressions.
- Simple conditions and compound conditions.
- Relational, equality, negation and logical
operators. - Precedence and associatively of operators.
- String compare function.
- Representing conditions by Boolean expressions
1511. Selection control structure.
- if statement and nested if statement .
- Compound statement.
- Conditional operator.
- Switch statement.
- Break statement.
- Program testing and debugging- structured walk
1612. Repetition Control Structures
- do while statement.
- Input validation.
- For statement.
- Table generation.
1713. Repetition Control Structures
- While statement.
- Continue statement.
- Program testing and debugging-structured walk
1814. Structured data Types one D Arrays.
- Terminology and storage.
- Declaration form use of typedef.
- Array input.
- Array output
1915. Processing One-dimensional Arrays
- Mean component of an array.
- Maximum and Minimum component of an array.
- Storing array component.
- Searching an array.
- Other fundamental array processing algorithms.
20Note !!
- Slide one 1-15 demonstrated the general contents
of the CIS-165 Course in plain English - What does that mean in C ??
21C UP_FRONTNO Surprises !!
- Data types
- integers, real (float), long, short, char,
string. - Declaration
- int var1
- float var2
- Char z
- .
- .
- Library functions such as
- sqrt( ), pow( ).
- Input such as
- cin gtgt , cin.getline( )
- Output such as
- cout ltlt
- Formatted output
- setw( )
- Operators
- gt, lt, , !
- Logical
- and , or
- Boolean (True and False)
- if else statement
- if (x gt y)
- z0
- else
- z1
- Switch and case
- switch(var)
- case 1
- codes to execute.
- break
- case 2
- codes to execute.
- break
25Do while
- do
- stat1
- stat n
- while (condition true)
26While stat.
- While (condition true)
- stat 1
- stat n
27- Input validation
- if(cin.fail())
- For stat.
- For (i0 I lt 100 i)
- stat 1
- stat n
28One D Array
- int MyArray5 1,2, 4, 6,8
- Char My_Chr_Array a, b, g,\0
- typedef
- typedef unsigned short int USHORT
- USHORT width, height, length
29Constants (also called literals)
- Defining constants with const
- const unsigned short int Stu_Per_Class 10
- Defining constants in traditional way
- define studentsPerClass 10
- Symbolic Const.
- students classes 15
- Enumerated const
- enum Color Red, Blue, White, Black
30White space