Macros - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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for instance, you might want to build a function by appending pieces of code to ... (setf item (car b)) (setf b (cdr b)) (if (evenp count) (setf temp2 `(= ,var ,item) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Macros

  • You might recall from earlier that some of the
    statements we use are not actually functions but
  • In CL, a function evaluates all of its parameters
    and applies them to the function
  • if is a macro, not a function
  • only one of the two clauses gets evaluated based
    on the condition
  • let is a macro
  • the variables are not evaluated, only allocated
    and bound
  • the initialization code is evaluated but not the
  • dolist and dotimes are not macros
  • the (var lis/value) is not a function call
  • etc
  • Macros are way of writing code that can be used
    to generate code rather than be invoked by code
  • Macros are essential in order to grow the
  • many programming languages have macro facilities,
    but few languages use them as extensively as in

What is a Macro
  • A macro is a piece of code, much like a function
  • but in the case of a macro, the code is not
    evaluated when entered into the REPL environment
  • instead, it is evaluated on demand
  • The macro returns a form (code) rather than a
  • so that the code returned can be evaluated by
    someone else at a later time
  • The macro can be defined so that it builds code
  • you can also pass it code to be used as it builds
  • for instance, you might want to build a function
    by appending pieces of code to a list and then
    returning the list when done
  • So the macro allows us to postpone evaluation
  • defining a macro is somewhat like writing a
    function, you use defmacro, include params and
    follow it by the code to be executed

Controlling Evaluation
  • The is normally used to control evaluation
  • We have used to say take literally, do not
  • In a macro, we can continue to use the but
    there is a superior operator to use (back
  • The quote and back quote both say do not
    evaluate what follows
  • but the back quote permits the use of the ,
    (comma) which means unsuppress the back quote
  • the , will allow us to send a name to a macro
    definition and use that name in place of the
    parameters name
  • Deciding when to use and , will be challenging
  • if you try to use , outside of a you will get
    an error
  • you do not have to use , in your code but if
    not, then it is the same as if you were using
  • Note that we could avoid using and , by using a
    combination of list and as shown on the next
    slide but this would get tedious

Back Quote and Comma Examples
  • (the sum of 5 and 10 is ( 5 10))
  • since this is all in the scope of , none of it
    is evaluated, instead it is returned verbatim
  • (the sum of 5 and 10 is ( 5 10))
  • we get the same result if we use the normal quote
  • if we place a , prior to ( 5 10) we get
  • (the sum of 5 and 10 is 15)
  • (like ) says do not evaluate, just return
    whereas ,x... says evaluate x right now
  • (dolist (a lis) (print a))
  • returns (dolist (a lis) (print a))
  • assume that lis is the list (a b c d), then
    (dolist (a ,lis) (print a)) returns
  • (dolist (a (a b c d)) (print a))
  • (,x ,y ,( x y))
  • if x 3 and y 4 then this returns (3 4 7)
  • Notice that we could achieve the same results by
    placing any of these lists into a (list) function
    call and quoting each item in the list except
    those that have a ,
  • (list the sum of 5 and 10 is ( 5 10))
  • (list x y ( x y))

A More Useful Example
  • Consider that we want a function that will
    evaluate an expression and return one of three
  • First value if expression is negative
  • Second value if expression is zero
  • Third value if expression is positive
  • This is equivalent to FORTRANs first if
  • if(expression) a, b, c
  • We cant use defun because all 3 expressions
    would be evaluated
  • We could use an if or cond statement though, but
    using a macro is easier

(defmacro if3 (expr val1 val2 val3) (cond
((lt ,expr 0) ,val1) (( ,expr 0)
,val2) (t ,val3)))
If we call if3 as (if3 (- a b) 0 -) this
becomes (or unfolds into)
(cond ((lt (- a b) 0) ) (( (- a b) 0)
0) (t -)
You can see that (- a b) is substituted for expr,
this is called a macro-substitution
Multiple Assignment Example
  • Assume that you want to assign multiple variables
    to the same expression
  • We can do this by (setf a expr b expr c expr )
    but this is inefficient (we are evaluated expr
    several times)
  • I could also do (let ((temp (expr))) (setf a temp
    b temp c temp) ) but this can be tedious
  • What I want to do is use code like this (setf a b
    c expr)
  • setf however does not work properly, so instead I
    will define a macro

