Title: An Analysis of Glacial Earthquakes
1An Analysis of Glacial Earthquakes
- Victor C. Tsai
- Göran Ekström
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Harvard University
2What are Glacial Earthquakes?
- Ekström et al., 2003
- MS 4.6 5.1
- Away from plate boundaries
- Lack high freq. radiation
- Radiation patterns incompatible with standard
earthquake focal mechanisms - Seasonality more events in summer months
1993-2004 Events
3A Simple Model
Symmetric Double Boxcar
Kawakatsu 1989
4Fitting Seismic Data
Select Seismograms to Use in Inversion
Guess Initial Location, Time
Calculate Double Boxcar Synthetic Seismograms
Revise Parameters
Invert for best Source Parameters by Minimizing
- Results
- Improved location and time
- Force amplitude and direction
- Massdistance 0.12 2.04 1014 kgm
- 10 km3 moving 10 m
5Glacial Earthquake Locations
Before Relocations After Relocations
6Comparison with Icesheet Velocities
Bamber et al. 2001
7Detailed Location
Rignot et al. 2004
Region 1 - Kangerdlugssuaq
10 km
8Force Directions
Rignot et al. 2004
Region 1 - Kangerdlugssuaq
10 km
9Force Directions
Region 2 - Helheim
Rignot et al. 2004
10 km
10Why backwards forces?
- Modeled Force Actual
Force - Modeled Seismogram Data Seismogram
Easy to have 180 phase shift
11Size Distribution
12Size Distribution Comparison
- 182 Glacial Earthquakes
- Occur only in regions of very high ice flow, but
not in all of these regions - Force directions consistent with the sense of
glacial motion - Amplitudes correspond to
- 10 km3 sliding 10 m