Title: ESA Info Day on EO programs
1- ESA Info Day on EO programs
- ESTEC, 06-N0v-02
- ESA Earthwatch Programme
- GMES Services Element
- First Services Consolidation Actions
- Mark Doherty
- Directorate of EO Programmes
2European Commission
European Space Agency
European and national user agencies
European and national space organisations
GMES builds upon existing capacities and
RD institutions
and other partners
Public Policy
Governments, EU International Organisations Regul
atory Bodies Industry General Public
Space Agencies Scientific Community Aerospace
Industry Value Adding Industry
European Service IT Industry
4GMES Services Element (GSE)
- ESA Programme dedicated to GMES
- Approved ESA Ministerial Council Nov 2001
- Earthwatch element
- Deliver Operational Services
- Support for environmental security policies
- Budget
- 83 Meuro
- 5 years
5GSE Objectives
- Short-term
- Foster maximum use of EO-based services in
support of European Policies on Environment
Security - Long-Term
- Establish case for future EO-based operational
systems to delivery policy-related info for
benefit of Europes citizens
6GSE Programme sequence
User Consultations
full operationalisation
New Services preparation
inputs to GMES report
7GMES Priority Themes
- GMES Steering Committee
- Land cover Change in Europe
- Environmental Stress in Europe
- Global Vegetation Monitoring
- Global Ocean Monitoring
- Global Atmosphere Monitoring
- Support to Regional Development Aid
- Systems for Risk Management
- Systems for Crisis Management Humanitarian Aid
- Horizontal Support
- Information management tools
- contribution to development of ..
- European Spatial Data Infrastructure
8GSE Services Selection Criteria (i)
- Response to environment security policies
- EU ESA Member states
- National or international level
- Relevance for many European countries regions
- export potential outside of Europe
- Benefits an EO-based solution for users
- Potential to stimulate increased use of EO
9GSE Services Selection Criteria (ii)
- Level of user engagement to services
- Engaged authoritative user organisations
- Champion users
- Service growth potential
- can respond to user demand for improved services
- new research results provide improvement path
- Prospects of reaching sustainability
- i.e. long-term continuation with non-ESA funding
- How when
- GMES Timeframe
10GSE Services Selection Criteria (iii)
- Maturity of Methodology pre-cursor services
- Existence, status, performance, validation,
robustness, - Know limitations, blockages solutions
- Demonstrable user-acceptance
- Current user-base, growth in demand for services
- Compliance with user-domain standards
- compatibility with user practices existing
sources - Feasibility timescales
- Utilisation of available proven EO capabilities
- European Canadian
- Third party when justified
11Service Sustainability
- readily accessible to users when needed
- now in future
- consistently meet user-defined quality
- standards
- overall benefits justify Costs
- Build-on Existing capabilities
- Get more value from Publicly-funded RD
- European Service Capability put it together..
13Service Consolidation Logic
- Top-down logic
- Identify Policy sector
- Identify Service Portfolio
- Identify largest possible global-user-base
- Bottom-up working methods
- Serve core-user-group
- Collect respond to their feedback
- Identify growth paths
- Improve service-portfolio (benefits)
- Identify required service infrastructure
- Scale-up (users, benefits, service)
Incremental growth
14Scope of Consolidation ITT
- Select a first set of service-portfolios
- Perform all necessary consolidation activities
consolidated European ES service-offering
inputs to GMES proposal (end 2003)
inputs to Earthwatch definition
basis for full GMES service implementation
15Cardinal Requirement
- Complete, clear convincing answers
- What information is needed?
- What services can be provided?
- What are the benefits for Europes Citizens?
- Do the benefits justify the costs
- Geographic scope
- Global continental regional national local
- Timescale
- Present 10 years
16Timescales 0-2-5-10y
- Present
- Precursor-services
- Archives
- Next 2 years
- Existing data sources
- Mature methods
- 2-5 years
- New data sources
- New methods
- New systems
- 5-10 years
- New infrastructure
17User types
- With existing needs driven by policy
- Public-bodies, policy makers, non-governmental
organisations, private organisations that have
statutory, regulatory or operational
responsibility for monitoring reporting on
specific sectors of public policy on Environment
18Service types
- End-to-end
- Inventory updates, compliance assessments, early
warning, forecasts, impact assessments, hazards
mapping, map updates, hot-spots monitoring
19Source Data Types
- Earth-Observation
- Archives
- Available Operational systems
- New operational systems (when available)
- European systems Third party (as required)
- In-situ
- Ground, air-borne, ocean-based observations
- Models
- Assimilation forecasting
20Infrastructure types
- Service infrastructure
- EO-value adding, forecasting centres, mapping
centres, Land-survey centres - Space (EO) infrastructure
- Satellites, ground-segments, archives, processors
- In-situ infrastructure
- Ground-based, air-borne, buoy networks
- User- infrastructure
- Decision support facilities, training facilities,
airborne facilities, information networks
21Contract Deliverables
- Deliverables to end-users
- Products services from service-portfolio
- Deliverables to ESA
- User-side Dossier
- End-users their needs
- Supply-side Dossier
- European Service-offering infrastructure
- Common Dossier
- Policy Drivers joint response actions of user
22Two-phase contracts
- 10 months each
- mid-term review
- Phase 1
- Establish partnership core-user-group
- Uncover issues
- Establish annual operations planning cycle
- Inputs to GMES interim report BENEFITS
- Phase 2
- Promote Train
- Size infrastructure
- Full Cost Benefits Analysis
- Earthwatch requirements
23Consolidation schedule
C o L O C A T I O N
GSE Orientation co-location
GMES 2004-2008 inputs co-location
GSE Programme Review co-location
contracts phase 1
contracts phase 2