Title: Clay County Flood 2006
1Clay County Flood 2006
2Above you can see some people travel with
tractors during flood times. Most of the time
this works but sometimes the water is too deep
even for them
3Here you can see a bridge totally submersed. The
flood waters have isolated many Areas. Many
people have their houses on high ground but can
not travel for food and clean water or needed
medical supplies. Many of our Search and Rescue
calls are to simply transport families out of the
area because of medical problems.
4Our entire airport is officially closed until the
water recedes.
5As you can see here, the land is wavy so boats
really do not work on the roads during a flood
because of dry spots and trucks dont work
because the water can be up to 4 foot deep. We
(the County) purchased an amphibious vehicle to
do rescue work with on Monday after this photo
was taken. This can be used on dry road, in
shallow water, and deep water which we are
presently experiencing.
6Here is another example of partially flooded
roads. Water then road then more water.
7This is one of the newer bridges in the county.
Too bad the road is not also upgraded. Also
notice the total crop destruction. This is going
to be a hard year for the county. I fear many
more farmers will go bankrupt and move to the
cities for jobs.
8This is all that is left of the road to my house.
I am more fortunate than many as I live in the
hills. Four wheel drive is the only way in and
out. We drive a four wheel drive because we must.
9This is a brave county worker. What has to be
done here is a backhoe is driven onto a bridge.
It the reaches under the bridge and cleans the
debris such as dead trees, straw, and trash out.
This then allows the water to flow under the
bridge. What you do not see in the picture is
moments earlier when the water was passing over
the bridge because of the debris blocking the
path under it.
10This is what happens when the backhoe operator
can not get on the bridge fast enough. The water
goes around and over the bridge washing out the
ends. Sometimes the bridge get totally destroyed.
11Many of the residents are not very wealthy, and
do the best they can. This home is no longer
livable as electric power becomes hazardous. The
owner can not even re-enter the home to get
clothes and such because to the electric hazard.
Notice the propane tank in back. A very real
danger is this tank can float and break its
connection and becomes a mobile fire/explosion
12Another problem is when fires do happen is Fire
Trucks can not get to the houses. This house
totally destroyed by fire. You can see a fire
still burning 24 hours later. This fire is being
fed by the propane tank in the back.
13(No Transcript)
14Many business and homes are damaged.
15Here is one of our county employees Bugs
smiling. The whole time I was out surveying
damage all the county employees, most working
overtime, were friendly and supportive knowing a
positive attitude helps in a crises. We also
know there is work to be done and we gotta get to