Title: Sandro De Cecco
1B-physics at CDFfirst results and perspectives
- Sandro De Cecco
- INFN Roma 1
- Universita di Roma La Sapienza, 11 giugno 2004
2In this talk
- This talk wont cover all B-physics studies going
on at CDF. - I will stress on B physics potentials of CDF
which are complementary - to the B-factories outputs.
- In particular I will concentrate on some
information on CPV and HQ - that can be extracted from the study of Bs meson
only accessible at - the Tevatron collider.
- In this perspective, a selection of relevant new
results will be described. - Future projections for Bs topics will be
highlighted, relying on data and - current performances for extrapolations.
- Highlights on Bs physics
- CDF detector and B-triggers
- Selection of recent results in Leptonic
hadronic triggers data samples. - Projections for Bs mixing measurement first
studies. - CDF potential in relevant Bs decay channels,
expected yields before next generation
4CPV, the CKM picture
CPV at Tevatron in the b-sectorunique
opportunity to study Bs physics.
5B0s - B0s mixing
- Explore one side of the CKM triangle
- Key experimental issues
- B0s flavor ID at decay
- B0s flavor ID at production (?fl.tagging)
- High Yield with good S/B. (?trigger reco.)
- High resolution on proper decay time (?Vertexing)
World average limit
Dms gt 14.4/ps _at_ (95CL)
6Bs Lifetime Difference ??s
- Bs system mass eigenstates BH and BL have Dms
MH ML and DG GL-GH - With BLpBs qBs (CP-even) and BH pBs q
Bs (CP-odd) - ??s/?Ms in SM does not depend on CKM parameters
- ??s determines ?Ms up to QCD uncertainties (20)
- Large ?Ms (hard to measure) ? Large ??s (easy) ?
complementarity - Several methods available at Tevatron RunII
- Bs? J/?? (Vector-Vector)
- Angular analysis to separate CP even/odd
Hadronic modes (being evaluated)
- Bs ?Dsp / DsDs
- Fit 2 exponential to known mixture of states
- (ex. Bs?Ds?, Bs?Dsl?)
- Compare with CP eigenstate (ex. Bs?DsDs)
- Bs? KK-
- No angular analysis needed. ( direct CPV ? )
- Compare to Kp mixed mode (but suppressed!)
10,000 events in
6.5 fb-1
7CP violation in B0s
- CP asymmetry in B0s ?J/? ? dominated by b?(cc)s
probes the - weak phase of Vts (angle ?s 2?s)
- Also plan to look at Bs?J/??()
- Expected to be small
- sin(2?s ) ?O(l2) ? 0.03
- Complicated analysis requires Dms and angular
analysis to - disentangle CP even/odd
final states - CDF reach s(sin(2 ?s )) ?0.1 with 2fb1 (?0.06
with 8fb1) - If asymmetry observed with 2fb1 ?
signal for NEW Physics
8CPV in B0s ?J/? ? (2)
- Current experimental average of CP-asymmetry in
B0d ?fKs is -
- S(f Ks) - 0.15 0.33 (hep-ex/0312024)
- This is 2.7s from sin2b 0.736 0.049
- which is the SM prediction for this asymmetry to
the percent level. - Several analysys of this result, in the frame of
NP (SUSY), allow it to be negative - If this is true
- In the Bs sector this would imply ? High Dms ( gt
70 ps-1) (hep-ph/0404001) (april fool?) - ?ACP(B0s ?J/? ?) i.e sin(2?s) in the tagged
sample will be - hopeless for CDF/D0 and very difficult even
for LHCB BTEV - Nonetheless untagged time-evolution G(J/? ? t)
will give information
Recent Input from B-factories
9The Tevatron pp collider
Superconducting proton-synchrotron 36p?36p
bunches, crossing each 396 ns at vs 1.96
TeV Luminosity.. record peak L
7.2 ? 1031 cm-2 s-1 interactions /
bunch-crossing... lt N gtpoisson 1.5 (at 5 x
1031 cm-2s-1) Luminous region size... 30
cm (beam axis) x 30 mm (transverse)
Improved gt 2x during last year
10Tevatron plans
- RECYCLER had a first successful test
- Plans beyond FY 05 depends on Recycler ring and