(defmacro assign2 (v1 v2 exp) (let ((temp
,exp)) (setf ,v1 temp) (setf ,v2 temp)
temp)) (defmacro assign-many (exp v1 optional
v2 v3 v4) (let ((temp ,exp)) (setf ,v1
temp) (if (not (null ,v2)) (setf ,v2 temp)) (if
(not (null ,v3)) (setf ,v3 temp)) (if (not (null
,v4)) (setf ,v4 temp)) temp))
Returns the value assigned Up to 4
variables can be assigned, only one is
required Notice the order, exp comes first
Variable Assignment Example
  • Here I want to choose which of two variables to
    assign to the other
  • For instance, if a lt b, then assign a to b
    otherwise assign b to a
  • Code (if (lt a b) (setf a b) (setf b a))
  • As a macro

(defmacro assigntwoways (v1 v2 test)
(progn (if ,test (setf ,v1 ,v2) (setf ,v2
,v1)) ,v1))
Notice the use of progn here, it is needed
because of the ,v1 at the end without (progn, CL
would think that the was only in front of the
if statement meaning that the ,v1 has a ,
outside of a scope Since this code unfolds
into an if statement which executes a setf, v1 or
v2 will change as opposed to writing a defun
statement where we would have to pass back v1
and/or v2 to be stored again
Writing a Macro
  • So far it doesnt seem difficult to write a macro
  • how do you know when to use and ,
  • how do you know what code to use
  • how do you know when to use progn or let
  • Start by writing the code that you want to have
    produced in a given setting
  • (cond ((lt (- x y) 0) x) (( (- x y) 0) y) (t ( x
  • Now make it into a function with parameters to
    replace the various items (the statements x, y,
    ( x y) and the expression (- x y)) with
  • Since the variables are not to be evaluated by
    the macro, but substituted when the macro is
    called, insert a , before them
  • Since we have , in our code, we have to -- find
    a location where will cover the scope of all
    parameters that have a ,
  • Replace defun with defmacro

  • I want to write a do loop that will iterate while
    the loop variable is positive
  • (do ((x init step)) ((lt x 0)) code)
  • I want this code to be generated whenever anyone
    wants to use it by passing the variable, the init
    value, the step function, and the code

(defun while-positive (x init step code)
(do ((x init step)) ((lt x 0)) code)) The defun
has a flaw, x in the loop is not the same as
the x passed as a parameter, I need macro
substitution (defmacro while-positive (x init
step code) (do ((,x ,init ,step)) ((lt ,x
0)) ,code))
Call this with (while-positive y 10 (- y 2)
(print y))
Using Body and ,_at_
  • So far, the body of our construct (the executable
    code inside the loop or if statement) has been a
    single statement
  • this approach does not work if we have lists of
    executable statements
  • for instance, (while-positive x ( x 1) (setf a
    ( a x)) (print a)) does not work because there
    are two items where the macro expects the single
    item code
  • to accommodate multiple statements as the body,
    we could use rest (all of the following code is
    placed into a single list of functions)
  • instead, we use a variation called body
  • the only difference is that body pretty prints
    better than rest
  • We supply a single parameter after this which is
    then the collection of all items passed
  • inside of the scope, we can apply the body by
    doing ,_at_parameter

