Title: Strategic Planning
1Strategic Planning
2Goal 1 Improve Test Scores
- To improve state and local assessment scores
- Hire a Director of Curriculum
- Provide clear direction
- Develop common assessments
3Goal 2A World Class Curriculum
- Provide a world-class, expanded curriculum beyond
the core academics that will allow DKS students
to fully participate in a global economy - Provide opportunities in career, technology,
skilled trades, fine and performing arts and
community education
42007 Assessment Data
5Goal 1 Improve Test Scores
- Hire a
- Curriculum Director
- to
6Develop a scope and sequence for a unified
Math, Language Arts,Social Studies and Science
7Provide Professional Development in all K-12
core subjects
8Coordinate planning time for teachers
9Develop integrated time for teachers to respond
to K-12 Writing needs
10Identify Curricular priorities which reflect
state benchmarks
11Goal 2A World Class Curriculum
- Provide an
- expanded curriculum
- Including
12Enhance curricular offerings that support career
13Expand and Improve Technology Instruction
14Investigate K-12 Foreign Language
15Provide career opportunitiesInternshipsApprenti
cesJob Shadowing
16Increase enrichment opportunitiesCommunity
EducationExtended LearningDistance Learning