electron cooling performances - Will see after aug./nov.04 shutdown
Year Base plan luminosity/yr (fb-1) Design plan Luminosity/yr (fb-1)
FY02 0.08 0.08
FY03 0.20 0.22
FY04 0.31 0.38
FY05 0.39 0.67
FY06 0.50 0.89
FY07 0.63 1.53
FY08 1.14 2.37
FY09 1.16 2.42
Total 4.41 8.56
11Tevatron FY04 performance
L (pb -1)
FY04 Design
FY04 Base
1st May 2004
1st Jan. 2004
- Tevatron is working very well this year (Design
plan) - Record Initial luminosity 7.2 X 1031 sec-1
cm-2 - Weekly Integrated luminosity 10 pb-1/w
- 350 pb-1 on tape, 100-200 pb-1 used for
analysis so far
12The CDF II detector
Completely new
Tracking System
13CDF II tracking system
TOF 100ps resolution, 2 sigma K/? separation for
tracks below 1.6 GeV/c (significant improvement
of Bs flavor tag effectiveness)
- charge)
CDF Roma
- COT large radius (1.4 m) Drift chamber
- 96 layers, 100ns drift time
- Precise PT above 400 MeV/c
- Precise 3D tracking in ?lt1
- ?(1/PT) 0.1GeV 1 ?(hit)150?m
- dE/dx info provides gt1 sigma K/? separation
above 2 GeV
- SVX-II ISL 6 (7) layers of double-side
silicon (3cm lt R lt 30cm) - Standalone 3D tracking up to ? 2
- Very good I.P. resolution 30?m (20 ?m with
LAYER 00 1 layer of radiation-hard silicon at
very small radius (1.5 cm)
(achievable 45 fs proper time resolution in Bs ?
Dsp )
14B Physics at pp collider
BB production mechanics in hadron collider
- Huge cross-section 50-100 ?b
- All B species produced
- Bu,Bd,Bs,Bc,?b, ?b
- with production fractions
- fu fd fs fL 4 4 1 1
- BUT ?(bb) ltlt ?(pp) (65 mb) ? B events have to
be selected with specific triggers - Trigger requirements large bandwidth, background
suppression, small dead-time
15B physics at CDF
- Typical ?? gt 1 (B-factory 0.56)
- B hadrons are hidden in a x103 larger background
(?inelastic(pp) ? 50 mb) - And events are much more complicated than at
- Crucial detector components
- - Tracking system
- Excellent pt resolution/Vertexing
- - Trigger
- Large bandwidth
- Strong background reduction
- - Particle identification
16B physics triggers at CDF II
With the New Silicon Vertex Trigger
Conventional at colliders (Run I)
Di-Muon (J/?) Pt(?) gt 1.5 GeV J/? modes down to
low Pt(J/?)0 (Run II)
Displaced track lepton (e, ?) I.P.(trk) gt
120?m Pt(lepton) gt 4 GeV Semileptonic modes
2-Displaced tracks PT(trk) gt 2 GeV pT gt 5.5
GeV I.P.(trk) gt 120(100) ?m fully hadronic modes
- CP violation - Masses, lifetimes - Quarkonia,
rare decays
- High statistics lifetimes - Sample for tagging
- BS mixing - Charmless decays
17SiliconVertexTracker the hadronic B trigger
- Online Impact parameter
- Available at Level 2 trigger (20µs latency)
- ?convolution of transverse size of the beam spot
with the impact parameter resolution of the SVT
- Responsabilty
CDF Roma
s 47 um 35 um 30 um
SVT resolution
Beam spot size
Impact parameter distribution
Compare to offline 46 mm
18_at_ high Lumi. Dynamic PreScale of had. trigger
19B(s) physics from Di-Muon triggers
20Exclusive Bs?J/?f Lifetime
CDF RunII preliminary results (in ps)
B hadron CDF measurement PDG value
B 1.662 /- 0.033 /- 0.008 1.674 /- 0.018
B0 1.539 /- 0.051 /- 0.008 1.542 /- 0.016
(138pb-1) Lb 1.25 /- 0.26 /- 0.10 1.229 /- 0.080
Bs 1.369 /- 0.100 0.008(-0.010) 1.461 /- 0.057
21B Lifetime summary
- Accurate measurements from Tevatron, still
statistics-dominated - Theory errors are still smaller than experiment
- HQETt(B)/t(B0) 1.067 0.027
- t(Bs)/t(B0) 0.998 0.015
- t(Lb)/t(B0) 0.90 0.05
- More B hadrons coming Bc , ?b
22Polarization amplitudes of Bs?J/YF and Bd?J/YK
Both channels are VectorVector final states ?