Examples Using ,_at_ vs
Backquote Syntax Equivalent List-Building Code Result
(a ( 1 2) c) (list 'a '( 1 2) 'c) (a ( 1 2) c)
(a ,( 1 2) c) (list 'a ( 1 2) 'c) (a 3 c)
(a (list 1 2) c) (list 'a '(list 1 2) 'c) (a (list 1 2) c)
(a ,(list 1 2) c) (list 'a (list 1 2) 'c) (a (1 2) c)
(a ,_at_(list 1 2) c) (append (list 'a) (list 1 2) (list 'c)) (a 1 2 c)
Code Examples
  • A number of the operations we have been using are
    macros by using ,_at_body
  • (defmacro when (condition body body) (if
    ,condition (progn ,_at_body)))
  • (defmacro unless (condition body body) (if (not
    ,condition) (progn ,_at_body)))
  • (defmacro dotimes ((var1 var2) body body) (do
    ((,var1 0 ( ,var1 1))) (( ,var1 ,var2))
  • Notice the extra layer of ( ) in the parameters
    to fit the dotimes form (dotimes (a 10) )
  • (defmacro dolist ((var1 lis) body body) (do
    ((,var1 (car ,lis) (car ,lis))) ((null ,lis))
    (setf ,lis (cdr ,lis)) ,_at_body))
  • the _at_ is used in conjunction with , to say
    evaluate the following as a group
  • Many implements of CL allow you to use rest
    instead of body but use body just to play safe,
    it also helps when pretty-printing

  • Notice in some of the previous examples that we
    wrapped our params in an extra set of ( )
  • When binding the formal parameters (those in the
    macro header) to the actual parameters (those in
    the macro call), CL does something called
    destructuring it finds the matching parameters
    based on embeddedness
  • (defmacro dotimes ((var1 var2) body body) (do
    ((,var1 0 ( ,var1 1))) (( ,var1 ,var2))
  • (dotimes (x 10) ) var1 gets x, var2 gets 10
  • Destructuring can be done to any arbitrary
  • consider some examples
  • (defmacro m1 ((a b) (c d) (e f)) ) called with
    (m1 (1 2) (3 4) (5 6))
  • (defmacro m2 (a (b c) ((d) e)) ) called with (m2
    1 (2 3) ((4) 5))
  • (defmacro m3 (a (b optional c) (optional d)) )
    called with (m3 1 (2) ( )) or (m3 (1 (2 3) ( ))
    or (m3 (1 (2) (3))

More Macro Examples
  • Consider that we want to write a counter
    controlled loop that iterates over the sequence
    of prime numbers
  • (do ((i 2 ( i 1))) (( i n)) (if (prime i) (b
  • b is the body of code to execute on each prime
  • This becomes the macro
  • (defmacro doprimes ((var limit) body b) (do
    ((,var 2 ( ,var 1))) (( ,var ,limit)) (if
    (prime ,var) ,_at_b))
  • Now consider the same thing over a sequence
    generated by some function f rather than prime
  • (defmacro dosequence ((var limit f) body b) (do
    ((,var 2 ( ,var 1))) (( ,var ,limit)) (if
    (funcall ,f ,var) ,_at_b)))
  • could be called by (dosequence (a 100 evenp)
    (print a))
  • (defmacro dosequence ((var limit f) body b) (do
    ((,var 2 ( ,var 1))) (( ,var ,limit)) (if
    (funcall ,f ,var) ,_at_b)))
  • could be called by (dosequence (a 100 evenp)
    (print a))

Building Code From A List
  • Lets make a simple switch statement in CL
  • In Java/C, we do switch (var) case val1
    statement break case val2 statement break
  • Here, we want to be able to say (switch x val1
    statement1 val2 statement2 )
  • we dont need to add the extra syntax of case
    and ,
  • to simplify matters, we will assume that each
    statement is a single operation, and to make it
    even easier, merely a return value (say a number)
  • we will also simplify the syntax by permitting
    the values and return values to be stated outside
    of a list
  • (switch x 1 1 2 20 3 300 4 -1) x 1 returns 1,
    x 2 returns 20, x 3 returns 300, x 4
    returns -1
  • Problem we cant just use ,_at_body here because
    we need to divide the body up into separate
    statements that say (( x 1) 1) (( x 2) 20) ((
    x 3) 300) etc
  • So rather than relying on ,_at_body, we will build
    our body through a do loop

