Title: Transversity: Opportunities Now and Future
1Transversity Opportunities Now and Future
- Feng Yuan
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- RBRC, Brookhaven National Laboratory
2Transverse spin physics
E704,pp to Pi
Mulders et al.
- Transversity and transverse spin physics
- Universality of the Collins Mechanism
- Non-universality of the Sivers effects
- Conclusion
4Parton distributions
Quark distribution matrix ?(P,k)
Gauge links
5Leading order quark distribution
- ??? expands at leading order,
- Although a leading-twist distribution,
transversity is chiral-odd, and doesnt
contribute to the DIS structure function
6Measuring transversity is difficult
- Have to multiply another chiral-odd object
(distribution or fragmentation) - Drell-Yan and other processes in hadronic
collisions - Two-hadron production in DIS
- Semi-inclusive single hadron production in DIS
7Drell-Yan is an ideal place
- Combining two transversity distributions in
Drell-Yan lepton pair production
? qT
? qT
Double Transverse spin asymmetry
8Opportunity at RHIC
Vogelsang, et al, PRD, 1999
9Semi-inclusive DIS
- Collins fragmentation function is chiral-odd
- Combining with the quark transversity leads to
single transverse-spin asymmetry in SIDIS - Opening a whole window of SSAs in SIDIS
10Whats Single spin asymmetry?
Transverse plane
Final state particle is Azimuthal symmetric
Single Transverse Spin Asymmetry (SSA)
11SSAs in Modern era RHIC, JLab, HERMES,
Central rapidity!!
Large SSA continues at DIS ep and collider pp
12Why Does SSA Exist?
- Single Spin Asymmetry requires
- Helicity flip one must have a reaction mechanism
for the hadron to change its helicity (in a cut
diagram) - A phase difference the phase difference is
needed because the structure S (p k) violate
the naïve time-reversal invariance
13Naïve parton model fails
- If the underlying scattering mechanism is hard,
the naïve parton model generates a very small
SSA (G. Kane et al, 1978), - It is in general suppressed by aSmq/Q
- We have to go beyond this naïve picture
14Two mechanisms in QCD
- Spin-dependent transverse momentum dependent
(TMD) function - Sivers 90
- Brodsky,Hwang,Schmidt, 02 (FSI)
- Gauge Property Collins 02Belitsky-Ji-Yuan,NPB03
- Factorization Ji-Ma-Yuan,PRD04Collins,Metz,04
- Twist-3 quark-gluon correlations (coll.)
- Efremov-Teryaev, 82, 84
- Qiu-Sterman, 91,98
Sivers function ST (PXkT)
15Semi-Inclusive DIS
- Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) Parton
Distributions and Fragmentations - Novel Single Spin Asymmetries
U unpolarized beam T transversely polarized
16Universality of the Collins Fragmentation
17Collins effects in ee-
- Reliable place to extract the information on the
Collins fragmentation function
Belle Col., PRL 06
18Collins asymmetry in pp collisions
Collins Fragmentation function
Quark transversity distribution
FY, arXiv0709.3272Â hep-ph
19Simple model a la Collins 93
Phase information in the vertex or the quark
propagator Collins-93
Universality of the Collins Function!!
20One-gluon exchange (gauge link)?
Metz 02, Collins-Metz 02 Universality of the
Collins function!!
21Similar arguments for pp collisions
Conjecture the Collins function will be the same
as ee- and SIDIS
22Extend to two-gluon exchange
Universality preserved
23Key observations
- Final state interactions DO NOT provide a phase
for a nonzero SSA - Eikonal propagators DO NOT contribute to a pole
- Ward identity is applicable to warrant the
universality arguments
24Collins from HERMES
- Large, positive p asymmetries
- no surprise from u-quark dominance
- Large, negative p- asymmetries
- first a surprise, now understood by large,
negative disfavored Collins function
25Collins from COMPASS
PRL 94, 202002 (2005) and Nucl.Phys.B76531-70,200
- Smaller asymmetries than in proton case
26First extraction of Collins functions and
transversity distributions from fitting HERMES
COMPASS BELLE data By Anselmino et al., PRD 75
27Comparison with some models
1 Soffer et al. PRD 65 (02) 2 Korotkov et al.
EPJC 18 (01) 3 Schweitzer et al., PRD 64 (01)
4 Wakamatsu, PLB 509 (01) 5 Pasquini et al.,
PRD 72 (05) 6 Anselmino et al., PRD 75 (07)
28Sivers effect is different
- It is the final state interaction providing the
phase to a nonzero SSA - Ward identity is not easy to apply
- Non-universality in general
- Only in special case, we have
- Special Universality
29DIS and Drell-Yan
- Initial state vs. final state interactions
- Universality fundamental QCD prediction
30A unified picture for SSA
- In DIS and Drell-Yan processes, SSA depends on Q
and transverse-momentum P? - At large P?, SSA is dominated by twist-3
correlation effects - At moderate P?, SSA is dominated by the
transverse-momentum-dependent parton
distribution/fragmentation functions - The two mechanisms at intermediate P? generate
the same physics! - Ji-Qiu-Vogelsang-Yuan,Phys.Rev.Lett
.97082002,2006 -
31Experiment SIDIS vs Drell Yan
HERMES Sivers Results
RHIC II Drell Yan Projections
Markus Diefenthaler DIS Workshop Munich, April
0.1 0.2 0.3 x
32Non-universality Dijet-correlation at RHIC
- Proposed by Boer-Vogelsang
- Pheno. studies Vogelsang-Yuan 05
- Bomhof-Mulders-Vogelsang-Yuan 07
- Initial state and/or final state interactions?