The Helicity amplitudes of the 2 Vectors are
- Measurement for Bd is to be compared to the
B-factories results - and gives confidence on Bs
- ?Analysis of Bs?J/YF polarization is the first
step toward - DGs/Gs and CPV.
- Measure the angular distributions of decay
products in transversity basis - The convenience of transversity basis ( A0 A
A-) instead of Helicity (H-H0H) is to
separate CP even ( A0 A ) from CP-odd ( A- )
23B?VV in transversity basis
transversity plane
In the J/Y rest frame the transversity plane is
defined by K (?Kp) or f (?KK) decay products and
transversity axis z is orthogonal to it.
24Transversity amplitudes
Angular distribution
Amplitude parametrization
from measurable distributions of cosQK cosQT
and FK
- Based on 180 pb-1 of integrated Luminosity.
- Data collected with Di-Muon (J/Y?mm-) trigger.
- About 1000 Bd and 180 Bs candidates pass
selection cuts. - Bs?J/YF (F?KK-) and Bd?J/YK (K0?Kp-)
- ?Polarization amplitudes measured with an
un-binned Likelihood fit. -
26Bd?J/YK angular distributions
- Main systematic
- K-p misidentification (no PID used)
- Detector acceptance sculpting on
- angular distributions
27Bs?J/YF angular distributions
- Main systematic
- Assumption (on limited statistics)
- of equal number of Bs and Bs
- ? reduced form of angular distributions.
- Detector acceptance sculpting on
- angular distributions.
28Polarization results summary
- Results are consistent with previous measurements
- Bs?J/YF mostly CP-even state (A02A2) 80 ?
mostly BsL - ? This is helpful for CPV analysis
- ? Lifetime measurement dominated by GsL
- if DG/G sizeable ? CDF starts to be
sensible to this effect.
29Rare B decays
30Search for rare B decays Bs(d)?mm-
- SM prediction BR(Bs?mm- ) (3.8 1.0) 10-9
- Several extensions to the SM predict an
enhancement of this branching ratio by 1 to 3
orders of magnitude - If there is not excess we can already constrain
several SUSY models!
Discriminating variables
Blind analysis cuts were optimized before
looking at the signal mass region
31Rare B decays Bs(d)?mm-
Final B mass distribution
- No excess has been found
- Limits on the Branching fractions have been set
Submitted to PRL
Bs?mm- Bd?mm-
Background 1.05 /- 0.30 1.07 /- 0.31
Data 1 1
BR limit _at_ 95 C.L. 7.5 X 10-7 1.9 X 10-7
BR limit _at_ 90 C.L. 5.8 X 10-7 1.5 X 10-7
Slighly better results than Belle and BaBar _at_ 90
Best world result
1.6 X 10-7
2.0 X 10-7
32Bs ? mm- implications for SUSY
CDF BR limits vs. luminosity (Expected/Obs.)
BR 10-7 _at_ 500pb-1
R. Arnowitt et al., PLB 538 (2002) 121, new plot
by B.Dutta
R-parity violating
33B(s) physics from Hadronic triggers
34Charmless B decays
35B(s) ? hhB(s) ? Pseudoscalar VectorB(s) ?
Vector Vector
36B?h?h? decays at the Tevatron
Bd???, Bd?K?, Bs?K?, Bs?KK
direct CP
CP from mixing alone
? Bd ? ???? ACP(t) ACP cos(?mdt)ACP
sin(?mdt) ? Bd ? K? ACP (N - N-)/(N
N-) ? Bs ? K? ACP (N - N-)/(N
N-) ? Bs ? K?K? ACP(t) ACP cos(?mst)ACP
Bs channels never observed
37Reconstruction of Charmless 2-body
- Specific trigger path optimized for B?hh
NB 870
Bd?pp Bd?Kp Bs?KK Bs?Kp
NB 1770
- min(d01,d02) ? 150 ?m
- Lxy (B0) ? 300 ?m
- dB0 ? 80 ?m , d01 d02 lt 0
- I(B0) gt 0.5 (ISOLATION)
- For further back.reduction
Need to separate contributions !
