Title: Strategic Planning
1Strategic Planning
- Brenda Clark, Associate Superintendent of
Learning - Mathew Fail, Chief Quality Officer
2Who are we?
- Mission and Vision
- Core Competencies
- Culture
- ISS uses a 13-step, systematic strategic planning
process that starts in July-August and includes a
semi-annual SWOT analysis. - Board of Education self evaluates semi-annually
based on performance against strategic plan and
Systems Check III. - School and department teams use quarterly
improvement cycle to check progress against the
4Cascade of Strategic Planning Process
I-SS Mission/Vision
Strategic Plan (long Term and Short Term Goals)
District Leading Indicators
District PDSA
District SIP/DIP
5Annual Review
- Progress against strategic plan
- Comprehensive data analysis against monitored
data points
6- Mid/End-of-year Strategic Indicator Tracking
Sheet - ISS Objective _________________
- Did we meet our goal/objective for
2008-2009?_________ Are we on target for the
2010 goal? ________ - What are the key strengths and data to support
it? - What are the key opportunities for Improvement
and the data to support it?
See page 7of handout
7Strategic Planning
8Success Factor Key Strategic Goal Strategic Measures Timeline Horizons
High Student Performance 1.1 By 2010, I-SS will meet 95 of No Child Left behind Target Goals. 1.1.1 of No Child Left Behind Target Goals Met 2008 91 2009 93 2010 95
Healthy, Safe, Orderly, Caring Schools 2.2 By 2010, 95 of 5th, 7th and 9th graders will measure in the healthy, active zone as measured by the Fitness Gram 2.2.1 Fitness Gram 2008 85 2009 90 2010 95
See pages 25-28 of handout
9Strategic Planning Into Action
- Development of quarterly School Improvement
Plans, Department Improvement Plans, and cross
functional PDSA teams
10Improvement Planning
- Overall SMART Goal Your overall goal will
reflect a two to three year long range goal - Target SMART Goal/Measure
- Insert (or attach) data to support the selection
of the above stated overall SMART Goal and Target
SMART Goal - Quarterly Deployment
See pages 3-6 of handout
11(No Transcript)
12- Questions?
- Concerns
- Comments
13- Contact Information
- Brenda Clark, Associate Superintendent of
Learning brenda_clark_at_iss.k12.nc.us - Mathew Fail, Chief Quality Officer