Title: A Comprehensive Review of CourtDirected Drug Detection
1A Comprehensive Review of Court-Directed Drug
- By Paul L. Cary
- Toxicology Laboratory
- University of Missouri
2The law is not black and white and neither is
. . there is a substantial gap between the
questions that the legal community would like
to have answered by drug testing and the answers
that the scientific community is able to
provide. The real danger lies in the legal
communitys failure to mind the gap by drawing
unwarranted inferences from drug testing
3Drugs of Abuse Testing Discussion
- a few basic concepts about drug testing
- challenging collection strategies
- drug testing methods
- interpreting drug testing results
- eliminating the use of drug levels
- questions myths about drug testing
- specimen tampering
- The Business of How to Beat a Drug Test
- alternative specimens (other than urine)
4Drug Testing Basics
5Reasons for Drug Testing - WHY?
- Drug Court Key Component 5
- abstinence is monitored by frequent alcohol and
other drug testing - act as a deterrent to future drug use
- identify participants who are maintaining
abstinence - identify participants who have relapsed
- rapid intervention
- efficient utilization of limited resources
- provides incentive, support and accountability
for participants - adjunct to treatment frames sanction decisions
6Drug Testing Specimens
- urine - current specimen of choice
- generally readily available - large quantities
- contains high concentrations of drugs
- good analytical specimen
- provides both recent and past usage
- alternative specimens
- breath
- hair
- sweat - patch test
- saliva - oral fluids
- eye scanning devices
7Characteristics of a Good Drug Test
- scientifically valid
- employs proven methods techniques
- accepted by the scientific community
- legally defensible
- able to withstand challenge
- established court track record
- scrutinized by legal/judicial review
- therapeutically beneficial
- provides accurate profile of clients drug use
- provides rapid results for appropriate response
8When to Test?
- effective drug testing must be random
- unexpected, unannounced, unanticipated
- limit time between notification testing
- test as often as possible - twice weekly
- consider use of multiple specimens (hair, saliva,
sweat) - design drug-specific testing regimes (cocaine
test more frequently) - use progressive testing strategies
9Progressive Testing Strategies
- Phase I
- aggressive testing (twice weekly minimum)
- establishing client expectations/boundaries
- Phase II
- may reduce frequency as abstinence reward (once
weekly minimum) - return to aggressive testing if positive tests or
other relapse indicators are determined to be
present - Phase III IV
- testing frequency dictated by client compliance
drug court program policies
10Drug Testing Reality Check
- When developing and administering your drug
testing program assume that the participants you
are testing know more about urine drug testing
than you do! - Sources
- Internet
- High Times magazine
- other court clients
11Which Drugs of Abuse Should be Tested? (limited
universe testing)
- amphetamines (speed)
- barbiturates, benzodiazepines
- cannabinoids (THC, marijuana)
- cocaine (crack)
- opiates (heroin)
- phencyclidine (PCP)
- alcohol
Modify this drug list as necessary to
reflect changing drug use patterns
12Compounds NOT easily tested
- LSD and other hallucinogens
- inhalants
- date-rape drugs
- flunitrazepam - (Rohypnol)
- anabolic steroids
13Challenging Urine Collection Strategies
14The witnessed collection (for urine)
- single most important aspect of effective drug
testing program - urine collections not witnessed are of little or
no assessment value - denial component of substance abuse requires
direct observation collections of participants
15Sample Collection
- pre-collection preparation
- site selection
- minimize access to water sources
- use an area with a scant floorplan
- find privacy security
- gather supplies beforehand
- obtain proper collection receptacle
- removal of outer clothing
16Sample Collection (continued)
- wash hands prior to donation
- witness collection
- additional clothing removal
- body inspection
- squat and cough
- label sample correctly
17Sample Collection (continued)
- accept sample inspect
- temperature (90-100 F)
- color (no color ? diluted ?)
- odor (bleach, sour apples, aromatics, vinegar,
etc.) - solids or other unusual particulates
- store sample properly
- forensic sample - custody documents
18Two final thoughts on collections . . . .