38Separation of B0?hh- contributions
CDF Roma
Use M?? vs (1-p1/p2)?q1
Use dE/dx calibrated on D (K/p separation 1.4?
Fit the fractions
39B ? hh'- results with 65 pb-1
- BR(Bd ?pp) / BR(Bd ?Kp) 0.26 0.11(stat)
0.06(syst) - Consistent with B-factories results (0.25?0.06)
- Direct ACP(Bd?Kp) 0.02 0.15(stat)
0.02(syst) - fsBR(Bs?KK) / fdBR(Bd?Kp) 0.740.20(stat)0.2
2(syst) - First evidence of Bs ?KK- (CDFs largest fully
reconstructed Bs sample!)
Update on 185pb-1 coming out soon x4 statistics
and smaller syst (mainly dEdx)
40B ? hh'- future measurements
Expected yields
- Bs?Kp BR ACP measurement
- Limits on Bs?pp, Bd?KK
- Lifetime in Bs?KK ??s
- ACP in Bd?pp,Bs?KK
BsBd BRs alone provide, via U-spin simmetry,
information on g (R. Fleischer hep-ph/0306270)
and checks of CKM model (MatiasLondon,
Longer time-scale time dependent ACP in Bs?KK
measure xs independently of penguin pollution
(Fleischer and Matias PRD669 (2002) 054009)
41time-dep study Angle ? from B0?hh-
B0 ? ??? has two (comparable) decay amplitudes
direct CP
CP from mixing alone
ACP(t) ACP dir cos(Dmd t) ACP mix
sin(Dmd t)
ACPdir, ACPmix functions of ?, ?, d, ? (d
ei? ? P / T decay amplitude)
R. Fleischer (PLB 459 (1999) 306) Assume
U-spin symmetry (d ? s) Similar relation holds
for Bs ? KK? (Dmd replaced by Dms) The 4
asymmetries can be expressed as function of ?, ?
and P/T amplitude ratio Parameters can be
extracted from fit of meas. of ACP(t) for Bd???
and Bs?KK
42B?PV B?VV charmless decays
- QCD Factorization provides a predictive framework
for calculating PV and VV two body charm-less
decays rate (less good at CP violation
parameters) - Recently many authors have combined all the
available data to fit for the CKM angle g - D.Du hep-ph/0311135
- N. deGroot et. Al hep-ph/0305263
- Beneke and Neubert Nucl Phys B651, 225
- These fits are as useful in constraining g as all
other experimental inputs! - Theorist are now opening the Bs field
- D.Du et al hep-ph/0211154 (PP, PV)
- Y.Yang et al hep-ph/0309136 (VV)
- This is a call for CDF and the hadronic trigger
- Mostly these are rate measurement!
- Provide several crucial tests of QCDF
- Improve overall confidence
- In many respects the same physics motivating B?hh
study can be done replacing K with K , or Ks
with K0, and p0 with r . Examples are - Bs? K K- , Bs? KK- , Bs? K-K , Bs?Kp- ,
Bs? K0 K0 , Bs ? K0Ks
43B?PV B?VV charmless decays
- Rich dynamic revealed by Vector-Vector decays
- Angular correlations ? additional observables
(CKM studies) - Many Bd,u modes are being measured at B-factories
- B?VV charmless
- Study polarization and CP violation
- Hints for some NP(?) contribution in b?s penguin
dominated decays - if NP effects in fKs is true, also visible in
- Bd,u?fK ACP and/or angular distributions
(hep-ph/0309282) - Bs?ff ? time dependent CP asymmetry
(hep-ph/0208091) - First results (BaBar-Belle) on polarization
unexpectedly small - fL(fK ) ltlt fL(rr-)
- How can CDF contribute ?
44Atwood Soni grid
- Atwood and Soni (hep-ex/010683) proposed a method
based on the study of angular correlation in pure
penguin decays (third column) compared to a
tree-penguin decays which can give g (b?s
transitions) or a (b?d transitions)
Many of the interesting decay color suppressed !
- Easy analysis ? do not need tagging!