Building Our Macro
  • It seems like we could write any function to
    build a cond statement for us
  • (let ((temp (cond)))
  • (do (setf temp (append temp (( x 1) 1))
  • However, we need to be able to insert the
    variable name provided by the caller as well as
    the unique list of values/return values
  • So a macro it is!
  • In the macro though, we have to differentiate
    whether we are appending to a local variable, or
    manipulating a parameter
  • The former is done outside of the scope, the
    latter is done within the scope

Do lis elements in pairs, (nth i lis) being the
value, used in ( var val) and the next element
being the return value
(defmacro switch (var body lis) (let ((temp
'(cond))) (do ((i 0 ( i 2))) ((gt i (length
lis))) (setf temp (append temp ((( ,var
,(nth i lis)) ,(nth ( i 1) lis)))))) temp))
Notice this is the only part of the macro that
has scope
An Alternative Approach
  • The previous approach was concise but perhaps not
    as easy to understand as it could be
  • Here we more clearly build each switch argument
    as two separate lists, one storing ( var item)
    and the other being an executable statement
  • We then tack each together into a list and then
    append it to the growing cond statement

When called with (switch x 0 (print a) 1
(print b) 2 (print c)) unfolds into (cond ((
x 0) (print a)) (( x 1) (print b))
(( x 2) (print c)))
(defmacro switch (var body b) (let ((temp
'(cond)) (count 0) temp2 temp3 item) (do ( )
((null b)) (setf item (car b)) (setf b
(cdr b)) (if (evenp count)
(setf temp2 ( ,var ,item)) (progn (setf
temp3 (append (list temp2) (,item)))
(setf temp (append temp (list temp3)))))
(setf count ( 1 count))) temp))
Improving Our Macro
  • What if we want to permit a default?
  • Since the default case should be the last in our
    list, we will exit our loop once we find the
  • Notice the use of t this permits a default
    case to be selected when default is found in the
  • we could alternatively use default if we want
    the programmer to use the word default when
    calling the macro
  • We could invoke this macro with (switch2 x 1 10 2
    20 t 30)
  • if x were 2, we would get 20, if x were 5, we
    would get 30

(defmacro switch2 (var body lis) (let ((temp
'(cond))) (do ((i 0 ( i 2))) ((gt i
(length lis))) (if (equal (nth i lis)
t) (setf temp (append temp ((t ,(nth ( i 1)
lis))))) (setf temp (append temp (((
,var ,(nth i lis)) ,(nth ( i 1) lis))))))) temp))
Macro Expanding
  • When you define a macro, you are returning a new
    form which can be called directly
  • From the REPL interface
  • From another function
  • But the macro is actually performing
    substitution by taking what you defined and
    substituting parameters
  • This is done through macro-expansion
  • What is returned is then executed
  • You can view the intermediate form without
    execution by using macroexpand-1
  • (macroexpand-1 (macroname params))
  • For example, I want to see the code generated by
    doprimes passing it the parameters (n 12) and
    (print n)
  • (macroexpand-1 '(doprimes (n 12) (print n)))
  • (DO ((N 2 ( N 1))) (( N 12)) (IF (ISPRIME N)
    (PRINT N)))
  • T
  • Notice that macroexpand-1 prints out the macro as
    expanded by the parameters, and then returns T
    (or nil if there is a failure)

Using Macros to Define Functions
  • To this point, our macros have expanded into
    function calls and the return of the function
    call is what the macro call returns
  • consider switch which expands to a cond statement
    that is then executed
  • We can also use macros to generate defun
  • this lets us generate functions to be called
  • Consider a database using a list of structures
  • we could define search functions for all of our
    slots, but this could be time consuming
  • or we could define a macro that generates various
    search functions for us
  • How?
  • we need to have access to all of the structures
    slots and their types, for each slot, we generate
    one or more defun statements from our macro