- find a method to assess the quality of your
collection procedures - exit interviews
- sending through fake donors
- understand that the collection process is your
first line of defense for a valid sample
19Drug Testing Methods
20Two-Step Testing Approach
- screening test designed to separate negative
samples from samples that are presumptively
positive - confirmation test follow-up procedure designed
to validate positive test results - distinctly different analytical technique
- more specific and more sensitive
21Step One Screening
- often based on immunoassay technology
- more drug more binding - more color produced
more instrument detector response - numerous commercial manufacturers
- designed for high throughput instrumentation or
on-site devices
22On-site DOA screening
- often based on immunoassay technology
- concept of color switch
- dynamic versus static calibration
- hand-held cassettes or test-cup devices
- one test at a time - no batching
- available in DOA panels or single drugs
- numerous commercial manufacturers (15)
- differential sensitivity selectivity
23On-site Testing Devices
24Drug tests cross reactivity
- screening tests can and do react to non-target
compounds - amphetamines
- benzodiazepines
- obtain list of interfering compounds from lab or
on-site test vendor - initial screening (instant tests) are only
60-70 accurate - confirm positive results
25Step Two - Confirmation
- gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS)
- drug molecules separated by physical
characteristics - identified based on chemical finger-print
- considered gold standard
- other chromatographic techniques
26Types of Confirmation
- GC/MS - reference laboratory
- court pays
- participant pays
- non-GC/MS confirmation
- in-house retesting by a different on-site device
- guilty plea to the court
27Interpretation ofDrug Test Results
28Negative or None Detected Results
- indicates that no drugs or breakdown products
(metabolites), tested for, were detected in the
sample tested - no such thing as zero tolerance or drug free
- negative does not mean NO drugs present
29Negative/None Detected Interpretation
- client is not using a drug that can be detected
by the test - Other possible explanations
- client not using enough drug
- clients drug use is too infrequent
- collection too long after drug use
- urine is tampered
- test being used not sensitive enough
- client using drug not on testing list
30Negative/None Detected Interpretation
- no need to second-guess every negative result
- not suggesting withholding positive reinforcement
rewards for positive behaviors - drug testing is a monitoring tool
- assess none detected drug testing results in the
context of your clients overall program
compliance (or non-compliance) and their lifes
skills success (or lack thereof)
31Positive Test Result Interpretation
- indicates that drug(s) or breakdown products
(metabolites), tested for, were detected in the
sample tested - drug presence is above the cutoff level
- greatest confidence achieved with confirmation
- ALWAYS confirm positive results in original
32What is a cutoff level ?
- a drug concentration, administratively
established for a drug test that allows the test
to distinguish between negative and positive
sample - threshold - cutoffs are not designed to frustrate CJ
professionals - cutoffs provide important safeguards
- scientific purposes (detection accuracy)
- legal protections (evidentiary admissibility)
- measured in ng/mL ppb
33Typical Cutoff Levels screening confirmation
- amphetamines 1000 ng/mL 500 ng/mL
- benzodiazepines 300 ng/mL variable
- cannabinoids 20 50 ng/mL 15 ng/mL
- cocaine (crack) 300 ng/mL 150 ng/mL
- opiates (heroin) 300/2000 ng/mL variable
- phencyclidine (PCP) 25 ng/mL 25 ng/mL
- alcohol 20 mg/dL 10 mg/dL
- SAMHSA (formerly NIDA) drugs
34No such thing as zero tolerance testing
- drug tests not capable of testing to 0 ng/mL
- each drug each drug test has a limit of
detection - drug courts urged to utilize standardized
cutoffs - potential hazards of a zero-tolerance approach
(use of non-traditional cutoffs) - testing accuracy (increase in false-positives)
- courts justification for abnormally low cutoffs
- can/will your laboratory defend low cutoffs
- increased challenges/scrutiny to positive results
- lowered cutoffs may include inadvertent
35Isnt any amount of drug in a clients system a
- punishment model vs. therapeutic model
- drug testing results (which form the foundation
for incentives sanctions) need to be
scientifically accurate legally defensible - protection of client rights the court
36Exceptional (lowered) cutoffs in an effort to
catch covert client drug use
- provides only a marginal increase in drug
detection - opens your court to increased scrutiny associated
with potential false positives and resulting
inappropriate sanctions - its all about credibility
- its all about confidence
37How should I deal with a client who claims to
have used or ingested something that caused a
false positive?
38Client Accountability
- the court should not assume the role of client
excuse evaluator - clients need to be held responsible for their own
behavior and maintaining a drug-free physiology - if testing performed appropriately (with
confirmation) - HOW the drug got into their sample is mostly
irrelevant - a positive drug test results put the client in
violation - as a practical and resource matter the court
cannot afford to argue over or dispute with every
client who has a positive test result or comes up
with a new excuse
39The Issue of UrineDrug Concentrations
40Drug Tests are Qualitative
- screening/monitoring drug tests are designed to
determine the presence or absence of drugs - NOT
their concentration - drug tests are NOT quantitative
41Drug concentrations or levels associated with
urine testing are, for the most part, USELESS !
