Title: Kni
1The Union Catalog of the Slovak Republic (From
local solution towards Central/Universal/Consortia
l Catalog)
Dušan Katušcák
The Slovak National Library
2Content of presentation
- Introduction
- Information on the Library Network of Slovakia
- Economic and Organizational Aspects of the Union
Catalog - An Outline of the Uniform Library System
- Principles for the Common Consortium Catalog
3Introduction National Bibliographic Services
- Union Catalogs - National Bibliographic Services
- NBS - set of activities aimed at the preparation
of and making access to a countrys bibliographic
records - NBS - stable and firmly established library
services - Union Catalogs are a substitute to central
cataloging - CC represents the preparation and supply of
bibliographic records - CC - key issues of a countrys library network
4Introduction - Short history
- Great Britain - first efforts to perform central
cataloging and to unify cataloging rules - in 1877, conference of the BLA - new demand for
compilation of a national or international
catalog - 1901 - Library of Congress distribute cataloging
records to its subscribers - in 1926, about 4 thousand libraries used the
services of the central cataloging agency - savings on cataloging about 500 000 US dollars
5Introduction UC-Slovakia
- 2nd half of the 20th century - to 2002
- local off-line union catalogs established
- type of documents (such as local off-line union
catalog of serials - CDS/ISIS, ALEPH), - type of libraries (local off-line union catalog
of scientific libraries Rapid Library, public
libraries - Libris) - Comenius University - local on-line Union Catalog
central database - VIRTUA
6Slovak situation 2002
- It has to be said clearly and openly there is
no on-line National Union Catalog in Slovakia - 2002 - solution for the technology of the
National Union Catalog in heterogenous enviroment - 10 yeares old concept (Linda in Finlad)
- The Project is under way with a significant
support by the Open Society Fund - I assume that the experience with this solution
will be useful within the Consortium Union
Catalog Project
7New concept - National Union /Universal
/Consortial Catalog
- To cross from local solutions to integrated
solution at national level - Professional and technological conditions are in
place that make it possible to establish the
on-line National Union /Universal /Consortial
Catalog - Slovakia - small country (about 5 million
inhabitants), - small library collections
(approximately 50 million documents).
8National Union /Universal /Consortial Catalog
- Finnish example LINNEA2 (Esko Häkli, Annu
Jauhiainen) - Technology - catalog based on
- one library software
- central server
- one physical database
- several logical databases
- Content
- universal content - all document types and
formats open for all libraries
9Information on the Library Network of Slovakia -
The Slovak Library Act
- On May 12th, 2000 adopted Act on Libraries no.
183/2000 - Act supersedes an obsolete and inadequate Library
Act from 1959 - Initiative for a new Act was started by civil
asociations - The associations prepared a draft and managed to
forward the proposal in the Parliament by the
Government - The Act is available in English at the Ministry
of Cultures website at http//www.culture.gov.sk/
english/LEG/Z20_183.htm. - Library Network is a part of the State
Information Network - Includes Slovak National Library, scientific
libraries, academic libraries, public libraries,
school libraries and special libraries.