Starting The Macro
  • Consider that we have a student structure which
    stores the slots name, major, hours, gpa of
    types string, string, integer, number
  • We want to define search functions similar to the
  • However, we dont want to have to write them all
  • So we want a macro which will generate defun
  • This macro will need to know the names of the
  • in this way, we can access the structures slot
    as we did above with (student-hours a)
  • And the type of each slot
  • so that we know which comparison functions to
    generate (an integer will probably require lt, gt,
    and , but a string might include others such as
    contains, does-not-contain,

(defun search-hoursgt (db target) (dolist (a db)
(if (gt (student-hours db) target) (print
Partial Macro Solution
(defmacro generate-a-search (struct-name
slot-name slot-type) (let ((function-name
(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name
struct-name) "-" (symbol-name slot-name)
"gt"))) (compare-type (if (or (equal slot-type
'number) (equal slot-type 'integer)) 'gt
'Stringgt)) (accessor-name (intern (concatenate
'string (symbol-name struct-name) "-"
(symbol-name slot-name))))) (defun
,function-name (db target) (dolist (a db)
(if (apply ,compare-type (,accessor-name a)
target) (print a))))))
Now, we call this for each slot-name/slot-type in
the structure Example (generate-a-search
STUDENT MAJOR STRING) We have to expand on this
if we want to go beyond simple gt, lt, searches
  • Lets go beyond the search producing macro
  • We would like to pass a structural definition to
    a macro, it can produce for us an entire database
  • The struct definition
  • Functions for search
  • A function to print the structure in a formatted
  • A function to test two structures for equality
    (equal if they have the same slot values)
  • A function to input a new structure
  • Etc
  • The structural definition should include the slot
    names, but here we might also want to include
    each slots type
  • we can decide to what search functions to produce
    (e.g., a search based on whether a string
    contains a substring rather than simply stringlt,
    stringgt, string)
  • we can use the proper form of equality (, equal,
    char, string, etc)
  • we can generate a proper format statement for an
    output function
  • On the next slide, we have a macro that produces
    the defstruct and an equals function
  • Notice the weird use of ,variable
  • This became necessary in order to pass parameters

Example Continued
(defmacro generate-struct (name slots types)
(let (slot type temp1 temp2 fname (s1 (gensym))
(s2 (gensym)) andlist eq-func) (setf fname
(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name ,name
-equals)))) (setf andlist '(and))
(dotimes (i (length slots)) (setf slot
(nth i slots)) (setf type (nth i
types)) (if (or (equal type 'integer)
(equal type 'number)) (setf eq-func ') (if
(equal type 'character) (setf eq-func 'char)
(setf eq-func 'string))) (setf temp1
(list (intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name
,name) "-" (symbol-name ,slot))) ,s1))
(setf temp2 (list (intern (concatenate 'string
(symbol-name ,name) "-" (symbol-name ,slot)))
,s2)) (setf andlist (append andlist
(list (,eq-func ,temp1 ,temp2))))) andlist
becomes (and (equal (slot-name1 s1) (slot-name1
s2)) ) for each slot (progn (defstruct
,name ,_at_slots) produce the defstruct
(defun ,fname (,s1 ,s2) ,andlist)))) produce
the equal function
A Problem
  • Consider the following macro definition
  • (defmacro foo (a b) (let ((sum 0)) (do ((,a 1 (
    1 ,a))) (( ,a ,b)) (setf sum ( sum ,a))) sum))
  • This macro merely constructs a do loop that
    iterates from 1 to b, summing up the values and
    returning the sum obviously we dont need a
    macro for this, but it illustrates an important
  • No big deal right?
  • If we were to do (foo a 10) then it sums up 1-9
    and returns 45 as we would expect
  • What do you suppose will happen if we do (foo sum
  • Lets macro expand this (foo sum 10) and find
  • (LET ((SUM 0)) (DO ((SUM 1 ( 1 SUM))) (( SUM
    10)) (SETF SUM ( SUM SUM))) SUM)
  • Notice our terminating condition is not what we
    had expected instead of stopping once the loop
    variable reaches 10 because our loop variables
    name is replaced with sum
  • And the problem here is that ( sum 10) is never
    true (sum takes on the values 1, 3, 7, 15, 31,

