Title: PARSURAMEN EFA progress
1Capacity Building for EFA Monitoring and
Partnership for EFA National Mid Decade
Assessment and Regional Mid Term Review
Assessment, Information, Monitoring and
Statistics Office of the UIS Regional Advisor for
Asia and Pacific UNESCO, Bangkok
2Preparation and Capacity Building for EFA
mid-decade / term assessment
- 2004
- Organise EFA coordinators statisticians as a
country team - Update EFA2000 guidelines and templates for 2005
- Update, adapt, develop application and training
modules - Initiate data collection in life skills and
learners with disabilities - Multi-media training modules on EFA-MDG
monitoring indicators - 2005
- Development of disparity analysis module,
literacy survey module - Training package for emergency and crisis
countries - EFA ME projects and workshop, incl. costing
analysis of EFA NAP - Production training workshop in EFA Projection
and Analytical tools - National Mid-Decade Assessment
- 2006
- Regional Mid-Decade Assessment
- Production workshop in EFAPM and analytical tools
- Stakeholders policy anchoring Regional Action
Plan - National and regional assessment review
- 2007
- Global EFA Mid Term Review
3Develop national capacity for EFA Mid-Decade
Assessment now!
- Lack capacity in EFA monitoring indicators and
assessment analysis of goals attainment. - 2-4 years to revise poorly designed or to develop
new national statistical systems - Need analytical capacity concepts and analytical
models, skills, tools. - EFA national coordinators and statisticians
- UNESCO programme specialists in the field offices
- Need regional and sub-regional CB partnerships
4Monitoring Assessment Evaluation
Purpose improve implementation/ formative Improve Learning Formative/sum improve policies and strategies/ summative
Aimed at operations and management teachers and course providers policymaking and leadership
Focus account of what have been implemented TL methods and materials evaluation of policies and strategies vs goals targets
Information inputs and process Learning achievements per TL process, quality outcomes and impact
Indicators resource input, efficiency, quality of delivery Learning results per method-materials learning achievements, socio-economic changes
5Lessons of the EFA DecadeEducation for whose
needs? Relevance and Quality
6Regional programme Asian EFA Coordinators on
missing EFA Monitoring Indicators
- Life-skills
- Literacy
- Education finance and expenditure
- Urban/rural and socio-economic data
- Geographical data for School Mapping (GIS)
- Quality and learning outcomes
- The excluded learners with disabilities and
other hindrances (Inclusive Education)
Setting regional capacity- building priorities
7Education Data Sources under utilized regular
- Annual school statistical surveys special
needs insert (eg. MOE Dept. Special Needs with
district health clinic) - Population and Household Census (literacy and
highest education attained) - Labour Force Surveys (education and training)
- Living Standard Surveys (education and training)
- Household Income and Expenditure Surveys
- DHSEducation module
- Special surveys eg. Rehabilitation of
demobilised soldiers in post-conflict countries
(NB ad hoc and non-standardised) - No data on learners with disabilities
8Policy analysis across LL Learning perspective
Policy cycle Indicator areas Early childhood Formal Basic education NFE Out-of-school youth adults
Demand/need for education
Input of resources and policies
Quality of education delivery process
Access and participation/coverage
Output of knowledge and skills
Impact on individual welfare health
Impact on gender social disparities
Impact on community development
Impact on socio-economic systems
9Education for whose needs? Sub-national Analysis
of Disparities
Who are neglected? What knowledge, skills? How to increase access? Cost-effective delivery? How to decrease disparities? Contextual indicators analysis. Contextual gender analysis. Early childhood Formal Basic education NFE Out-of-school youth adults
Urban poor homeless ? ? ?
Remote isolated communities ? ? ?
Minority language groups ? ? ?
Learners with disability/special needs ? ? ?
Subsistence farming/ fishery areas ? ? ?
Seasonal itinerant workers ? ? ?
Rehabilitation of prisoners ? ? ?
Refugees displaced population ? ? ?
Etc. list relevant neglected groups ? ? ?