- A lot of useful modes are accessible to CDF with
SVT trigger, probably CDF can be successful with
high luminosity - Bs modes can give additional constraint to the
Bd,u modes available at B-factories
45Bs ?VV charmless decays
QCDF predictions (hep-ph/0309136)
- Rich harvest of interesting and unseen decays
from Bs (hep-ph/0309136) - Only the p0-less shown in the table here
- Measure them all!
- Interesting ACP possible for self tagging modes
- K0r0
Decay BR(10-6)
K0r0 1.95
KK- 2.10
r0f 1.67
K0K0 3.72
K0f 0.2
ff 36.8
Pure penguin
46B ? ? K
47BR and ACP for B? ? K
CDF Roma
- BR and direct CP asymmetry measurement
- Luminosity used 180 10 pb-1
- Performed a multidimensional un-binned fit to mB,
m?, ? helicity and dE/dx PID information.
total PDF
comb. BG
phys. BG
B? f0K
B? K0?
B? K?-?
- Yield result from fit N 478
- S/N 1, main resonant background contribution
from B ? f0K
48BR for B? ? K
CDF Roma
BR is measured relative to normalization mode
Using the PDG value
Which is already comparable precision with
49ACP for B? ? K
CDF Roma
From multidimensional fit, direct CP asymmetry is
also extracted
- BaBar hep-ex/0309025,
- Belle hep-ex/0307014,
- CLEO Phys. Rev. Lett 86, 3718 (2001).
- The Heavy Flavor Averaging Group mean has been
50Bs ? ??
51Observation and BR of Bs ? ??
CDF Roma
- This is an unseen hadronic mode ? search in the
hadronic trigger. - Performed a blind analysis optimize cuts a
priori ? open the box - Put a limit or measure the BR relative to Bs?J/?
? (normalization mode) - Use Bd?J/? K as control sample for B variables
and polarizations. - First analysis using also the Low PT version of
hadronic trigger.
- Main systematics are
- J/????/ee deconvolution in normalization mode
- Polarization amplitudes and ??s/?s unknowns for
Bs??? - Poorly measured BR(Bs?J/??) (9.3 3.3)10-4
(CDF Run1) - Peaking reflections in blinded region and
normalization mode.
52Optimization procedure sidebands choice
CDF Roma
Bs?J/? ? Optimize for S/v(SB) with S from MC and
B from ? sidebands
Bs??? Optimize S/1.5vB (BR unknown!) with S
from MC and B from ? sidebands
53Bs?J/?? (the normalization mode)
CDF Roma
(LowPt andNOT Scenario A)
Excellent S/B !
N(Bs?J/YF) 100 after optimized cuts
54Results for Bs???
CDF Roma
Low PT
Scenario A
Very clean mode!
55Observation and BR of Bs???
CDF Roma
Probability for the expected BG to fluctuate to
the observed number of events in the hypothesis
of null signal
- ? is the expected BG
- N number of events in signal region
? P 1.2810-6 ? N? 4.7
We measure then the BR, with
Main systematic from normalization mode BR
(QCDF Prediction for branching ratio 3.7x10-5
?Future measure polarization and relative BR to
56B(s) charmed hadronic modes
57B(s) ? D(s) p (in 119 pb-1)
CDF Roma
Bs ? Ds p
B ? D0 p
Bd ? Dp-
58BR(Bs ? Ds p )
- Fully reconstructed hadronic Bs decay
- ?Golden mode for Bs mixing measurement
- BR relative to Bd mode (x fs/fd) was measured
- (with 119 pb-1 of hadronic trigger data)
- Using the world average value for
? Future new measure productions fraction fs/fd
with high statistics and several Bs BRs
59B(s) mixing _at_ CDF
60B0s - B0s mixing
Was Bs or Bs at the time of decay ? ?
Triggering and reconstructing flavor-specific
final states high ct resolution completely
reco., lower yield ? Bs ?Ds p (Ds ? fp,
KK, ppp) high yield S/B, worse ct res. Missing
PT ? Bs ? Ds l n X Was it a Bs or Bs at
production? ? charge-flavor correlations and bb
Jet charge
opposite Kaon
fragmentation Kaon
Soft lepton
Primary Vertex
61Significance of B0s mixing measurement
?Mixing asymmetry ?