The Problem Same Named Items
  • The problem with our last example was that a
    parameter that we passed to the macro to
    substitute for ,a happened to be the same name as
    a local variable
  • What are the odds of that happening?
  • Probably not very high, but if it does happen, it
    produces behavior that we dont want
  • The solution?
  • Renaming the parameter isnt an adequate solution
    because we cant control what the other
    programmers might do
  • and since we cant predict what they will do, we
    need to play safe
  • Renaming the local variable would work if we
    could come up with a name that we are guaranteed
    that they will never ever use
  • how about Slartibartfast??? Ok, someone out
    there might be compelled to name a variable this!

The Solution Gensym
  • Gensym is a CL function that generates a unique
    symbol, one that is not used elsewhere in the
  • These symbols will differ from user defined
    symbols because they have G generated followed
    by a unique number as in G708
  • Using gensym several times in a row will generate
    several symbols with consecutive integer values
    (so that the next would be G709)
  • This does not seem very usable what good is it
    to generate a seemingly random symbol?
  • Its use is this we will name any local variable
    using gensym so that the name of the local
    variable is unique

(let ((sum (gensym))) now for the remainder of
the macro, refer to ,sum instead of sum, sum is
the parameter passed to the macro, ,sum is a
symbol like G708 there is no way that a
programmer can pass G708 it is disallowed,
therefore we are guaranteed a unique name
Another Example
  • In this example, there doesnt seem to be a
    problem since we are not declaring local
  • (defmacro cube (n) ( ,n ,n ,n))
  • This works fine when called with (cube 2) or
    (cube x) where x was set to some value previously
    or even (cube (- x y)) where x and y were both
    previously set
  • But what happens if we call cube as (cube (incf
  • Lets macroexpand this
  • (macroexpand-1 (cube (incf x))) ? (cube (incf x)
    (incf x) (incf x))
  • Recall that incf is destructive
  • the value of x changes every time it is called
  • so if we originally set x to 2, then we get (cube
    3 4 5) ? 60!
  • To get around this, lets again use gensym
  • (defmacro cube (x) (let ((name (gensym))) (setf
    ,name x) ( ,name ,name ,name)))

Revised Macro
(defmacro foo (a b) (let ((sum (gensym)))
(progn (setf ,sum 0) (do ((,a 1 ( ,a 1)))
(( ,a ,b)) (setf ,sum ( ,sum
,a))) ,sum)))
  • Here we have pulled the let statement out to
    appear prior to the
  • This allows us to generate a symbol for sum, and
    then reference that generated symbol so that we
    dont have to take the chance that the programmer
    called foo with sum
  • If we were to macro-expand (foo sum 10) now we
  • (PROGN (SETF G829 0) (DO ((SUM 1 ( SUM 1)))
    (( SUM 10)) (SETF G829 ( G829 SUM)))
  • Notice how G829 has been generated to replace
    our local variable so that our terminating
    condition no longer is affected by that variable

Do We Need A Macro?
  • Consider this macro
  • Do we really need to make it into a macro? Could
    we not just use defun?
  • Yes, just use defun so under what
    circumstance(s) do we want to use defmacro?
  • Both defun and defmacro generate new pieces of
    code but defmacro gives us the ability to control
    when things are evaluated so that we can make use
    of macro substitution
  • If at the time I am writing the code, I do not
    know how the code will be used by another
    programmer, I should use defmacro
  • Alternatively, if I have a routine that depends
    on another function (like dosequence or
    doprimes), I could write a function which is
    passed the function to apply using funcall

(defmacro is-greater (x y) (gt ,x ,y))
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