- cocaine metabolite 517 ng/mL
- opiates negative
- cannabinoids negative
- amphetamines negative
42The Twins
200 mg Wonderbarb _at_ 800 AM Collect urine 800
PM 12 hours later
43The Twins - urine drug test results
Wonderbarb 638 ng/mL
Wonderbarb 3172 ng/mL
44The Twins - urine drug test results
physiological make up exact amount drug
consumed exact time of ingestion exact time
between drug exposure and urine collection AND
YET . . . . .
45The Twins - urine drug test results
Twin Bs urine drug level is 5 times higher
than Twin A
Wonderbarb 638 ng/mL
Wonderbarb 3172 ng/mL
46Are any of the following questions being asked in
your court?
- How positive is he/she?
- Are his/her levels increasing or decreasing?
- Is that a high level?
- Is he/she almost negative?
- Is this level from new drug use or continued
elimination from prior usage? - What is his/her baseline THC level?
- Does that level indicate relapse?
- Why is his/her level not going down? (or up?)
Urine drug concentrations are of little or no
interpretative value. The utilization of urine
drug test levels by drug courts generally
produces interpretations that are inappropriate,
factually unsupportable and without a scientific
foundation. Worst of all for the court system,
these urine drug level interpretations have no
forensic merit.
48Where do urine drug levels come from?
higher drug level
lower drug level
20 ng/mL
screening drug testing cutoff
49The Vicious Cycle
Courts provided with a number assume it has
value and requires interpretation
Labs know the urine levels are of little or no
inter- pretive value, and yet are
reported because of customer demand
Courts become dependent on urine levels
attempting to define client drug use behavior and
justify sanctions rewards
Labs are reluctant to discontinue practice and
risk revenue loss or customer dissatisfaction
50Scientific Rationale
- Technical Issues
- testing not linear
- tests measure total drug concentrations
- Physiological
- variability of urine output
- differential elimination of drug components
51Expected Values When the test is used as a
qualitative assay, the amount of drugs and
metabolites detected by the assay in any given
specimen cannot be estimated. The assay results
distinguish between positive and negative
specimens only.
52THIS ?
432 indicates he going up, right?
is 22 above the cutoff?
does 219 mean new use?
307 well shes almost negative, correct?
639 is really high for THC, isnt it?
I think 1200 is a new record, isnt it?
115 is down from yesterday, probably continued
515 is much higher than last week, right?
dont we need to consider relapse at 57?
Negative or Positive
54Advantages of Eliminating Drug Levels
- court decisions have a strong scientific basis
forensically sound - no longer attempt to interpret data that is not
interpretable - greater confidence in decision making process
- removes ambiguity associated with
manipulating numbers that few in drug court are
trained to do - adds additional fairness/equity in sanctions
rewards process
55Final Thought
However well-intentioned, the use of urine drug
testing levels cannot be supported by the science
and represents an adjudication practice that is
not forensically defensible. An unambiguous and
equitable evidentiary foundation that will pass
both scientific and legal scrutiny is crucial to
the continued success of drug courts (criminal
56On-site Drug Detection
Follow package insert guidance exactly!
57On-site Drug Detection
Intensity of band is NOT quantitative!
58The Drug Detection Window
59Defining the detection window
- the length of time in days following the last
substance usage that urine samples will continue
to produce positive drug test results - the number of days until last positive
- NOT - how long drugs will remain in a clients
system - reasonable estimate based upon many factors
drug use, biological and testing issues
60Factors Influencing Detection Window
- drug dose
- route of entry into body
- duration frequency of use
- rate of metabolism
- testing sensitivity
- specificity of testing method
61Relative Detection Times by Specimen
62Drug Detection Times - by Drug(this is general
- amphetamines up to 4 days
- cocaine up to 72 hours
- opiates up to 5 days
- PCP up to 6 days
- barbiturates up to a week
- benzodiazepines up to a week
- . . then theres alcohol cannabinoids
63Cannabinoid Detection in Urine
- Conventional wisdom has led to the common
assumption that cannabinoids will remain
detectable in urine for 30 days or longer
following the use of marijuana. - RESULT
- delay of therapeutic intervention
- hindered timely use of judicial sanctioning
- fostered denial of marijuana usage by clients
64Perpetuating 30-Plus Day Assumption
- Substance abuse treatment literature that
proclaims, some parts of the body still retain
THC even after a couple of months. - Drug abuse information targeted toward teens
Traces of THC can be detected by standard urine
and blood tests for about 2 days up to 11 weeks. - Health information websites that provide the
following guidance At the confirmation level of
15 ng/mL, the frequent user will be positive for
perhaps as long as 15 weeks. - And, last but not least Dr. Drew Pinsky (a.k.a.