10Building capacity in strategic functions
Policy advisory council
Technical Task force
Training institutes
Diagnosis action plan
Systems development
Staff development
11Example of Joint StrategyADEA WG on Education
12 A Strategic Alliance forCountry-led Capacity
Objective Sustainable institutional capacity
to provide statistical services and information
systems for national policy development, planning
management Strategy Catalytic role in
building a network of institutions, agencies and
experts in joint ventures and networks as agents
of change. Guiding principles Strengthen
country leadership, ownership, partnership and
implementation through national education
sector-wide development programme
13Mobilising regional networksfor EFA Mid and End
of Decade Assessment
- Building capacity of country teams
- guidelines, tools, training, TA
- Tech. support to national regional
- assessment process reports
- Organizing Regional Technical Support Programme
- Mid-decade conference
14model for development co-operationÂ
- Sharing resources tasks for NESIS-EFA
mobilisation - Sweden, Netherlands Advisors, secretariat
projects - UNESCO Harare Dakar Administrative services
- UIS WGES NESIS Coordinators
- France Sub. Coordinator furnishing for Dakar
office - Zimbabwe Regional Centre building national
experts - Pilot countries Senior policy advisors, teams
facilities - UNICEF, UK/DFID Reg. Advisors finance EFA
projects - USAID African expert posts for sub-regional
offices - Norway, Ireland, Japan, World Bank Rockefeller
Foundation finance capacity-building activities
15ADEAP?WG on EFA AIMSAssessment, Information
Systems, Monitoring and Statistics
16Framework for Partnership regional partners
- UN agencies, bilateral donors, and NGOs
- UN Thematic Working Group on EFA and the
Sub-Regional EFA Forums/Fora in Asia and the
Pacific Region, involving the UN agencies - FAO,
ILO, UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank - regional organizations -ADB, ESCAP, SEAMEO, NGOs
- Save the Children, SIL Asia, ASPBAE and - bilaterals - JICA, the Netherlands, DFID, France.
- However, a great variation among the sub-regions
and clusters, in some of which agency presence
been too weak to organize and lead the EFA efforts
17Immediate outputs
- guidelines and tools for capacity building and
policy analysis, improvements on existing
materials and generated through pilot projects - trained professionals in MOEs and partner
agencies to advise, lead and manage CB activities
in the region - action- and analytically oriented leadership and
management of national task force in the region
for EFA planning, monitoring and assessment - improved information systems and information
outputs in the participating countries, the
number depending of available funds and selection
based on feasibility analysis - National EFA Monitoring and Evaluation Reports
18Expected Outcome
- Medium term outcome National and Regional
assessment reports for Regional Global EFA
Reviews - Long-term outcome Increased capacity in the
respective sub-regions and countries throughout
the region for EFA planning, monitoring and
assessment in terms of - Improved quality and coverage of education
statistics and EFA indicators through NESIS
capacity building - Improved EFA policy analysis through the
guidelines, tools and training modules for policy
analysis - Closer inter-agencies and MOE collaboration
- Improved leadership in leading the EFA process
- Increased financial support for the EFA process
- Education for All, decreased disparities
19ADEA evaluation 1 Impact in member states
- Demand-driven consumer-producer structure
- Better understanding of information needs and
problems - Use of benchmarks/indicators for monitoring
evaluation - Sharing innovative strategies, methods and tools
among professional colleagues - Statistics is actively used in policy- and
decision-making -- enhanced the role of planning - Strengthened professional role of national
advisors, experts and institutions - Capacity-building is part of education reform
20Preparation and Capacity Building for EFA
mid-decade / term assessment
- 2004
- Organise EFA coordinators statisticians as a
country team - Update EFA2000 guidelines and templates for 2005
- Update, adapt, develop application and training
modules - Initiate data collection in life skills and
learners with disabilities - Multi-media training modules on EFA-MDG
monitoring indicators - 2005
- Development of disparity analysis module,
literacy survey module - Training package for emergency and crisis
countries - EFA ME projects and workshop, incl. costing
analysis of EFA NAP - Production training workshop in EFA Projection
and Analytical tools - National Mid-Decade Assessment
- 2006
- Regional Mid-Decade Assessment
- Analysis and Report Production workshop
- Stakeholders policy anchoring Regional Action
Plan - National and regional assessment review
- 2007
- Global EFA Mid Term Review