Title: Pupil Detection and Tracking System
1Pupil Detection and Tracking System
Lior Zimet Sean KaoEE 249 Project Mentors Dr.
Arnon Amir Yoshi Watanabe
- Introduction and Goals
- Design Methodology
- Model of Computation
- Mapping and Implementation
- Verification
- Conclusions
- Human-computer interfaces are becoming more
important - New interfaces may benefit from knowledge of the
location of the users eyes - Auto-stereoscopic displays
- Virtual Reality interfaces
- Facial recognition systems
- Eye gaze tracking
- Exercise design process from functional
specification to implementation and verification - Develop an embedded system that will find the
two-dimensional location of a users pupils - Apply various methodologies we have learned
- Use a heterogeneous collection of various
components in a real-time environment -
- Human pupils may be found using two infrared
light sources - An on-axis light source will give the red-eye
- An off-axis light source will give a dark-pupil
effect - We can synchronize the two light sources with the
capturing device -
7Difference of the two Images
8Design Methodology
- Begin with a definition of the system with
illustrations - Make a formal specification using the Unified
Modeling Language - Describe the system using a behavioral model
- Explore architectural space
- Map functionality into chosen architecture
- Verify implementation
9System Definition
- Take in an image illuminated with two different
light sources - Find the pupils in the image
- Calculate the position of the pupils
- Output the coordinates
10UML Diagrams
- UML is used for formally describing a system
- Use-case diagram shows functions of the system
without implying how it is done - Class diagram shows what functional blocks are
used - Sequence diagrams show how the use-cases are
11Use Case Diagram
12Class Diagram
13Y-Chart of the Project
Implementation of System
First, well describe the system behavior with an
appropriate model of computation
14Model of Computation
- Processes large amounts of data in a similar way
- Dataflow model is the most appropriate
- Our system is not control-centric
- But some parts of the system are easier to
describe using sequential algorithms - Mixed models of computation
15Simulink versus Ptolemy (Virgil)
- Ptolemy has the ability to mix models of
computation and has support for synchronous
dataflow - But Virgil does not have a simple way to
integrate sequential algorithms - Simulink has extensive support for sequential
algorithms (Matlab) - But lacks clearly defined semantics, combination
of dataflow and discrete-event
16Simulink Model of Computation
- Use one clock to synchronize the system
- No implicit definitions how many tokens are
generated or used - We use counters and synchronous signals to
determine how many tokens are on edges
17Simulink Model
Image capture model (source)
Properties of objects on a line
Subtraction and threshold
Update properties of known objects in a frame
Connect objects in different lines
Calculate (X,Y) coordinates from those properties
Display the coordinates
18Verifying the Functionality
- Obtained images from IBM Almaden Research Center
- Run Simulink model on half-scale images and
verify the behavioral model
19System Architecture on Y-Chart
Implementation of System
Next, well define the system architecture
20System Architecture
- Image capture device
- Programmable hardware
- Frame buffer FIFO
- Interface controller
- PC
21Mapping on Y-Chart
Implementation of System
Map the behavior onto the architecture
22Mapping and HW/SW Partition
- Frame buffer
- Subtraction and thresholding of data
- Hardware offers a fast, simple way
- Software requires high memory bandwidth
- Extracting objects from the video data
- Algorithm is non-trivial to implement in
hardware, a fully parallel implementation is
costly - Software implementation is straightforward for
sequential algorithms, but requires fast data
transfers to processor
23Mapping and HW/SW Partition
- Calculating coordinates
- Requires a hardware divider (expensive)
- Needs lots of data to be passed, calculation is
cheap in software - Displaying the XY coordinates
- Hardware requires complicated interface to some
type of display - Easy to display on monitor, only requires small
amounts of data to transfer
- Deal with heterogeneous blocks
- Different types of blocks require different types
of communication
Register Arrays
Image capture device
Parallel data stream
25Design Choices
- Zoran CMOS Sensor
- Zoran Video IP Evaluation Board
- IBM Almaden BlueEyes LED Board
- Altera APEX20K FPGA
- Averlogic Frame Buffer FIFO
- Cypress USB Controller
26Design Choices
Properties of objects on a line
Image capture model (source)
Subtraction and threshold
CMOS Sensor
Frame buffer
Altera FPGA and Zoran Evaluation board
Connect objects in different lines
Update properties of known objects in a frame
USB controller
Calculate (X,Y) coordinates from those properties
Display the coordinates
27Implementation from Behavioral Model
- No available tool that can effectively apply
model of computation to various architectural
implementations yet - Xilinx SysGen tool cannot handle data stream
- Real-Time Workshop for Simulink
- Does not necessarily generate efficient code
- Various programs that generate Verilog from C
- May not be synthesizable
- Verilog (synthesized manually) is used for
hardware blocks - C/C (synthesized manually) used for software
Implementation of System
LeonardoSpectrum and Quartus
- ModelSim used to simulate Verilog
- LeonardoSpectrum used to synthesize Verilog into
FPGA netlist - Quartus used to map and place route
- Visual C used to compile and simulate software
30System Demo
- Good design methodology allowed us to exercise
the complete design process in a short time span
(time-to-market) - Separating functionality from implementation can
solve many errors early in the design process - Communication and interface-based design is vital
for system integration - No available programs to automatically synthesize
the process all the way down - Tried to apply EE 249 design methodologies, but
implemented with traditional techniques
- Dr. Arnon Amir (IBM Almaden Research Center)
- Zoran Video IP team
- Zoran CMOS Sensor team
- Yoshi Watanabe
- Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
- Rong Chen