Dr. Drew) who has been the co-host on the popular
call-in radio show "Loveline" for 17 years who
states Pot stays in your body, stored in fat
tissues, potentially your whole life.
65Cannabinoids - Recent/Relevant Research
- 30 day detection window often exaggerates
duration of detection window - reasonable pragmatic court guidance
- detection time at 50 ng/mL cutoff
- up to 3 days for single event/occasional use
- up to 10 days for heavy chronic use
- detection time at 20 ng/mL cutoff
- up to 7 days for single event/occasional use
- up to 21 days for heavy chronic use
66Addressing Imperatives for Cannabinoids
- acknowledge research reporting prolonged THC
elimination - establish a reasonable and pragmatic detection
window guidance for the vast majority of case
adjudications - sound judicial practice requires that court
decisions be based upon case-specific information - in unconventional situations that confound the
court, qualified toxicological assistance should
be sought
67Recent Cannabinoid Use versus Non-recent use
(double sanction issue)
- How do drug courts discriminate between new drug
exposure and continued elimination from previous
(chronic) use ? - an issue only in first phase of program
- only drug that poses concern is cannabinoids
- two negative test rule two back-to-back
negative drug tests post clean out
68Drug Courts Competing Imperatives
- the need for rapid therapeutic intervention
(sanctioning designed to produce behavioral
change) - the need to ensure that the evidentiary
standards, crafted to protect client rights, are
69Interpreting Individual Drug Class Results
70Amphetamines - Results Interpretation
- screening tests - drug class assays
- interpret positive results with caution
- some screening assays often have cross-reactivity
with structurally similar compounds - phenylpropanolamine - PPA
- ephedrine
- confirm results whenever possible
- detection time up to 4 days
71Cannabinoids - Results Interpretation
- drug specific assays
- cutoff levels 20 50 ng/mL
- positive results indicate presence of
cannabinoids - virtually no interferences - difficult to separate recent from non-recent use
due to lipophilic properties - detection time variable and complicated
- no passive inhalation
- Marinol
72Cocaine - Results Interpretation
- drug specific assays
- positive results indicate presence of cocaine
metabolites - virtually no interferences
- positive results almost always associated with
illicit drug use - detection time up to 3 days maximum
- negative result may not be clear indication of
73Opiates - Results Interpretation
- screening tests - drug class assays
- positive results indicate presence of opiates
- most assays not reactive toward synthetic
narcotic analgesics meperidine (Demerol),
propoxyphene (Darvon), methadone, pentazocine
(Talwin), fentanyl (Sublimaze) - poppy seed interference
- difficult to separate legitimate use from abuse
- detection time up to 4 days following
therapeutic use of codeine or morphine
74Alcohol - Results Interpretation
- screening tests specific for ethanol, ethyl
alcohol - positive results indicate presence alcohol
- alcohol is rapidly cleared from the body
- negative results dont necessarily document
abstinence - detection time hours
- example - person intoxicated at 1100 PM, collect
second urine sample of next day (1100 AM), most
likely test negative for alcohol
75Can alcohol be produced in a urine specimen as a
result of fermentation - leading to a false
positive result ?
76 (C6H12O6) yeast 2 CH3CH2OH 2
77Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG) New Strategy for
Monitoring Alcohol Abstinence
78Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance by
drug court clients and the most difficult
substance to detect in abstinence monitoring.
79Ethyl Glucuronide
80EtG new testing method for monitoring alcohol
81Advantages of Ethyl Glucuronide
- unique biological marker of alcohol use (no false
positives) - direct marker indicating recent use
- longer detection window than alcohol
- stable in stored specimens (non-volatile)
- is not formed by fermentation
- is not detected in the urine of abstinent subjects
82Disadvantages of Ethyl Glucuronide
- testing available at relatively few laboratories
- EtG testing more costly than abused drugs
- expensive LC/MS/MS technology
- introduction of new testing approaches
- most significant concern casual, inadvertent,
environmental alcohol exposure causing positive
83Urine EtG Concentrations Following Alcohol
- one 3.2 beer detection up to 24 hours
(alcohol - 90 minutes) - three 3.2 beers detection up to 48 hours
(alcohol - 3.5 hours)
84As of the Summer of 2006
- use of EtG testing in drug courts was showing
significant growth - courts were pleased to have a new abstinence
monitoring tool - issues regarding testing methodologies and
concerns about cutoff levels were actively being
discussed and debated - THEN . . . . . .
