Title: Atlanta Chapter
1Atlanta Chapter International Facility Management
Association Water Conservation Regulatory
Environment forInstitutional / Commercial
Presented byDan Loudermilk Technical
June 18, 2008
2In This Presentation
- Shameless Plug for P2AD
- General Water Use in Institutional Commercial
Facilities - Regulatory Environment
- Sustainable Office Toolkit
- Water Saving Options
- Implementing Changes
- Changing Behavior / Continuous Improvement
3What Does P2AD Do?
- A non-regulatory division of the Georgia
department of natural resources. - P2AD provides free, confidential assistance to
ANY Georgia business that wants to reduce
resource consumption, waste generation, and air
emissions. - These services are available to all Georgia
businesses, service industries, government
agencies and institutions.
4Dont Put All of Your Efforts on the Back End!
5Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia
- Performance-based environmental leadership
program. - Aligned with EPA performance track.
- Based on ISO 14001 EMS framework.
- Three tiered program.
- Strives to assist, connect and reward.
6Industrial/Commercial/Institutional (ICI)Water
Use Observations
- 15 of Georgias total use
- 20-40 of billed municipal water demand
- Highly variable by climate/seasons
- End use varies by type of business, location and
7Commercial and Institutional Water Use in USA
- Water Use Distribution (Annual Averages)
- We will cover domesticand cooling/heatingtoday
- We will NOTcover
- LandscapeCurrently Prohibitedby most
jurisdictions. - Cleaning/Sanitation
- Very Specialized
- USDA Regulations affect food processing industries
8Domestic Uses of Water
- Common to all
- Toilet flushing
- Hand washing
- Common to most
- Showers
- Dishwashing
- Laundry
- Common for food preparation
- Food and drink preparation
- Ice and ice-cream machines
9Cooling Heating Systems
- Most common cooling system water use in I/C
Buildings from Cooling towers - Can be single largest water user in the summer.
- Many options for reducing water use.
- Common heating systems in I/C Buildings
- Boilers Constant water use in winter.
- Evaporation and leaks cause most water loss.
10Regulatory Environment
- Georgia Statewide Water Plan Approved by
Legislature Signed by Governor on February 12,
2008(http//www.georgiawaterplanning.org/) - Water plans will be prepared by eleven Water
Planning Regions - Few specifics, mostly a who will do what in
planning for water resources in each region. - EPD will provide guidance oversight
- Many existing state agencies will provide
resources to regions.
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13Water Conservation Implementation Plan
- Part of the assistance to be provided by EPD as
part of the Statewide Water Plan - Provides detailed direction for realizing water
conservation results necessary to achieve
Georgias vision of sustainable water management. - Will help foster a culture of conservation in
Georgia by focusing on implementation, not on
14WCIP Sector Breakdown
15Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
Continual Improvement
16Why a Separate Approach for Small Business?
- Traditional EMS structure works best for
manufacturers and large institutions. - Smaller organizations dont feel their issues
warrant a full EMS. - GA has 15 times more small businesses than large
businesses. - Small businesses account for over 50 of the
gross state product (GSP). - Small businesses use 20 to 30 of Georgia
natural resources.
17What Is The Sustainable Office Toolkit?
A framework to aid office-based businesses in
understanding and reducing their environmental
footprint. Not limited for use by small
businesses only!
18Core Principles
- Sustainability
- Environment, economy, equity
- Continual improvement
- Self-sufficiency
- Holistic Thinking
- Organizational Footprint
19Identifying Connections
Energy Loss
Air Emissions
Supplies Utilities
Hazardous Waste
20The Toolkits Seven Steps
- Gathering Information
- Securing Support
- Forming Teams
- Selecting Planning a Program
- Launching the Program
- Encouraging Participation
- Monitoring the Program
21Seven Modules
- Waste Reduction
- Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
- Energy Conservation
- Water Conservation
- Alternative Transportation
- Green Building
- Corporate Social Responsibility
22Toolkit Features
- Best Practices from around the U.S.
- Case Studies Lessons Learned
- Sources of Free Online Help
- Templates for Promotional Activities Training
- Online Resources by Chapter / Step
- Tracking Monitoring Forms
- Stealth EMS Development
- Specialized Tips for both Tenants Property
23Managing WaterGetting Started
Whats our usage/costs?