Signal / Noise
Effective tagged sample statistics e
efficiency of taggers, D Dilution ( eD2
figure of merit ) N is the Bs yield
vertexing and momentum resolution
62Improving proper time resolution
- Event by event Primary Vertex determination
- Typical s(Lxy) 40 mm (with convolution of
30 mm beam spot spread) - s(t) 70 fs
- If Primary vertex is determined
- For each event with ltNtrkgt 5
- ? s(t) 50 fs
CDF Roma
Reconstructed B
Same side
Away side
R-? view (transverse plane)
Opposite B
63B initial state flavour tagging _at_ CDF
Opposite Side
Jet Charge the sum of charges of the b-Jet
tracks is correlated to the b-flavour ? Away Jet
Soft Lepton (e,m) due to b?lnX The charge of the
l is correlated to b-flavour ? Search lepton from
sec. vtx.
Same Side
SS Pion B0d is likely to be accompanied close in
DR by a p from fragmentation SS Kaon for B0s is
likely to be accompanied close in DR by a
K ?search for p/K from Primary vertex
Opposite Side K due to b?c?s it is more likely
that a B0s meson will contain in final state a K
than a K-. ?search for K from secondary
opposite vtx
64Flav. Tag. control sample leptrack trigger
- Statistical uncertainty for tagging efficiency
- A typical tagging e0.1,D0.4,eD21.6
- 1000 events eD2 1.60.7 (44)
- 100K events eD21.600.07 (4.4)
- We cant study/optimize the flavor tagging with
O(1000) events of the reconstructed B signal - B g J/yK 1000 events/100pb-1
- B g Dp 500 events/100pb-1
- Solution Use Semileptonic B decays in the
lepton track dataset - 200K semileptonic B signal events
- High B purity
- Lepton Charge Decay flavor of B
No charm contamination
First Bs(d) mixing limit might be done in
Semileptonic B decays
gt40000 B ? l D0 X decays!
65Soft muon tagging
After correcting for mixing and sequantial
decays on trigger side the e-D2, expressed in
percent and averaged over eSVT and mSVT data
sample is e D2 0.660 - 0.093
66(Opposite b) Jet Charge tagging
Qjet Si Qi (Pi Pjet) Si (Pi
67Bd mixing with Same Side p tagging
Based on correlation between charge of
fragmentation p and flavor of b in B meson
68Opposite Side Kaon Tagging
CDF Roma
Opposite side Kaon momentum spectra from B0, B,
Bs admixture MC
We can implement OSKT with the use of dE/dx for
higher momentum tracks.
- Issues
- N(B0/B?K)/ N(B0/B?K-)?5 , not infinite,
intrinsic Dilution. - Only 20-40 chance for both B in the detector
acceptance - Tagging purity depends on TOF resolution.
- Tagging algorithm figure of merit eD2 depends on
TOF matching efficiency
69B flavour tagging summary
?D2() Run-I Run-II Projection w/o TOF Projection with TOF Key improvements
SST-?/K 1.50.4 1.00.5 2.0 2.0 - 4.2 Silicon dE/dx, TOF
SLT-? 0.60.1 0.70.1 1.0 1.0 Extend m coverage
SLT-e 0.30.1 --- 0.7 0.7 Plug Cal/ISL
JetQ 1.00.3 0.420.03 3.0 3.0 COT/SVX
OSKT --- --- --- 2.4 TOF
TOTAL 3.4 2.1 6.7 11.3
- Projection for CDF Bs mixing sensitivity are
currently using - ?D2 4 (w/o TOF) ?5 (with TOF)
70Hadronic Yields for Bs mixing
- Currently 1600 / fb-1 of clean hadronic modes
71CDF Bs mixing prospect with 500pb-1 (had. Modes
- - Dms is the most complex of all B measurement
- Need to combine many ingredients
- With current performance
- S1600 event/fb-1
- S/B2/1
- ?D2 4 (SLTSSTJetQ)
- ?t 0.067ps
- 2? measurement if ?ms15ps-1 from 500pb-1 data
- Beat current limit from indirect measurements
?msgt14.4 ps-1_at_ 90 CL (HFAG 03) - Reach Standard Model favored region (at least!)
this is not much???
72CDF Bs mixing prospect with 2fb-1
- Expect Tevatron to deliver luminosity of
- 2.11fb-1 (based line) and 3.78fb-1(design) by
2007 - With modest (sic!) improvement for CDF
- Add Ds ?KK, KsK and Bs?Ds-? ?- ?
