Title: ACTION L'IN'C Leather Integrated Cooperation
1ACTION L.IN.CLeather Integrated Cooperation
- Innovative measures financed under Article 6of
the European Social Fund Regulation - BUDGET HEADING 04.021000.00.11
- "Innovative Approaches to the Management of
Change"Call for Proposals VP / 2003 / 21
- EOMMEX S.A Project Promoter
- AIICA -Spain
- CTIC -Portugal
- CTC -Portugal
- APIC -Portugal
- ENEA -Italy
- Gemini /Grupo Paladrani -Italy
- ELKEDE -Greece
- TEI -Greece
- Athens Network of Collaborating Experts NGO
Greece - Zenon A.E -Greece
- I know how -Greece
- European Profiles S.A. Greece
- Designing and Implementing an innovative age
management strategy in Leather production SMEs
from four Mediterranean countries - Raising awareness of employers on the issues of
active ageing - Work placements through innovative methods of
training, flexible work practices - Upgrading skills of the target group and
encourage active learning
4- The creation of the Pan-Mediterranean Network
with the active participation of the most
representative partners from each country in the
sector - The tailor made training programmes and life-long
learning methodologies - Thematic seminars on age employability awareness
for employers - The short term transnational exchanges of
employees between SMEs and job shadowing
5Aiming at
- Promoting of an integrated age management
strategy that will retain older workers in
employment - Co-operating of organisations within the social
dialogue framework and promoting changes in
attitudes - Sensitisation of trade unions and other public
bodies, to participate actively in employment
6Project Activities
- Desk and field research on the employability of
older workers - Design and promotion of integrated age management
strategy to support the retention and
redeployment of older workers - Transnational exchange and co-operation
(including dissemination) - Project management
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Specific Age management strategy
- Training programmes
- Pilot methods-job shadowing
- Studies, researches and methodological guides
- Policy recommendations
- Awareness raising for employers
- A. Research on the employability of older workers
in textile and leather production - Actions
- A.1. Field research in each country
- A.2. Comparative analysis of the 4 field
researches - Deliverables
- The 4 field researches (one for each country)
- The Comparative Analysis
9B. Design and implementation of the innovative
age management strategy.
- Actions
- B.1. Design of the age management strategy
- B.2. Pilot implementation of the strategy
- Deliverables
- The age management strategy
- Pilot implementation in 4 countries
10C. Tailor-made training
Actions C.1. Design of tailor-made training
programmes C.2. Design of life-long learning
programmes C.3. Delivery of tailor-made training
programmes Deliverables The tailor made training
programmes The life-long learning programmes The
realisation of 48 training sessions The training
material The training evaluation reports
11D. Public awareness campaignActionsD.1.
Thematic seminars on age employability awareness
for employersD.2. Sensitisation of public
authoritiesD.3. Media campaignD.4. Creation of
a special phone line in each countryDeliverables
4 thematic seminars (one in each country)8
seminars for the staff of public
authoritiesPress announcements An information
line in each country
12E. Transnational co-operation ActionsE.1.
Exchange of good practice workshops E.2. Design
and implementation of the IT platformE.3. Short
term exchanges of employees E.4. Job
shadowingE.5 European ConferencesDeliverables4
workshops A good practice Guide in 5 languages
IT platform called MED-iterannean NET4
exchanges of 10 days duration each, one in each
country4 visits of the partners organisations
personnel3 EU Conferences
13F. Project management
Actions F.1. Project organisation F.2. Project
Communications and Reporting F.3. Financial
management and Control System (FMCS)
Deliverables The Operational Plan and the
Steering Committee formation Quality Assurance
Documents and Consortium Agreements 4 Steering
Committee meetings 6 Project Team meetings 2
status reports 1 progress report-1 final
report The FMCS and guidelines
14G. On going monitoring and evaluation
- Actions
- G.1. Design of the monitoring and evaluation
strategy - G.2. Data collection and elaboration
- G.3. Development of conclusions and report to the
stakeholders of findings and recommendations - Deliverables
- An integrated monitoring and evaluation system
- Collection of data and information
- The report of findings and recommendations
15H. Dissemination and mainstreaming
- Actions
- H.1. Design of the dissemination plan
- H.2. Promotional material
- H.3. Organisation of Conference
- H.4. www dissémination
- H.5. Media campaign
- H.6. Quarterly Newsletter
- H.7. Workshops and seminars
- H.8. Production of training material and CD ROM
- Deliverables
- Dissemination plan
- Promotional material
- Web portal
- Newsletter
- Training material and CD ROM
16Transnational exchange
Sharing and exchange of new ideas and
innovative approaches to promote further
innovation and produce more effective outcomes,
and to ensure the best possible dissemination of
the projects results
17Transnational exchange
- Workshops
- Short term exchanges of employees (job-shadowing)
- Organisation of conferences
- Website development