Title: 3rd National Prevention Summit October 25, 2005 Washington, D'C'
13rd National Prevention SummitOctober 25,
2005Washington, D.C.
- Dont Let Cancer Silence You A Case Study in
Community-Based Efforts to Reduce Health
Disparities - Presented by
- Velonda Thompson, PhD
2Dont Let Cancer Silence You
3Improving Cancer Outcomes of African Americans in
Michigan (ICOAA) is
- A collaboration
- Faith Access to Community Economic Development
(F.A.C.E.D.) - The Michigan Department of Community Health
- A multifaceted programmed designed to mobilize
African Americans in designing appropriate
methods to promote a greater understanding of the
disparity of cancer illness and death in the
African American community. - This initiative focuses on the five cities
- Detroit, Flint, Lansing, Pontiac, and Saginaw.
Initial Planning Group (2002)
Key Leaders
Expanded Planning Group
Community Engagement
5ICOAA Purpose
- In each community, stakeholders have come
together as Community Design Teams charged with
developing interventions that achieve five
primary goals - Decrease myths about cancer in the African
American Community - Increase awareness about cancer in the African
American Community - Increase knowledge about cancer in the African
American Community - Increase communication about cancer in the
African American Community - Increase utilization of cancer screening programs
in the African American Community
6Community Cancer Outreach Intervention
- Community Cancer Advocate model
- A 7-step process based on the recruitment and
training of volunteers - Implementation strategy focuses on engaging
faith-based stakeholders throughout a given city.
7Community Cancer Outreach Intervention ADVOCATES
- Recruit Project Coordinator
- Staff
- Recruit Planning Team
- Community Stakeholders
- Recruit Implementation Team
- Volunteers
- Plan and Conduct Advocate Training
- Phase I - Planning
- Phase II - Conducting
- Implementing the Intervention
- Schedule Advocates to Intervention Activity
8Recruit Project Coordinator
- It is recommended that this position be filled by
a paid staff member - Role
- Organize and coordinate the work of the planning
and implementation teams. - Responsibilities
- Facilitate recruitment of planning team
- Schedule relevant planning meetings
- Follow-up on assignments between meetings to
ensure timelines are met - Identify cancer resources in the community
9Recruit Planning Team
- Community Stakeholders can be anyone or any
organization (church, business, etc.) that is
interested in being a community champion in
spreading the word about disease prevention. - Responsibilities
- Identify resources such educational materials and
attendee giveaways that support the education
intervention - Recruit volunteers for advocate training
(Implementation Team). - Develop intervention budget (Identify sources for
in-kind donations) - Develops an intervention evaluation plan.
10Recruit Implementation Team
- The project coordinator and the planning team,
recruits volunteers to participate in the
Community Cancer Advocate Training. - Recruiting Tips
- Develop recruitment flyer
- Each planning team member recruit volunteers
- Distribute flyers at community events
- Free Community Cancer Advocate Training
- Sponsored by the
- Improving Cancer Outcomes for African Americans
in Michigan - Detroit Design Team
- Are you
- Interested in learning more about cancer?
- Apart of or starting a health ministry?
- Interested in the health of your community?
- Willing to inform your organization or church
about cancer? - If you answered yes to any of the questions
- then becoming a Community Cancer Advocate is
right for you! - Dont Let Cancer Silence You Call
1-866-322-3301 - Help create cancer awaren11ess and action in our
community! - For more information
- Name ____________________________________________
_____ - Address _________________________ Zip Code
______________ - Email ____________________________ Phone
12Planning and Conducting An Advocate
TrainingPhase I (Planning)
- This phase is best when given a 60 day roll-out
period. - Planning Tips
- Select trainer
- Develop specific education presentation
- Develop trainers binders
- Secure training dates
- Determine menu for attendees
- Secure notebooks, pens and certificates for
expected attendees (donated or budgeted?) - Determine advocate appreciation awards
13Planning and Conducting An Advocate
TrainingPhase II (Conducting)
- Sample agenda
- Community Cancer Advocate Training
- February 23, 2005
- 6-800 pm
- Karmanos Cancer Institute
- Welcome and Introductions
- Review of Agenda
- About Community Cancer Outreach
- Project History
- Planning Team
- How Volunteers Can Help
- Outreach Presentation
- Review of Toolkit
- Materials
- Resource sheet
- Pre/Post test
- d. Material order form
- Project implementation timeline
14Implementing the Intervention
- The timeline for the intervention should be
developed and regularly updated by the Planning
Team. - Allowing 60 90 days to get you to this point
- Implementation time will depend on the original
education goal. While recruited advocates are
expected to secure educating opportunities, 75
of the intervention activity opportunity will be
secured by the project coordinator. - The coordinator will ensure that advocates have
sets of resource material to distribute to
attendees. - Implementation Tip
- A large measure of success is added when the
coordinator is available to attend and/or assist
advocate at first time presentation.
15Project Management
- This phase focuses on maintenance
- Managing the materials (education brochures,
handouts, incentive items) - Tracking data (pre/post surveys).
- Revise timeline
- Include summary reporting periods
- Include interim meetings with Community Advocates.
16Dont Let Cancer Silence You