- (to update) S1600?2000 event/fb-1
- With improved TOF to enhance both SST and OKT
- ?D2 4 ?5
- With L00 silicon and Event-by-Event beamline
- ?ct 0.067 ? 0.05ps
73Bs mixing future projections
- 5? measurement if ?ms18ps-1 with 1.7fb-1
data - 5? measurement if ?ms24ps-1 with 3.2fb-1
This is not dramatic (covers most of the SM
preferred range) but is this enough?
74Bs?J/?? CDF prospected harvest
CDF Roma
As measured from 180pb-1 DATA
(LowPt andNOT Scenario A)
N(Bs?J/YF) 100 in the hadronic trigger! (Only
20 are in common with Di-muon J/Y trigger)
N(Bs?J/YF) 180 in the Di-Muon trigger!
- The total CDF Bs?J/YF yield is 1500 / fb-1
- ?? 9000 in 6 fb-1 (hopefully by 2008!
Before LHCB BTEV) - Will achieve s(DG/G)0.01?0.03
75Conclusions from CDF Bs physics
- Dms in the SM range, will be measured with 3.2
fb-1 in the golden - (high resolution channels). New limit possible
soon from semi-leptonic decays. - DGs/Gs at level from Bs?J/?? before next
generation B experiments. - Several Bs?PV, VV modes under study from now on,
QCDF tests - CPV studies, polarizations.
- Constrain beyond SM theories with rare B decays
Bs,d? mm, Kmm, fmm
76BACKUP slides
77CDF data tacking performance
Data-Taking Efficiency
Integrated Luminosity
Detector efficiency 85-90
78CDF II particle ID handles
- Specific Ionization of charged particles (dE/dx)
measurement in the COT gas chamber. - Time of flight measurement with the new
scintillator bars detector (TOF) at R1.4m with a
sTOF 100 ps
dE/dx PID
Total K/p separation power of at least 2s for
momentum up to 1.6 GeV/c with TOF And at least
1s for momentum up to 4-5 GeV/c with TOF dE/dx
79CDF Trigger System Overview
- Crossing 396 ns 2.5 MHz
- Level 1 hardware
- Calorimeter, Muon, Track
- 15kHz (reduction x200)
- Level 2 hardware CPU
- Cal cluster, Silicon track
- 300 Hz (reduction x5)
- Level 3 Linux PC farm
- Offline quantities
- 50 Hz (reduction x6)
80B trigger rates (Hz)
Now lower MUON ID at L2
81B hadron Lifetimes in exclusive decays
B ? J/? K ? J/? K B0 ? J/? K0 ?
J/? Ks Lb ? J/? Lc B0s ? J/? ?
- J/? trigger
- Clean
- Fully reconstructed
- Lifetime unbiased
- Low statistics
- Lifetime measurement
- Reconstruct decay length
- Measure pT of decay products
82Exclusive B?J/?X Lifetimes
Simultaneous fit of Mass and c? distributions
83Resolutions with current 180pb-1 sample
CDF Run II Preliminary
- Acp(Kp) to 7
- BR(BsKK) to 15
- Yields 130pb-1 CDF 80fb-1 Babar
? (AdirCP )
B0d ? K p -
Integrated luminosity pb-1
Bd??? 144 ? 23
Bd?K? 576 ? 27
84B-? D0K- _at_ CDF
- 8 ?2855 228 D0K- events expected in 180 pb-1
- D0CP (KKpp) 228 ? (9.96 3.6 ) 31
only channel with K good with PID
180 pb-1 all triggers 2855 D0p-
8 D0K- (fixed but excluded from the fit)
D0K- sits on the tails of several B channels
85 others and Bs
- Bd ? D0KS(L) (BR 5.0 ? 10-5, Belle) tan(g) in
an - unambiguous way, requires time dep. analysis,
tagging. - Bs? DsK measures (fg), requires time
dependent - analysis, tagging. BR is already a paper level
analysis. - Bs? D0KS(L) ,D0K (color suppressed by 1/9,
contributes to Dms)
DsK fixed in the fit
86Semileptonic Bs samples
Ds ? fp
Ds ? KsK
Bs ? l Ds X
Yield/Lumi Run I x3 S/N Run I x 2
Ds ? KK
Ds ? p p p