85On September 25, 2006 everything changed!
86(No Transcript)
87SAMHSA CSAT Advisory (9-25-06)
Currently, the use of an EtG test in determining
abstinence lacks sufficient proven specificity
for use as primary or sole evidence that an
individual prohibited from drinking, in a
criminal justice or a regulatory compliance
context, has truly been drinking. Legal or
disciplinary action based solely on a positive
EtG, is inappropriate and scientifically
unsupportable at this time. These tests should
currently be considered as potential valuable
clinical tools, but their use in forensic
settings is premature.
88What prompted SAMHSA Advisory ?
- the science of EtG testing - our capability to
employ highly sensitive testing procedures to
detect recent ethyl alcohol exposure - has
outpaced our ability to appropriately interpret
the test results in a forensically defensible
manner - consumption vs. unintended exposure
- CSAT (National Advisory Council) concluded that
there is inadequate research data about the
populations being tested
89Sources of Incidental Alcohol Exposure
- OTC medications (Nyquil)
- mouthwashes (Listermint Cepacol)
- herbal/homeopathic medications (i.e., tincture
of gingko biloba - memory) - foods containing alcohol (such as vanilla
extract, baked Alaska, cherries jubilee, etc.) - non-alcoholic beers (ODouls, Sharps)
- colognes body sprays
- insecticides (DEET)
- alcohol-based hand sanitizers (Purell, GermX)
90Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG) Where Do We Go From
92Positive EtG Result (500 ng/mL)
- a result reported as EtG positive in excess of
the 500 ng/mL cutoff is consistent with the
recent ingestion of alcohol-containing products
(1-2 days prior to specimen collection) by a
monitored client - studies examining incidental exposure widely
conclude that results in excess of the 500 ng/mL
cutoff are not associated with inadvertent or
environment ethanol sources
93Negative EtG Result (500 ng/mL)
- a result reported as EtG negative is indicative
of a client who has not ingested beverage alcohol
within 1-2 days prior to specimen collection - a negative result is not proof of abstinence
- advertised 80-hour window of detection not
real-world applicable
94Options for Client Sanctioning
- positive urine EtG - cutoff of at least 500 ng/mL
- combined with
- a client admission of use/relapse
- identification of behavioral indicators
- alcohol-related arrest or incident
- alcohol-related job action
- client seen in bar/tavern
- a violation of EtG-specific contract
95Two other considerations
- ethyl sulfate
- new EtG screening test
96Dont abandon EtG testing - adjust your methods
and cutoffs to address legitimate client
forensic concerns.
97Specimen Validity
98What the heck is creatinine and why should I
care ?
99What does it mean when a sample is reported as
dilute or as having a low creatinine ?
100What is creatinine ?
- creatinine is produced as a result of muscle
metabolism - creatinine is produced by the body at a
relatively constant rate throughout the day - creatinine is a compound that is unique to
biological material (i.e. urine, other body
fluids) - creatinine measurements can
- determine the strength or concentration of a
urine sample - ensure the sample being tested IS urine
101EVERY urine sample used for drug detection
should be tested for creatinine!
102Two Types of Urine Specimen Dilution
- pre collection dilution
- consumption of large quantities of fluids prior
to collection - post collection dilution
- adding fluid to specimen post collection
103Pre-Collection Dilution
- high-volume ingestion of fluids (water loading,
flushing, hydrating, etc.) - may be in conjunction with products designed to
enhance drug elimination or removal of drugs
(Gold Seal, Clean n Clear, Test-Free, Naturally
Klean, etc.) - no evidence these products have any additional
effect on drug elimination
104Water contains no drugs!
- easiest, cheapest, simplest
- urines with a creatinines of less than 20 mg/dL
are considered dilute and rarely reflect an
accurate picture of recent drug use - dilute samples are more like water than like
urine - all drug court/criminal justice samples should be
screened for creatinine
105How are creatinine measurements used ?