10School Libraries
Public Libraries
Slovak National Library
Local Authorities, Municipalities
Central governmental authority (Ministry of XYZ)
Special Libraries
Management Board (Library Council)
Academic Libraries
Specialized Scientific libraries
Universal Scientific Libraries
11The Library Network of Slovakia
- The Slovak National Library
- Scientific libraries (9)
- Academic libraries (44)
- Public libraries (2656)
- communities (293 professional, 2225
non-professional) - towns (102)
- regions (31)
- higher territorial units (5)
- School libraries
- secondary schools (1623)
- primary schools (4293)
- Special libraries (app. 500)
12The Slovak National Library
- National Library was established as an autonomous
institution independent from Matica slovenská, a
part of which it was originally since the 19th
century - National Library is under direct management of
the Ministry of Culture and it is financed from
state budget
13Scientific Libraries (universal)
- Universal Scientific Libraries established,
managed, financed by the Ministry of Culture - University Library, Bratislava
- State Scientific Library, Banská Bystrica
- State Scientific Library, Košice
- State Scientific Library, Prešov
- The Central Library of the Slovak Academy of
Sciences, Bratislava financed by the Slovak
Academy of Sciences
14Scientific Libraries (specialized)
- Slovak Library of Medicine, Bratislava
- (financed by the Ministry of Health)
- Slovak Library of Pedagogy, Bratislava
- Center for Scientific and Technical Information,
Bratislava - (both financed by the Ministry of Education)
- The functions of a scientific library may also be
performed by a academic or special library
15Academic Libraries
- Library of a university or a faculty, established
by the educational institution with respect to
the Act on Universities - Some universities have their university libraries
- Some faculties have autonomous faculty libraries
- An academic library specialized scientific
library - Slovak Economic Library of the University of
Economy (Bratislava) - Slovak Library of Forestry and Wood Technology at
the University of Technologies (Zvolen) - Slovak Library of Agriculture at the Slovak
University of Agriculture (Nitra)
16Public Libraries
- Public Libraries community and regional
libraries. - In 2001, there were
- 5 county libraries
- 31 regional libraries
- 102 cities and towns libraries
- 293 community libraries with professional staff
- 2 225 community libraries with non-professional
staff - Public Library are established and financed by
local authorities
17School Libraries
- parts of primary and secondary schools
- assistance to educating activities and to the
educating process in the form of information and
documentation services - school library may, with the consent of its
founder, enable access to the general public and
provide out-of-school library informational
services (as a public library)
18Special Libraries
- founded or established in the form of a legal
person or as an organisational unit of a legal
person - has specialised library collections
- provides library services to its founder
- provides library services with consent of the
founder to the general public
19Special Libraries
- Exemples
- Parliamentary Library of the National Council of
the Slovak Republic, Bratislava - Slovak Library for the Blind, Levoca managed by
the Ministry of Culture - Library of Young People in the city of Košice
(Knižnica pre mládež mesta Košice), - libraries of churches and religious associations,
medical libraries, technical libraries, libraries
of the armed forces, agricultural libraries,
prison libraries, libraries of museums and
galleries, and administrative and economic
libraries, privat companies libraries ...
20Slovak Libraries - Key Figures
21Economic Grounds for the Union Catalog 1
- 2001 there were almost 3000 libraries
- libraries acquired about 700 000 library units
- acquisition costs 200 million SKK, about 5 mil.
- one title comes in a library in 1.5 copies (i.e.
700 000 documents can be converted into about 466
000 titles) - original cataloging is provided by a portion of
public libraries and by all scientific and
academic libraries and a portion of special
22Economic Grounds for the Union Catalog 2
- original cataloging is done by about 350
libraries. - those 350 libraries perform the cataloging of
about 466 000 titles - in average, one library processes originally
about 1 300 titles per year. - direct and indirect costs of creating one
cataloging record is about 300 SKK (more than 7
), - total annual cataloging costs are about 400 000
SKK (9 500 ) / in 1 library
23Economic Grounds for the Union Catalog 3
- British Library spends 14,18 per record
- Central National Library in Florence spends
- 33,17 on each complete authority record
- 6,88 on the minimum-level record
- Slovakia - 2001, all libraries needed
- cataloguing cost app. 140 mil. SKK/year (app. 3.5
mil. ) - If 50 libraries catalog the same title
- multicataloguing cost app. 70 mil. SKK/year (1.7
mil. )
24Boosting Information Technologies and the
Internet in Slovak Libraries An Outline of the
- In 2002 - program of implementation of ICT was
worked out by SNL - approved by the Government
- The Government set it as a part of the agenda of
the Minister of Culture, the Minister of
Education, the Minister of Health, the Minister
of Agriculture and the Minister of Justice, in
order to make these authorities request the
resources for their budgets every year needed to
finance the program, and to provide for the
implementation of the program in the fields
25ICT for libraries
- The Minister of Culture is ordered
- to provide for the procurement, installation and
operation of a uniform library system for the
libraries of the Slovak Republic until 3rd June
2003, - set up a project on the Virtual Library of
Slovakia (Virtuálnej knižnice Slovenska - VIKS)
until the end of 2003, with regard to other
digitization programs and the eEurope
Initiative, - project of computerization of small libraries
- Minister is obliged to provide for the finacial
resources necessary for the procurement,
installation and operation of the uniform library
software in 2003 and 2004 (20.8 mil. SKK) (app.