- Bacchetta-Bomhof-Mulders-Pijlman hep-ph/0406099,
hep-ph/0505268, hep-ph/0601171, hep-ph/0609206 - Qiu-Vogelsang-Yuan, arXiv0704.1153 0706.1196
- Collins-Qiu, arXiv0705.2141Â
- Voglesang-Yuan, arXiv0708.4398
- Collins, arXiv0708.4410
- Bomhof-Mulders, arXiv0709.1390
- Factorization? Universality?
33The asymmetry could be related to that in DIS,
only at the leading order (one-gluon exchange),
- qTDIS--- Sivers function from DIS
- qt--- imbalance of the dijet
- Hsivers depends on subprocess
Qiu,Vogelsang,Yuan, 07
34This simple picture does not hold for two-gluon
Vogelang-Yuan, 0708.4398 Qiu,Collins,
0705.4121 Collins, 0708.4410
Integrated over transverse momentum
Similar calculations can be Shown for QCD
35Failure or Opportunity?
36Future opportunities at JLab
- Transverse spin physics with proton and neutron
targets - Crucial to extract the quark transversity
- Detailed mapping of TMDs at 12 GeV upgrade
37Different PT Region
- Integrate out PT (w/o weight)
- -- normal factorization, similar to inclusive
DIS - Large PT (gtgt?QCD)
- -- hard gluon radiation, can be calculated from
perturbative QCD - Low PT (?QCD)
- -- nonperturbative information TMD
factorization formula
? ! 12GeV
38Final PT Distribution
- PT dependence
- Which is valid for all Pt range
- SSA is suppressed by 1/Pt at large Pt
Sivers function at low Pt
Qiu-Sterman Twist-three
39SIDIS cross sections at large Pt
40Transition from Perturbative region to
Nonperturbative region?
- Compare different region of PT
Nonperturbative TMD
Perturbative region
41Opportunities at other experiments
- Collins effects, quark transversity
- Drell-Yan, quark Sivers
- Heavy flavor, gluon Sivers
- JPARC (pp collision at low energy)
- Drell-Yan, quark Sivers effects
- GSI-FAIR (ppbar collision)
- Drell-Yan, quark transversity
- Quark Sivers effects
- We are in the early stages of a very exciting era
of transverse spin physics studies, where the
future JLAB, RHIC, and EIC experiments will
certainly play very important roles - We will learn more about QCD dynamics and nucleon
structure from these studies, especially for the
quark orbital motion
43What can we learn from SSA
- Quark Orbital Angular Momentum
- e.g, Sivers function the wave function
amplitude with nonzero orbital angular momentum! - Vanishes if quarks only in s-state!
Ji-Ma-Yuan, NPB03 Brodsky-Yuan, PRD06
44Take Drell-Yan as an example(with non-zero
transverse momentum q?)
- We need a loop to generate a phase
Twist-three Correlations Efremov-Teryaev, 82,
84 Qiu-Sterman, 91,98
Kane et al., hard parton model
45Further factorization (q?ltltQ)
- The collinear gluons dominate
Transverse Momentum Dependent distributions Sivers
, 90, Collins, 93,02 Brodsky-Hwang-Schmidt,02 Ji-Q
Twist-three Correlations Efremov-Teryaev, 82,
84 Qiu-Sterman, 91,98
46New challenge from STAR data (2006)
Talks by Ogawa and Nogach in SPIN2006
47Some comments
- Its difficult to explain this pattern in the
current theoretical approaches - Fragmentation (Collins effect) contributions?
- One possible reason could be the partial
cancellation between the favored and disfavored
contribution to Pi0 production - Check with the charged pions?
48Recent theoretical developments(twist-three)
- Complete formalism for single inclusive hadron
production in pp collision has been derived,
including the derivative and non-derivative terms
Qiu, Sterman, 91, 98 Kouvaris,Qiu,Vogelsang,Yuan,
06 See also Koike, et al., 06,07
49Twist-3 Fit to data
Kouvaris,Qiu,Vogelsang,Yuan, 06
50Compare to 2006 data from RHIC
J.H. Lee, SPIN 2006
51(No Transcript)
52Two-hadron interference frag. fun.
Collins,Heppelmann,Ladinsky, 94 Jaffe,Jin,Tang,
97 Bacchetta,Radici, 04,06