- normal human creatinine levels will vary during
the day based upon fluid intake - healthy
individuals will rarely produce urine samples
with creatinines of less than 20 mg/dL - incidence of creatinines less than 20 mg/dL in a
normal population is approximately 1 - urines with a creatinines of less than 20 mg/dL
are considered dilute and often do not reflect
an accurate picture of recent drug use
106Creatinine Facts
- some diseases that produce low urinary
creatinines - muscle wasting disease - RARE
- some kidney aliments - RARE
- low creatinines ARE NOT routinely associated
with - pregnancy
- diabetes
- obesity
- exercise
- high-blood pressure
- being vegetarian
107The Normal Creatinine
- incidence of low creatinines in a population
undergoing random drug testing is significantly
(up to 10 times) greater than a non-drug tested
population - any fluid intake dilutes the concentration of
drugs in urine (along with the creatinine) - normal urine creatinine 2005 study Urinary
Creatinine Concentrations in the U.S. Population
determine the mean (based upon 22,245
participants) was 130 mg/dL - less than 1 below 20 mg/dL
- only 3 greater than 300 mg/dL
108(No Transcript)
109More Creatinine Issues
- rapid ingestion (90 minutes) of 2-4 quarts of
fluid will almost always produce low creatinines
negative urine drug tests within one hour - recovery time of urine creatinine and drug
concentrations can take up to 10 hours - incidence of drugs in urine of diluted specimens
is over 5 times greater than in samples with
normal creatinine levels - dont allow physicians to become a clients
110Dilute Result Interpretation
- negative or none detected results should never be
interpreted as indicating no drug use
(abstinence), because if, in fact, drugs were
present, they probably could not be detected by
the test - positive drug test results from a dilute sample
however, are considered valid (donor was not able
to dilute the sample sufficiently to deceive the
111The Inadvertent Dilute
- My sample is dilute because I work as a roofer,
on a black roof, in the middle of August when the
temperature is 400 F. - it is possible for a client to achieve a urine
creatinine of less than 20 mg/dL under extreme
conditions - court needs to develop creative solutions
- collect samples before work
- collect samples on days off
- use alternative specimens
112Creatinine Action Levels
- urine creatinine of less than 20 mg/dL is
actionable - urine creatinine of less than 50 mg/dL is not
actionable - HOWEVER may be grounds for increased
client surveillance (i.e., increase testing,
increase treatment) - urine creatinine of greater than 300 mg/dL is
rare and abnormal - warning regarding unauthorized use of supplements
- increased surveillance/medical evaluation
- urine creatinine of greater than 400 mg/dL is
actionable - place creatine prohibition in client contract
113Creatinine Sanctions
- no national standard
- adjudicate as tampered sample - more severely
than positive sample - adjudicate as positive sample - court utilizes
positive sample sanctions - adjudicate as dilute sample - unique sanctions
- some courts allow one dilute sample per
phase/quarter - regardless of sanction - court MUST address this
114Two final thoughts about dilute urine samples .
. . . .
- a creatinine of less than 20 mg/dL (associated
with a drug test) is nearly always an attempt by
the donor to avoid drug use detection -
REGARDLESS of how much liquid was consumed in
order to achieve this result - place a dilute sample prohibition in your client
contract and sanction for repeat dilute samples
115Drug Detection Mythology - Kill the Myths!
116Myth 1
- Passive inhalation of marijuana smoke can cause a
positive drug test result. - NO - not if standard cutoffs are used
- THC (cannabinoid) assay uses variable cutoffs
(20, 50, 100 ng/mL) - passive inhalation research indicates less than
10 ng/mL in volunteer urines - no passive inhalation for crack
117Myth 2
- Advil (ibuprofen) causes false-positive drug
tests for marijuana - NO!
- problem with EMIT method corrected 15 years ago
- no medication - prescription/OTC causes
false-positive drug tests for marijuana
118Myth 3
- Consuming poppy seeds causes false-positive
drug tests for heroin - NO! - but?
- poppy seeds contain trace amounts of both codeine
and morphine - can causes positive drug test results for
opiate class - confirm positive opiates
119Myth 4
- Drinking vinegar or cranberry juice will produce
a negative urine drug test. - NO!
- theory is to cause a pH shift, making the urine
sample acidic - altering the chemistry of
immunoassay tests - in reality - the body detoxifies the acid
dilutes to physiological pH
120Myth 5
- consuming vitamins purges marijuana from the
system - quicker clean urine (niacin - B3) - NO!
- theory is vitamins increase metabolism
- in reality - no systemic changes
- however, vitamin DO produce urine coloration -
check creatinine
121Myth 6
- blood is a good alternative specimen for drugs of
abuse testing - FALSE!
