Title: Update of UNAVCO GPS Activities
1Update of UNAVCO GPS Activities
Bjorn Johns UNAVCO July 2004
- UNAVCO overview
- Recent project highlights
- EarthScope/Plate Boundary Observatory and
permanent GPS station technology development
3Community GovernedA private, non-profit
consortium to support high-precision scientific
GPS applicationsCorporate management
transferred from UCAR to UNAVCO, Inc. effective 1
October 2003
4Current sponsors
Boulder, Colorado
5Recent Project Highlights2002 Denali Earthquake
6San Marino Site, Appinines Campaign Survey
7INGV Campaign Antenna Mount
8Bench Glacier, Alaska
9Barrow, Alaska coastline erosion survey
10Antarctic Support
- Field engineer at McMurdo Station for summer
season - 70 receivers, 25 separate projects
11TIDES Project
- I-205 Anandakrishnan 21 receivers deployed to
measure tidal modulation of ice stream flow
12Tide and Horizontal Displacement
13Mt. Erebus Seismic and GPS Integration
- New Mexico Tech, UNAVCO, Guralp, IRIS/Pascal
- 5 collocated broadband seismometers and GPS
receivers - Other sensors tiltmeters, infrasonic, IR
thermometers, gas - Integrated data flow, telemetry, data management
software - Solar and wind power
14Continuous GPS Timeseries
- G-081 Kyle Initial results of Mt. Erebus
deformation surveys emerge
15TAMDEF Investigate vertical and horizontal
displacement of Antarctic bedrock since the last
glacial maximum (LGM). Provide constraints for
ice sheet models, for global tectonic models and
for earth rheology models in the
region. Investigate present day deformation
patterns and stress regimes across the frontal
fault zone of the Transantarctic Mountains, the
active Terror Rift, and the zone of active
volcanism on Ross Island.
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17Management of Plate Boundary Observatory
111 Backbone GPS Stations 792 Stations densify
fault systems and magmatic centers 6
Regions Science expert committees 5 year
installation schedule 10 year project life
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- How do earthquakes nucleate?
- What are the forces that drive plate-boundary
deformation? - What are the dynamics of magma rise, intrusion,
and eruption? - How can we reduce the hazards of earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions?
20Leading up to PBO
- GPS community building SCIGN, BARGEN, BARD,
PANGA, Alaska, etc - Cooperatation between facilities (IRIS, SAFOD,
UNAVCO, JPL, USGS, NSF) - Cohesive, community backed proposal
21Receiver testing
- RFP issued receivers from Sokkia, Topcon,
Trimble tested - RFPs and test results available at
- www.unavco.org
- Features of new RX
- 1Gb internal memory, on-board computer, ethernet
port, 3.5W power consumption, BINEX data
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23Data management
24Data products
- RINEX, SINEX, XML-GPS time-series publicly
available - Station time series
- Monthly updated network velocity field
- User generated custom position timeseries and
baseline solutions - Analysis centers TBD
25Risk management
- Conflict of interest
- Committees
- Facilities
- Data handling
- Manufacturer relationships
- Hardware delivery and performance
- Remain on-track and on-schedule
- Delivery of data and products
- Acceptance of data and products
- Remain within federal regulations for managing
NSF-MRE project
26200 systems deployed per year
27Standardized GPS Site
- Power Grid
- Communications Wired Ethernet
- Monument 10m deep drill braced
28Remote CONUS GPS Site
- Power DC solar
- Communications Commercial CDMA Ethernet
- Monument 2m drill braced
29Remote Polar GPS Site
- Power DC Solar, wind
- Communications ???
- Monument ???
Special considerations 4 month dark
winters Severe severe wind and temps No
infrastructure Poor/no commercial satellite
cover Logistics
30Ethernet Communications
- Point-to-multipoint
- IP hub at remote site
- Facilitate multiple sensors
31Iridium Communications
- Dial-up modems
- Low power
- Global coverage
- 2400 bps
32Power systems
33Thank you
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35Permanent Station Support
Cradle-to-grave support to the Principle
Investigators and NASA GGN Budgets, Design,
Purchasing, Fabrication, Shipping,
Reconnaissance, Installation, Operations, and
Archiving for over 287 global permanent stations
(blue NASA GGN magenta NSF)
36Permanent Station Installation
Project Conception and Planning Network
Architecture Infrastructure Requirements New
Software and Hardware Development Budgets
Installation Network Design Reconnaissance System
Fabrication, shipping, customs Monument drilling
and installation Installation of GPS and repeater
systems Data downloading and transfer, QC
37Permanent Station Maintenance
UNAVCO GPS Permanent Station Operations
Database - Station Equipment, Maintenance,
Operations Metadata
Easter Island, Feb, 2003 Maintenance Trip
Taal Philippines, March, 2003 Maintenance Trip
38Permanent Station Operations
Taal -gt
Network Operations Network Monitoring Site and
Data Communications Troubleshooting Coordinate
Maintenance and Repair Project and Operations
Database Email and web reports to PIs
39Weekly Network Status Reports
40Two separate facilities with overlap
- Traditional UNAVCO Facility
- PI based project support
- PI based network support
- Polar programs
- NASA GGN support
- New PBO facility
- Dedicated to PBO
- Size of UNAVCO Facility
41UNAVCO GPS Archives
- Data Management
- and Archiving
Archive holds data from over 6400 sites (229
permanent stations and 420 campaigns) Red
Campaign, Green Permanent stations, Blue
NASA/JPL GPS Global Network permanent stations
(backup only)
42Snapshot of Support
43Drilling the GPS monument holes
44Monument anchor detail
45Monument anchor detail
46Completed GPS monument
47Completed GPS monument