Review Bills
Are they reasonable?
Whats our usage/costs?
Review Bills
Are they reasonable?
- What drives water use in office bldgs?
- Employees
- Examples
- Public Admin 106 gal/empl/day (Vickers)
- Office 15 gal/empl/day (FEMP)
- Depends on assumptions
- Studies often dated/regionally-specific
- Must understand YOUR water use
- Compare use among buildings will lead to
26Where to Focus?
Whats our usage/costs?
Review Bills
Are they reasonable?
Where should we focus?
Inventory Measure
27Conducting a Water Audit
28What Is a Water Audit?
- A water audit is an on-site survey and
assessment of water-using hardware, fixtures,
equipment, landscaping, and management practices
to determine the efficiency of water use and to
develop recommendations for improving water-use
29How Do I Perform a Water Audit ?
- Collect meter readings and water bills including
any historical information. - Identify areas of greatest water use by metering
or measuring (ID at least 80 of water use). - Inventory water use of all equipment, porcelain
fixtures, and leaks. - Quantify water flow and quality needs.
- Summarize data and check against bills and
industry benchmarks for consistency.
30Equipment Audit Information
- Flow rates and number of all water using
fixtures/equipment. - Hours/Day and Days/Week use of equipment. Verify
with operator! - Obtain Model number of water using equipment
where flow rates cannot be calculated or measured
and locate manufacturers data for equipment.
31Measuring with Bucket and Stopwatch
- Know what you are measuring!
- Verify how operators / users adjust equipment for
water use. How many different users? - Bring many different containers for measuring
in/under sinks, sumps, showers, troughs, etc - Measure at least two times and average (Three
times preferred). - Measure at least 10 of similar devices scattered
randomly throughout facility (20 preferred).
Toilets, sinks, showers, etc - Dont forget rain jacket, hat boots!
32Domestic Audit Info
- Number and type of water-using appliances
- Average number of uses per day
- Amount of time items are used
- Leak history information
- Age of water lines
- Check for leaks
33Unencumbered by the thought process?
34Missing Hose Nozzle
35Sink Without Aerator
36Other Water Efficiency Measures
- Sub metering
- Look at utility bills monthly
- Behavior modification (Most Difficult!)
37How to Choose Options
Whats our usage/costs?
Review Bills
Are they reasonable?
Analyze Cost/Benefit
What are the options?
Where should we focus?
Inventory Measure
38Water Efficiency Calculators
- Located at www.p2ad.org
- General (non process)
- Counter current rinse
- Cooling tower
- Landscape
39Download and use Watergy.xls
- WATERGY A Water and Energy Conservation Model
for Federal Facilities - http//www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/information/down
load_watergy.html - Its Free!
40Analysis / Cost - Benefit
- Baseline data Vs. Proposed Improvements
- How many fixtures? Phased-in?
- Changes in Procedures Dont forget training
costs! - Savings Remember to add energy and employee
time savings where applicable. - Look for web references under Full Cost
Accounting or Life-Cycle Costing.
41Prioritize Appropriately
Install New Equipment 3 10 YEAR
Demand Side
Upgrade Equipment lt 2 YEAR PAYBACK
Implement BMPs Change Procedures 0 1 YEAR
Supply Side
Move up the opportunity hierarchy
42Implement Check Progress
Whats our usage/costs?
Review Bills
Are they reasonable?
Analyze Cost/Benefit
What are the options?
Where should we focus?
Inventory Measure
43Implementing Changes
- Start with Highest Return / Lowest Cost items
first! (Not just highest water savings) - Behavioral Changes Biggest bang for the buck,
but most difficult to maintain be sure to use
bottom up Vs. top down approach. - Procedural Changes Track and verify results
- Track metrics for changes and post where
responsible individuals can see daily or weekly.
44Next Steps Keep it Going!
- Monitor Improvements by continuing to collect and
record data. - Analyze data again periodically.
- Have water costs increased?
- Have technology solution costs decreased?
- Are there new technology solutions?
- Have operations changed?
- Find better ways to collect data, and collect
better data! If you cant measure, you cant
45For More Information
- Visit www.p2ad.org and select the sustainable
office toolkit. - Partnership program information also online.
- Program enrollment any time during year.
- Email info_at_p2ad.Org .