- sample of limited volume
- dirtysample (protein, blood cells, lipids)
- drugs in low concentrations
- parent drugs with short half-life
- many testing methods not sufficiently sensitive
122Specimen Tampering
123Basics of Specimen Tampering - The Three
- dilution
- adulteration
- substitution
124Urine Specimen Dilution
- most common form of tampering
- pre collection dilution (hydration, water
loading, diuretics) - post collection dilution
- creatinine measurement
- dilution detection (validity checks)
125Pre-Collection Dilution
- high-volume ingestion of fluids (water loading,
flushing, hydrating, etc.) - may be in conjunction with products designed to
enhance drug elimination or removal of drugs
(Gold Seal, Clean n Clear, Test-Free, Naturally
Klean, etc.) - no evidence these products have any additional
effect on drug elimination
126Post-Collection Dilution
- agents added after sample collection designed to
dilute or thin drug concentration in urine - diluting agents (water, clean urine, other
fluids) - purpose of direct observation at collection
127Urine Specimen Adulteration
- addition of foreign substances designed to mask
drug presence - post-collection tampering
- low-tech adulterants that cause pH shift (lime,
vinegar, bleach, ammonia, lemon, drano) - low-tech adulterants that disrupt testing
chemistry (salt, methanol, detergent) - five common high-tech adulterants
128Urinaid, Byrd Laboratories
- gluteraldehyde
- sterilization chemical
- deactivates most screening tests - producing
false negative results - can be identified by laboratories employing
specimen validity tests - effects can not be reversed
129Klear Whizzies
- potassium nitrite, sodium nitrite
- analytical chemistry
- compromises the confirmation (GC/MS) of some
drugs, notably carboxy-THC - oxidizes drug and standards
- can be identified by laboratories employing
specimen validity tests (SVT) - effects can be reversed
130Urine Luck
- pyridinium chlorochromate/dichromate
- oxidizing agent in organic synthesis
- compromises the confirmation (GC/MS) carboxy-THC
and opiates - can also effect screening tests
- oxidizes drug and standards
- can be identified by laboratories employing
specimen validity tests (SVT) - effects can not be reversed
- peroxidase (vegetable source) peroxide
- oxidizing agent
- compromises the confirmation (GC/MS) carboxy-THC
and opiates - can also effect screening tests
- oxidizes drug and standards
- difficult to identify
- effects can not be reversed
132Other Adulterants
- Mary Jane Superclean 13 (surfactant)
- Clear Choice (gluteraldehyde)
- Amber-13 (acid)
- THC-Free (acid)
- Lucky Labs 418 (oxidant)
- Sweet Pees Spoiler (oxidant)
- Randys Klear Klear II (oxidants)
133Latest Update New Adulterants
- Bake N Shake (sodium persulfate)
- Urine Luck 6.6 (hydrofluoric acid)
- Clear-X (potassium nitrite)
- Diamond Purifier (unknown)
- Eradicator (probably chromate)
- NuKlear (unknown)
- Purafyzit (probably chromate)
- Randomizer (unknown)
134Urine Specimen Substitution
- replacing donor urine sample with another
drug-free specimen - biological substitution - someone elses clean
urine - non-biological substitution - replacing urine
with urine look-a-like sample (diet Mountain
Dew, water with food coloring) - non-biologicals can be detected with creatinine
135Controlling Specimen Tampering
- develop challenging collection strategy - ie.
make the testing unannounced and RANDOM! - directly observed collections is the most
effective approach to preventing adulteration and
substitution - inspect sample - train collection staff
- keep abreast of tampering techniques
- take temperature measurements (90 - 100 F)
- use laboratory employs specimen validity tests
use with on-site devices
136Checking for Adulterants
- not necessary on all samples
- creatinine - YES
- suspicious sample collection
- unusual sample characteristics
- client suspected of relapse who continues to
produce negative test results
137Specimen Validity Tests (SVT)
- creatinine, UUN
- specific gravity
- pH
- nitrites
- gluteraldehyde
- pyridine
- chromium
Request SVT from testing laboratory or use
dip-stick SVT products for on-site testing
138How to Beat a Drug Test
139Alternative Specimens(other than urine)
140So whats wrong with urine?
- generally readily available in large quantities
- drug metabolites are highly concentrated
- extensive scientific basis for methodology
- results accepted in court
- provides both recent and past usage
- uniform testing criteria (established cutoffs)
- easily tested (laboratory on-site)
- quality assurance practices well-established
141Problems With Urine as a Specimen
- YUCK factor!