500 000 )
26Common 3rd Generation Library and Information
System Project (KIS3G)
- The main objective
- to select one common fully-integrated 3rd
generation library system for all Slovak
libraries - to form economic and technological conditions for
its operation with regard to the requirements of
individual libraries - an outcome of the Project will be a
new-generation centralized integrated library
27KIS3G - Participants and Management of the
- libraries which are able to come to an agreement
on selection of one software - libraries established by and pertaining to the
Ministry of Culture - we propose the involvement museums and galleries
in the Project as well - invitation for cooperation
28KIS3G Participants
- first stage - libraries that currently meet the
criteria of staffing and communication
technologies required for an active participation
in the KIS3G Project, - scientific libraries, academic libraries and
selected public libraries with adequate hardware,
and an access to the Internet, but without a
suitable software solution (e. g. the Center for
Scientific and Technical Information, the Slovak
Library of Pedagogy, the Slovak Library of
Agriculture, University Library of the University
of Žilina ...).
29KIS3G Participants
- the second stage comprises those libraries
capable of attaining the technological level
until the end of 2003 required to actively
participate in the KIS3G Project. - the third stage includes libraries with their own
conforming local systems by means of which they
can be connected to a centralised system in order
to use the Union Catalog of the Slovak Republic
30KIS3G Project Schedule
- 2002 setting up the KIS3G Project (analyses,
detailed time schedule, software selection
criteria, testing criteria, feasibility study) - 2003 (spring) - software selection process
arranged according to the EU rules of procurement
- 2003 (autumn) - decision-making on the systems
suitable for the KIS3G Project, - 2003 (winter) - testing the selected systems
- 2004 (summer) - selection system, business
negotiations concerning the supply terms,
software installation, - 2004 (autumn) - the executive and implementation
stage of the KIS3G Project in selected libraries
31Principles of the KIS3G Project
- The selection of the software for the KIS3G
Project should be pursuant to the following
principles - The KIS3G Project is based on the concept of
centralization, and effective spending of public
resources, and cutting down costs by reducing
multiple processes, and enhancing services by
making a homogenous environment - The KIS3G Project is following the efforts of
building the Union Catalog of Slovakia, which is
one of the strategic tasks of Slovak library
community supported by the Ministry of Culture
and by the Open Society Fund all actions will
have to be coordinated and harmonized - The participation in the Project is voluntary,
depending on the decision of libraries and their
establishing authorities
32Principles of the KIS3G Project
- The subject of the procurement is an integrated
library and information system (application
software) - The software must have quality guaranteed,
development prospects and positive references - The software will be based on the client-server
architecture - The software will be scalable to enable
participation of more clients in the future (the
initial number of client licences will be about
33Principles of the KIS3G Project
- The software, the hardware, and the network
architecture will have the capacity to
incorporate museums, galleries and archives. - The number of web-based clients will have to be
practically unlimited. - The software will be installed at one server
located in the National Library in Martin (or in
an entrusted organization such as the Center
for Scientific Computing in Finland)
34Principles of the KIS3G Project
- The one server one software solution will
significantly reduce the number of qualified
personell needed in libraries, since libraries
cannot afford them. Instead of that libraries
will be staffed with system librarians and
hardware maintenance personnel - The KIS3G Project does not imply the
impossibility of implementation of other
softwares - The KIS3G Project should respect the current
conditions in the largest Slovak libraries and
attempt for cooperation with other software
suppliers that have already been partners of the
35Principles of the KIS3G Project
- The software will be based on a Graphic User
Interface (GUI) and a web interface, and able to
search multiple databases simultaneously - The database system and the software must enable
to create independent logical databases for
individual libraries in a uniform virtual
environment - Along with traditional library material, the
software must have the ability to keep records on
museum and gallery artefacts, archival documents
etc. - The software must respect standards (ISO 2709,
MARC 21, UNIMARC, ISO 23950, ISO 10160/10161
(ILL), ISO 9735 (Edifact), ISO 10646 (Unicode) - The software must include a multi-functional
Z39.50 server to enable communication with a
Z39.50 client implemented within any other
library software
Thank you