- biological waste product
- distasteful qualities invasive collection
- NOT QUANTITATIVE cannot use concentration to
evaluate client drug use history - susceptible to tampering
- drug concentration influenced by fluid intake
- necessities witnessed collection
142Characteristics of a Good Drug Test
- scientifically valid
- employs proven methods techniques
- accepted by the scientific community
- legally defensible
- able to withstand challenge
- established court track record
- scrutinized by legal/judicial review
- therapeutically beneficial
- provides accurate profile of clients drug use
- provides rapid results for appropriate response
143Alternative Specimens
- Sweat (patch)
- Hair
- Saliva (oral fluids)
144Sweat Testing Advantages
- ability to monitor for extended periods
- FDA approval 7 days
- relatively client tamper-proof
- cost testing comparable to urine testing
- participant acceptability (non-invasive)
- low incident to allergic reactions
- approved by FDA
145Sweat Testing Disadvantages
- large variation in sweat production
- cannot detect prior exposure
- application process critical
- risk of contamination during application/ removal
- limited collection devices
- few testing laboratories
- risk of accidentally removal
- concern over environmental contamination
146Hair Testing Advantages
- provides long detection period (90 days)
- rapid, non-invasive sample collection
(compared to urine) - ease of obtaining, storing and shipping specimens
- potential for specimen tampering reduced
- second sample can be obtained
- no bio-hazard issues
- poppy seed interference not an issue
147Hair Testing Disadvantages
- cost 20 to 55 per panel
- limited number of labs testing hair
- inability to detect recent drug usage (drugs
dont appear in hair until 2 weeks after use) - bias - hair color, ethnic origin, gender remain
controversial - hair testing for marijuana remains problematic
- possibility of drug entry from sweat and
environmental sources
148Saliva Testing Advantages
- non-invasive sample collection (compared compared
to urine) - potential for specimen tampering reduced
- data related to behavior/performance (saliva
relationship to blood) - useful in detecting recent drug use
- on-site testing devices available
149Saliva Testing Disadvantages
- very short detection window (for many drugs the
detection period is a matter of hours) - heroin 4 - 8 hours (0 positives _at_ 24 hours)
- marijuana problematic, THC does not diffuse
from blood into oral fluid - cocaine 3 - 6 hours (0 positives _at_ 12 hours)
- relatively few laboratories providing commercial
151Eye Scanning Technology
- developed for safety-sensitive industries (i.e.,
transportation, manufacturing, etc.) - fitness impairment screener
- different measuring standards
- pupil response to infrared light
- variety of eye characteristics
- different decision algorithms
- measurements deviate from reference data
- comparison to individuals own sober scan
152Unresolved Eye Scan Issues
- no peer-reviewed research studies demonstrating
applicability of these devices to drug courts
(i.e., unproven effectiveness) - eye scans measure impairment - drug courts
mission is to determine abstinence - eye scanning detection - hours
- urine screening - days
- cross-reactivity toward fatigue sleep
deprivation - confirmation still required for positives
- cost savings claims unsupported
153Unresolved Eye Scan Issues (continued)
- cannot be used
- individuals under the age of 16
- clients with head injuries
- clients who are pregnant
- clients with epilepsy
- clients with eye injuries
- eye scans may not be appropriate for individuals
heavy duty drug users who have fried their
brains from long term drug use
154 Each alternative specimen is unique and offers
a somewhat different pattern of information
concerning drug use over time. Each
specimen has unique strengths and weaknesses (as
does urine) regarding the information obtained
from drug testing.
155Choice of Specimen
- urine remains the biological specimen of choice
for qualitative detection of illicit drug use in
the drug court setting - alternative specimens/technologies may be
considered as complimentary samples - alternative specimens/technologies hold future
promise for testing following resolution of
legal/scientific issues - some alternative specimens/technologies have
significant advances primarily because they are
non-invasive and reduced tampering potential
- educate yourself about drug testing - understand
its benefits limitations - develop a program and put it in writing
- train front-line supervisory staff
- develop a challenging collection strategy -
make sure its random - institute appropriate safeguards in collection
procedures to control tampering - select appropriate testing facility or on-site
157SUMMARY (continued)
- choose the specimen right for your program
- drug test often !
- confirm positive screening results whenever
possible - keep abreast of tampering techniques
- challenge your program - quality assurance
- develop a relationship with drug testing experts
- testing laboratory or on-site device vendor - understand that drug testing is only one part of
the overall drug court supervision process
158email address
- carypl_at_health.missouri.edu